
Barent Egberts of Delaware

Page history last edited by Liz Johnson 14 years, 10 months ago

Barent Egberts of Schuttorf, Germany, New Amsterdam and of Delaware


"On a visit to Amsterdam, the wife of [[Salomon]] La Chair had hired for her husband Barent Egberts from Schutterop (Schuttorf, Germany) on 19 Apr. 1655 [Not. G. Borsselaer]. Barent married [NYDR] in 1657, Aechje Alberts from Emderlandt." [William J. Hoffman, "Random Notes Concerning Settlers of Dutch Descent" from TAG 1953, Vol. 29, No. 2, p. 71 at http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~wynkoop/webdocs/tag1.htm]


Schuttorf, Germany is 180 kilometers east of Amsterdam and of Utrecht, just over the modern Dutch border with Germany.


Barent Egberts may have arrived in New Amsterdam aboard the "Bonte Koe" which sailed from Amsterdam after April 19 1655, arriving at New Amsterdam before 12 July 1655. Although indexed as "Van Schutterop" in certain reference works, there is no indication that this was ever used as a surname. The man in the various records still extant, of New Amsterdam / New York and of Delaware, was called Barent Egberts or Barent Egbertszen.


Barent Egberts in New Amsterdam


Barent Egberts married Aechtje Alberts of Embderland in late 1657 in New Amsterdam:

[1657] 15 Nov; Barent Egbertszen, van Schuttorp in 't Graefschap Benthem; Aechtje Alberts, van Embderlant


13 April 1657. Barent Egberts, tailor --purchased small burger right in New Amsterdam. [RNA 7:222]


Dec. 20, 1657.

Barent Egbersen requests lot. He is granted lot formerly granted to Jan Martyn, situated on the South side of the Smee Street, numbered N° 6, at payment of 50 guilders.

[Dutch Records in the City Clerk's Office, New York , Part I, Orphans Court Minutes, p. 22 (from HSYB 1901. T.M. Banta, ed; New York, N.Y. )]


1658. Altercations that led to court appearance... Barent Egberts' wife is expecting:


[Monday, 6 May, 1658]

Schout Nicasius de Sille, pltf. v/s Barent Egbersen and wife and Jan Smedinck and wife, defts. The pltf. states, that the defts. complained of each other to him, and that they kept a disorderly house and beat each other and that Jan Smedingh stated, he had hired half the house, they occupied from Barent Egbertsen and that Secretary van Ruyven released him from the hire; requesting that they may be separated. Barent Egbertsen answers, he rented half the house to Jan Smedinck by the month with liberty to leave it at any time; saying further, that the women had words together and that his wife struck Jan Smedincks wife on the back, but that Jan Smedincks wife struck his wife more severely and Jan Smedinck also; and that his wife is near her time. The Court having heard parties order, that Jan Smedinck shall quit the house on condition of paying according to his promise.

[RNA 2:376]


Aug 18 1658.

Solmon La Chair and his wife (who had hired Barent Egberts in 1655) were baptismal sponsors for Tryntje, a child of Barent and his wife Aechje Alberts, on 18 August 1658 in the New Amsterdam Dutch Reform Church:

1658 Aug 18; Barent Egbertszen, Aechtje Alberts; Tryntie; Legaer and his wife


1667. Barent Egberts purchased property in New Amsterdam from Ariaen Van Laer:



LOT 5 [[Block K]]



Apl. 15 Gr-br. to Adriaen Van Laer, (HH-2: 126.) Desc: A lot in this city on E. of Hendrick Blaurock; on W. of Cornelis Jansen; in br. on S. 21 ft. (wood measure); on N. 20 ft., 7 Ins.; in length on W. 76 ft., 8 Ins., on E., 69 ft.



Jan. 3 Deed. Ariaen Van Laer to Barent Egbertsen Van Schutterop. (Lib. B, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 108.) Desc: Ho. and lot within the said city, at the City Wall; s. a. gr-br. (supra).



Feb. 13 Conf. Governor Nicolls to Barent Egberts Van Schutterop. (Pats. Alb., II: 164.) Recites above transport.


Desc: Cert. ho. and lot lying and being In the street commonly called the State's Wall, on the E. side of Hendrick Blaenrock's, and on the W. side of Cornelys Jans; cont'g in br. on S. side, 21 ft. and on N. side, 20 ft., 7 Ins.; in length on the W. side, 77 ft., 8 Ins.; and on E. side, 69 ft.


[Stokes, I. N. Phelps The iconography of Manhattan Island 1498-1909 (v. 2) p. 392 (New York : Robert H. Dodd, 1915-1928).]



April 1665. Burgers and inhabitants of New Amsterdam, assessed for quartering soldiers. Barent Eghbertzen -- on the Singel (city wall) -- no charge.

[RNA 5:222]


Approximately 1668 or 1669, Barent Egberts sold his New Amsterdam (then New York) property to Jacob Leysler.

1901 Year Book of the Holland Society, Index of grantors 1665-72 shows (p. 146 of HSYB):

Egbertsen, Barent, to Jacob Leyselaar on page 138

-- for grantees shows (p. 143 of HSYB):

Leyslaer, Jacob, from B. Egvertsen Van Scudrop page 138.

[1901 Year Book of the Holland Society index of conveyances and mortgages --grantees and of grantors 1665-72, pp. 143 and 156] Howard Swain notes that this index does not give the transaction dates, but he writes: "But the index covers 1665 - 1672 and the "pages" indicated seem to range from 1 to 230+. So, one might guess as a start that Barent's transfer was somewhere in the middle -- say 1668 or 1669. But definitely before 1672." [email to Dutch-Colonies-list on Rootsweb.com dated 15 April, 2010.]


Barent Egberts in Delaware


By June 1675, Barent Egberts (then called 'Barnard Egbert') was part of a general riot in New Castle, Delaware, on the occasion of an order for inhabitants of New Castle to put in two day's work on a local dike that existed mainly on private property. William Tom, then in charge at New Castle, wrote of the dike rebellion to Governor Andros on 8 June, 1675, relating this affair. See PA Arch II Vol. VII, p. 775-777, Egberts' name appearing on p. 776 along with names of other rioters.


Before the end of 1675, Barent Egberts had taken up 300 acres of land in New Castle County, Delaware, located at the southeast side of the south west branch of St. George's Creek (south and west of New Castle town), next to that of John Ogle. His confirmation was dated 5 November 1675. Note that the warrant for this property is missing the complete date; Barent Egberts was probably in New Castle County closer to 1668 or 1669.


Warrant for land in the Delaware

Edmund Andros Esq. Whereas there is a certaine tract of Land called Black Smith Hall on the Westard side of Delaware river & on the Southward side of St. George's Creeke, toward the Head of a branch that extended itself W. S. W. out of the maine Creeke, the which by vertue of a warrant hath been layd out for Bernard Egberts being bounded on the N. N. W. with the said branch on the E. N. E. with a line of marked trees, dividing this from the land of John Ogleton, the W. S. W. with a line drawne S. S. E. for a Corner marked White Oake, on a low point at the mouth of a small swamp, & on the South South East with the main Woods, containing and layd out for three hundred acres of land, as by return of the Survey under the hand of the Sutveyor, doth and may appear. Now know yee &c. Quitt rent three bushell. Dated the day of Anno Domini, 167. Bernard Egberts Ex'd Q Rent 3 bushells

Fo 53

[Duke of York Record, p. 105]


Patent for land in the Delaware

A Confirmation granted unto Bernard Egberts for land in Delaware.

Edmund Andros Esq. &c. Whereas there is a certain parcell of land called Black Smiths Hall, scituate and being on the West side of Delaware river, the which by vertue of warrant hath been layd out for Bernard Egberts, the said land lying on the South side of St. George's creek, towards the head of a certain branch which extendeth itself West South West out of the main creek, being bounded on the North North West with the said Branch on the East North East, with a line of marked trees, dividing this from the land of John Ogle, on the West South West, with a line drawne South South East from a corner markt (223) White Oake, on a low point at the mouth of a small swampe and on the South South East with the maine woods; containing and laid out for three hundred acres of land as by the return of the Survey, under the hand of Capt. Edmund Cantwell, the Surveyor, doth and may appeare. Now for a confirmation unto the said Bernard Egberts &c. The patent is dated the 5th day of November 1675. The Quitt rent is three bushells of good winter wheat, yearly. Fo. 40.

[Duke of York Record, pp. 161-162]


Barent Egberts' first wife apparently died, and he married a second time to Rebecca ___ (marriage record not found). His will was dated 20 October 1674. An abstract for this will does not appear in Delaware wills abstracts; probably it had been written in Dutch. The will was proved in court on 6 June, 1677 by Dr. Thomas Spry, and letters of admin. were granted to the widow, Rebecca. Court records name three daughters of Barent Egberts, including Ann and Abiha, and Henrietta, probably the youngest, around age 14 to 17, who was apprenticed at the end of 1678. Rebecca remarried Dr. Thomas Spry before Dec. 1678, but had died before 4 June 1685, the date of Spry's will. Rebecca & Dr. Spry did not have children of their own who survived them.


Records of the Court of New Castle on Delaware


June 6, 1677

Rebecca Eghberts Late widdow of Barent Eghberts deceased this day produced In Court the Will & Testament of hur sd deceased husband bearing date ye 20th of October 1674: declaring that the same was his Last Will and Testament: desiering a Letter of administration accordingly etc. Huybert Hendricx & Thom: Spry witnesses to the sd Will appering in Court declared uppon oath that they were prsent and did see tho sd Barent Egberts deceased signe to the sd Will. The Court doe grant unto the sd Rebecca Egberts the administration according to the afl Will Shee Conforming hurselfe according to the Lawes of the governmt and doe order that the sd will bee Recorded. [Records of the Court of New Castle on Delaware, Vol. 1, p. 95-96]


[Dec. 1678] Henrieta the daughter of Barent Eghbertsen deceased was this day wth hur owne free & voluntary will & wth the Consent and approbacon of the Court as alsoe of hur father in Lawe doctor Thomas Spry & his wyfe put out unto Peter Claassen of Christiana Creeke for and during the space of foure Jears, shee to serve truely and faithfully, and Pieter Claassen and Swaentie his wyfe their heirs & assignes promissed and are Ingaged to find hur the said henrieta, sufficient meate drinke apparel washing & Lodgeing, and att the Expiracon of the 4 years, Peter Claassen is to give hur the sd henrieta a cowe and Calfe. [Records of the court of New Castle on Delaware, Vol. 1, p. 264]


John Heally may have married a daughter of Barent Egberts some time before 1685. Court records of New Castle reveal this brief notation:


3 June 1685. Petition of John HAYLY in behalf of his late wife, for a part of Barent Egberts' estate. Petitioner to make appl. next court of orphans. [NCC II:108]


John Greene married the daughter Anne:

[20-23 July 1686, Court at Newcastle]

Upon y'e Peticon of John Greene who haveing marryed one of y'e daughters of Barent Egberts deceased claiming a Part in their fathers Estate

The Court order y'e Execut'r to render an account to y'e next orphans Court in Newcastle upon what account they hould y'e Estate of Barent Egbert & to Produce Barent Egberts Will if Possible it may be done.

[NCC II:130]


[19-23 October 1686, Court at Newcastle]

Upon y'e Peticon of John Greene concerning Barent Egberts Estate in y'e Right of his wife

The Court Referr y'e Peticioner to take his dew course at Law

[NCC II:144]


By late 1687, the only two remaining children of Barent Egberts were his daughters, Anne and Abiah:


[4-5 October 1687, orphans Court at Newcastle]

Upon a motion concerning the Estate of D'r Spry Deceased It is ordered that Anne Greene & Abiah Egberts have notice to appear at y'e next Court in order to advise w'th the Administrator about the most effectual means for y'e preservacon of the house & orchard in town

[NCC II:162]


[18-23 September 1688, Court at Newcastle]

Ann Greene & Abiah Egberts Coheirs of the estate of Barent Egber their late father deceased & daughter in law to Thomas Spry dec doe desire the Court would direct them about their s'd ffathers

James Walliam the Administrator of the estate of Thomas Spry be in court and Desireing to Deliver up his charg: The Court promiss to consider of it

[NCC II:184]


Ann Egberts had married John Green before October 1687, but apparently had no children. Abiah Egberts married a John Garretson after 1688 [New Castle County Delaware Land Records 1673-1710 (Bryant), p. 143; New Castle County Delaware Land Records 1715-1628 (Bryant), p. 18].


Barent Egberts' daughter Abiah, wife of John Garretson, was living at least until 1708:


Deed. On 12 May 1708. John Garrettson of Christiana, yeoman to Samuel Silsby of New Castle, blacksmith. Now John Garrettson for £12 granted to Samuel Silsby a lot of land in the town of New Castle bounded by Richard Reynolds garden, other lots of John Garrettson & Beaver Street resurveyed & laid out by George Dakeyne, surveyor of said county dated 20 July 1701 unto John Garrettson by virtue of a warrant from James Logan, Esq. bearing the date 25 June in the same year. Abiah the wife of John Garrettson consents to said sale. Signed John Garrettson & Abiah Garrettson. Delivered in the presence of Elston Wallis & William Tonge. Acknowledged in court 20 May 1708. (Cl :46)

[New Castle County Delaware Land Records 1673-1710 (Bryant), p. 143]


Deed. On 18 May 1720 Thomas Smith & Richard Smith of the County of Salem in the province of New Jersey, sons & heirs of Robert Smith, late of St. Georges Creek, yeoman, dec. to Sampson Atkinson of St. Georges Creek, yeoman. Thomas Smith & Richard Smith for £63 granted to Sampson Atkinson a tract of land on the south side of St. Georges Creek bounded by land of John Ellits

containing 150 acres being the one half part or moiety of a tract of land containing 300 acres which Edmond Andres by patent dated 5 Nov 1675 granted to Barnhard Egberts & by John Garrettson & Abiah his wife, heirs apparent of the said Egberts by their deed dated 16 Mar 1695 granted to Edward Gibbs. Henry Gibbs, Edward Gibbs & Benjamin Gibbs, sons & heirs of Edward Gibbs by deed dated 2 Feb 1713 granted to Robert Smith, yeoman, dec. which said premises were late in the possession of Thomas Smith & Richard Smith but now by virtue of the Statue for transferring of Uses into Possession, the part of moiety above mentioned is now in the possession of Sampson Atkinson. Signed Thomas Smith & Richard Smith. Delivered in the presence of Joseph Stewart &

Garrot Dushen. Recorded 23 Feb 1722. (G1:12).

[New Castle County Delaware Land Records 1715-1628 (Bryant), p. 18]



Nore: Barent Egberts of Delaware should not be confused with another man with a similar name, of an entirely different family of Albany, NY. Barent Egberts of Albany was a son of Egbert Tuenisz. He was born considerably later than Barent Egberts of Delaware. Barent Egberts of Albany married first Maria de Gamo in 1704, and secondly Elsje van Loon, widow of Omi la Grange, in 1727.



© 2010 Elizabeth A. Johnson. Free use can be made of the above for personal genealogical research, but commercial or for-profit use is strictly prohibited. Contact the author for further informatiuon iris.gatesATgmail.com

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