
William Westerhouse

Page history last edited by Liz Johnson 9 years, 10 months ago



by Elizabeth A. Johnson © 2012


In 1647, William Westerhouse of Amsterdam brought his ship, the “St. Beninjo” to New Haven, Connecticut. The ship's cargo partly consisted of guns, powder and lead. The profits of these items were intended to be used to trade for Virginia tobacco, to be taken back to Holland. But while at New Haven, Westerhouse's activities were noticed by Dutch spies and reported to the Dutch government at New Amsterdam. Pieter Stuyvesant, Dutch director at New Amsterdam, took action by sending a military unit to New Haven, which confiscated the "St. Beninjo" and Westerhouse's remaining cargo.


William Westerhouse shortly became a naturalized resident of New Haven, where he was protected from prosecution by the Dutch. But as a tobacco merchant, his most optimal location would be in Virginia, where the crops were grown. He had moved to to Northampton County, Virginia by January 1653, transporting himself, his wife, children and step-children there. At least two sons of his (Adriaen and William Westerhouse) married and left descendents. His wife, a widow with children by her first husband Lourens Schyn, also left descendents in Eastern Shore Virginia and Maryland.


William Westerhouse's parents were Pieter Willems Westerhuysen and Styn Jacobs. The report below gives details of the Dutch ancestors of William Westerhouse.



Descendants of Pieter Willems Westerhuysen



Pieter Willems Westerhuysen was a tobacco dealer [1]. Probably born around 1585, he died after June 1655, when he sold a property in Amsterdam. His wife was Styn Jacobs [2]. 


Children of Pieter Willems Westerhuysen and Styn Jacobs:


1. Aaltie Pieters Westerhuysen, born 1613, Amsterdam [3]. She married 7 January 1634, Amsterdam, Johannes Petus, a minister at Naarden, Netherlands, born about 1606, Naarden [4], (marriage witnesses: Claes Teunis his cousin, Pieter Willems Westerhuysen and Styn Jacobs her parents). They probably raised a family at Naarden.


2. Willem Westerhuysen, owner of the ship "St Beninjo" (confiscated 1647), owner of the ship "Swalloe" (1/8 owned by John Stringer of Virginia), born about 1617, Amsterdam, died 11 February 1683, Northampton County, Virginia, merchant, ship owner, physician [5]. He married 21 April 1642 at Diemen, a suburb of Amsterdam, Netherlands, Margaretha van Hoochstraten, a daughter of Adriaen van Hoochstraten and Wyntje Bencken, baptized 26 July 1612, Oude Kerk, Amsterdam (godmother: Annetje Bencken –a maternal aunt) [6]. 



2.1 Lydia Westerhuysen, baptized 29 June 1642, Nieuwe Kerk, Amsterdam (godmother: Lydia Westerhuysen - aunt), died after 1684, probably still unmarried in 1684 (see Eliz. Harper's will). [7]

2.2 Petrus Westerhuysen, baptized 27 October 1643, Nieuwe Kerk, Amsterdam (godfather: Petrus van Hoochstraten - uncle), died between 1653 and 1666, probably in Northampton County, Virginia [8].

2.3 Adriaen Westerhuysen (Westerhouse), baptized 1 October 1645, Nieuwe Kerk, Amsterdam (godfather: Daniel van Hoochstraten - uncle) , died 1705 in Northampton County, Virginia [9]. He married, leaving children: William, Nicholas, Thomas, Aaron, Catherine, Lydia, and Esther Westerhouse.

2.4 Barbara Westerhuysen, baptized 21 July 1647, Nieuwe Kerk, Amsterdam, died between 1653 and 1683 (godmother: Elizabeth Westerhuysen) [11]

2.5 William Westerhuysen (Westerhouse) II, born 13 June 1650, New Haven, Connecticut, died before 1683 [12]. He married Elizabeth __ and had a daughter, Anna Catherina. [13]


3. Jacob Pieters Westerhuysen, baptized 7 December 1621, Nieuwe Kerk, Amsterdam (godmother: Griet Jacobs – probably a sister of Styn Jacobs, Pieter Willems Westerhuysen's wife) [14].


4. Lydia Westerhuysen, baptized 13 February 1624, Nieuwe Kerk, Amsterdam (godmother: Geritje Jacobs). She was a baptismal witness for William Westerhuysen's daughter Lydia in 1642 [15].


5. Elizabeth Westerhuysen, born, Amsterdam, baptized 28 April 1626, Nieuwe Kerk, Amsterdam (godfather: Claes Sivets). He was a baptismal witness for William Westerhuysen's daughter Barbara in 1647. [16]. She married 15 January 1649, Amsterdam, Johannes Schulperoort [17] (marriage witnesses: Pieter Schulperoort – his brother, Styn Jacobs – her mother). 



5.1 Adrianus Schulperoort, baptized 28 November 1649, Nieuwe Kerk, Amsterdam (godmother: Styntje Rematen) [18]

5.2 Barbera Schulperoort, baptized 29 April 1653, Nieuwe Kerk, Amsterdam (godfather: Jacob de Geus) [19]

5.3 Johannes Schulperoort, baptized 22 May 1658, Noorder Kerk, Amsterdam (godmother: Aaltie Pieters Westerhuysen – maternal aunt) [20].


6. Lobberich Pieters Westerhuysen, baptized 15 July 1629, Oude Kerk, Amsterdam (godfathers: Gerrit Jacobs – possibly a brother of Pieter Willems Westerhuysen's wife, and Claes Siwertsz) [21]




1 Property transaction in Amsterdam:


Seller: Westerhuijsen, Pieter Willemsz

Buyer: Barendinus, Laurens

Street: Nieuwendijk

description: house and yard, by the Sint Jacobskapel

Source: Archief van de Schepenen: register van afschrijvingen bij de willige decreten - Transportakten voor 1811: NL-SAA-21574390


Extract from Mevrouw Drs. E. Lievense-Pelser, "De Remonstranten En Hun Kerk" in Jaerboek Amstellodamum Vol. 67(1975), p. 135:

Het ontstaan van de brouwerij De Drie Schulpen is het eenvoudigste af te lezen uit de akte van 6 mei 1650 (KW. oud nr 2 fol.39v), waarbij Claes Jansz houtkoper kwijtscheldt aan Sara de Waele, weduwe van Jacob Jacobsz Hinlopen raad en schepen, twee erven naast elkaar met het getimmerte er op op de Prinsengracht oostzijde, breed resp. 18 x 60 en 20 x 78 voet, belend met Marten Jacobsz houtkoper noord en Gerrit Croot zuid; borgen Lenard Dirxsz grutter en Lucas Simonsz witwerker; koopsom f 9700.-. Vervolgens uit de akte van 22 april 1652 (KW. oud nr A2 fol.66), waarbij de gemachtige van Sara de Wale, weduwe van Jacob Jacobsz Hinloopen raad en schepen, kwijtscheldt aan Theunis Dircksz een huis, erf en brouwerij genaamd De Drie Schulpen, inclusief alle gereedschap, gelegen als voornoemd; borgen ds Johannes Petus predikant te Naarden en Pieter Willemsz Westerhuysen; contant f 1400.-; twee rentebrieven van elk .f6000.- op dezelfde datum (Rentebr. nr 27 fo1.75). Tenslotte uit de akte van willig decreet van 8 oktober 1657 (W. D. nr 13 fo1.162), waarbij Gerrit Croot verkoopt aan Teunis Dircksz brouwer in de Drij Schulpen een huis en erf op de Prinsengracht, belend met Jan Cornelist van der Nun zuid, de koper ten dele met zijn brouwerij noord, strekkende voor van de straat tot achter aan het erf behorende aan de Remonstrantse kerk; koopsomf 10250.-.

  • EJ: The important part of this property transaction is that Johannes Petus predikant te Naarden en Pieter Willemsz Westerhuysen have put up a bond guaranteeing the payment of 9700 florins. 


2 Sources: - birth: estimate, based on age of oldest known child.


3 07-01-1634 marriage record (ondertrouw = marriage intention) in Amsterdam

Johannes Petus van Narden out 28 jaer geen ouders hebben, geass~ met Clas Teunysz zyn neve woon~ tot Huysen predicant aldear & Aaltie Pieters Westerhuysen van A, out 21 jaer geass~ met Pieter Willems haer vader & Styn Jacobs haer moeder woon~ opde Nieuwendyck

[signed] Johannes Petus, Aeltgen Pieters

Stadsarchief Amsterdam DTB 442, p.45 - Huwelijksintekeningen van de KERK

  • [translation EJ 2012: Johannes Petus of Narden 28 years old, no parents, assisted with Clas Teunysz his cousin (or uncle), living at Huysen, minister there, and Aaltie Pieters Westerhuysen of Amsterdam, 21 years old, assisted with Pieter Willems her father and Styn Jacobs her mother, living on the Nieuwendyck]


Sources: marriage : DTB 442, p.45 - Huwelijksintekeningen van de KERK


5 marriage record (ondertrouw = marriage intention) in Amsterdam


Willem Westerhuijsen van A woon~ opde Brouwersgracht geast~ mit syn vaders @sent, voor my gepasseert & Margrieta van Hoochstraten van A wed~ van Lourens Schyn, woon~ inde Warmoestraet

(signed) Willem Westerhuysen, Margrita van Hoochstraten

[margin] ...weescamer... dese persones syn getrout opden 21 April 1642 tot Diemin door Johannes Boutius pred~ aldaer

DTB 457, p.314 - Huwelijksintekeningen van de KERK.

  • [translation EJ 2012: Willem Westerhuijsen of Amsterdam, living on the Brouwersgracht, with his father's consent, and Margrieta van Hoochstraten of Amsterdam, widow of Lourens Schyn, living in the Warmoestraet].


Property in Amsterdam:

date: 12-01-1645

seller: [van] Hooghten, Jan Jansz

buyer: Westerhuijsen, Willem

buyer: Thijsz, Philipe

Street: Lijnbaansgracht

description: property

Archief van de Schepenen: kwijtscheldingsregisters - Transportakten voor 1811: NL-SAA-21618481


1649 at Boston, Masachusetts: Wm Westerhouse "did constitute John Richards his lawfull attr...to aske leavy &c: of Daniel Peerse the sum of one hundred thirty eight bounds fyve shillings due by bill 30 May 1649...to be paid at Barbados"....also in 1650 "..Wm Westerhouse binds himselfe in double summe for the payment of 18th 19s 4d sterl to Thomas Savage of Beave by the 17 next." [Early Boston, MA Records --Need to get exact ref. from this book].



Records of the Colony and Plantation of New Haven, from 1638 to 1649


Oath of Fidelity [[to the English crown]]

p. 140 [14 Oct 1648] William Westerhouse


p. 333 [27 Nov. 1647]

Mr. William Westerhouse dissires of the courte, (Mr. John Evanc being his interpreter,) that the three Duch men wch are prissoners at this time, maye haue ther libbertie, and he and Mr. Samuell Goodanhouse will bee bound in a bond of a thousand Holland gilderes for ther appearanc.


Answer was returned them from the court, that if the said Mr. William and Mr. Samuell would enter a recognesanc of a thousand gilderes, that these three men wch are prissoners, all and every on of them shall be fortheoming att the courts call, they shall haue ther libbertie, and the said Mr. William and Mr. Samuell being both present, said they would bee so bound, wherupon the marshall had order from the courte, that before Mr. Evanc he should deliuer the three prissoners to them.


Further, Mr. William Westerhouse, (Mr. Evanc interpreter,) dissiered the courte to grant him an arest upon that money wch is in Mr. Goodyeres hand, to be payde to ye Duch gouerner*, vupon the consideration of his shipp being taken awaye; the courte answered that ther was a fixed estate stoode ingadged for that money, and unless a fixed estate can be put in for securetie to such a vallew as maye beare all damadge wch maye arise by such an arest, it cannot be granted.


[*] For the ship called the Zwoll, which the authorities of Port Amsterdam had sold, Sept. 21, to Mr. Goodyear, and contracted to deliver at New Haven. Under pretext of conveying the craft in safety, they put soldiers on board, and by their means seized Mr. Westerhuyzen's ship, the St. Beninio, and carried it to New Amsterdam. O'Callaghan, N. N. ii. 48.


p. 354-355 [7 Dec. 1647]

The Gouerner acquainted the courte that upon notice of the generall courts order to staye the Duch shipp* wch was


[*] This was the St. Beninio. which the Dutch, claiming to be a smuggler, by a stratagem seized and cut out of the harbour, on a Sunday, and carried to New Amsterdam, where the vessell and cargo were confiscated. Ol Callaghan, N. Netherlands, ii, 45. Brodhead, i, 479. Bee. U. Col. sub anno 1648.


seized and caryed out of this harboure by the Duch, the Duch gouernuer hath sent a letter and a protest against Newhaven for it, professing he will have controversie only w'h Newhauen, and requiers us to send the three prissoners and the Duch marchants and their goods, to them to the Mannatoes, w'h some threatening speeches if wee doe not. He acquainted the courte allso w'h the answer* he had sent, as allso, w'h another letter since received by the fiscalle, more milde in phrase, but still continewing his title to the place, and sending for the prissoners; but seing he wrights so that if the sending of them maye be interpreted as done in a waye of subordination, it was not thought fitt to send them. The gouerner therfore dissiered the courte to consider what shall be done. Further, the 3 Duchmen wch dissier to be planters, vizd, Mr. William Westerhouse, Mr. Sam: Goodanhouse, Mr. Henery [[missing]] dissire to knowe wheither the towne will protect them or no, that they maye knowe howe to dispose of themselues. Further, he propounded to the courts consideration, how safe it maye be for vessells to pase by the Mannatoes till these questions be cleared, and wheither wee be not called to make some slight workes, and plant some gunns for the townes present defenc against small vessells, wch w'h ther gunns maye possiblely hurt the towne if no provission be made to keepe them of.


[203] The things being many, the courte agreed that a committe be chossen to consider & proceed therin as they see cause, and by the generall consent and vote, the pticulr courte for Newhaven, calling to them Mr. Evaue, Mr. Wakeman and Leivtenant Seely, had full power granted to them to consult, consider and conclude, bothe concerning receiving and protecting the Duchmen, w'h all matters aboutc fortifyeation, the place and manner, w'h all other things therto belonging.


p. 366 [31 Jan 1647/8]

John Lawreneson and his wife, being warned to the court, apeared, they were charged for selling stronge watters by small quanteties, contrarie to a courte order. He said he knew not that it was a breach of order, and she sould it for Mr. Westerhouse.


Mr. William Westerhouse, by Mr. Evanc his interpreter, acquainted the courte that he knew it not to be an offenc to the courte that he imployed any to sell his stronge watter, but seing he had done it, he justified the courte in the fine they had laide, and he came to tender the payement. The courte tould hime they looked not upon it as his fault, but Jn° Law- renesons and his wives that sould it, for they intended not to fine hime, but seeing he would paye it, the court considering how usefull hee hath bine in the towne by giveing phisicke to many persons, and to some of them freely, the courte agreed not to take the fine but returned it to hime againe.


p. 366 [14 Feb 1647/8]

Mr. Westerhouse dissiered the towne to save their ashes, and he would give them 4d a bushell and fetceh them at their houses, or 5d a bushell if they carrie them to the watter side, to a place he would appointe there.


pp. 374-375 [8 March 1647/8] For the deacons it was voted that they be wholly freed, and likewise for the deputies for the time being. And for seamen, if they were indeed seamen, and such as had no estate in the towne to be preserved, they be freed, but if they have estate in the towne then they are to find a watchman, thoughe they watch not in ther owne persons. It was further ordered that Mr. Pell, Mr. Westerhouse and Mr. Auger be freed from watching.*


[*] Probably because they practiced medicine. For some account of Mr. Pell who had been a surgeon in the Peqnot war, and from whom the town of Pelham takes its name, the reader is referred to Bolton's Hist. Westchester County, i. 521.



Records of the colony or jurisdiction of New Haven, from May, 1653, to the union. Together with New Haven code of 1656


p. 133 [2 Feb. 1654]

Mr. Samuell Goodanhouse informed the court that Mr William Westerhouse is in his debt a considerable some, both vpon pticuler accounts, and likewise in ptnershipp w*h him, Wch he could not acquainte y court w'h when that buisnes was tryed in y^ court, because he was then prisoner at Tryall. He further said that hee heares the house of the said Mr Westerhouse is to be sould, he desires that he may buy it and set of his debt that way; hee was told, for his debt it must be proued to the courts satisfaction, and for the house, it is not Mr, Westerhouses, but turned ouer to M^. Benzio for part of his debt, & if he buy the house he must lay downe the price, wh must bee for the use of the creditors as the court of magistrats shall order, but the court now ordered that the house shall be sould by an inch of candell, the 13th of this moneth, he that bids most to haue it, for good, currant, cuntry paye, at currant price.


p. 255 [31 May 1658]

A petition from Mr. Van Goodenhousen was prsented, wherein he desired yt whereas Mr. Wm Westerhousen, some-time of Newhaven, was indebted to him 19£ 11s --, there being an estate of his in ye hand of ye treasurer wch non lookes after, y' he might be satisfied his debt out of that estate, wch ye court considering did order yt ye sd some of 19£ 11s 7p shall be dd to him, pvided yt he put in security to ye court to be accountable for such part of it as shall be found to be aboue his pportion when ye other creditours appeare & y^ estate comes to be devided amongst them; the house he lives in he propounded for security, but whereas ye estate, or part of it, was now in ye hands of Mr. Hudson, it was referred to ye court at New-haven to speake wth Mr. Hudson & himself, and to determine ye time when it shall be delivered to him & to take security of him.



Virginia records:


Jan 2 1653: Certificate was this day granted unto Mr. Wm. Westerhouse surgeon for the quantity of six hundred acres of land [for transporting]: Wm. Westerhouse Sr., Lyddea, Peter, Adryan, Barbara Westerhouse, Margarett Westerhouse, Margarett Skeene, Wanky Skeene, Lawrence Skeene, Wm. Westerhouse Jr. John Martyn, Gerald Pigge.

--p. 184, Northampton County Va Orders Deeds and Wills 1651-54

[Note EJ: The persons transported were:

William Westerhuysen and his wife, with Margaret Hoochstraeten, their daughter Lidea, age 11, their son Peter, age 3, their son Adrian age 9, their daughter Barbara, age 7, and their youngest child William Westerhuysen jr, age 3; and Westerhuysen's step-children, son and daughters of Margaret's previous marriage with Laurens Schijn: her daughter Margaret Schijn, age 23, her daughter Wyntje Schijn, age 18, her son Laurens Schijn, age 15. Relationship of transportees John Martyn and Gerald Pigge to the family are not yet known].


GRANTEE: Westerhouse, William. grantee. DATE 20 October 1661.

Location: Northumberland County.

Description: 500 acres near Matchepungo. Bounding easterly on a creek, issuing out of Matchepungo River.

NOTE (Formerly gtd. sd, Westerhouse Octr. 2nd, 1654)

Source: Land Office Patents No. 4, 1655-1664, p. 494 (Reel 4).

Part of the index to the recorded copies of patents for land issued by the Secretary of the Colony serving as the colonial Land Office. The collection is housed in the Archives at the Library of Virginia. OTHER FORMAT Available on microfilm. Virginia State Land Office. Patents 1-42, reels 1-41.


1658: In the March 1657/58 session of the Va. House of Burges William Westerhouse was made a "denizen" of Virginia Colony, giving him the full power to "purchase, hold, dispose lands, to trand and traffique and all other lawful priviledges and Immunities to by invested with and enjoy, in as full and sample manner to all intents and purposes as if he had been an Englishman borne (The bearing of publique office and imployments Exempted)."

[LAWS OF VIRGINIA, MARCH, 1657-8 --- 9th OF COMMONWEALTH. Pursuant to the CXVIIIth act of the last session, commissions of denization issued to WILLIAM WESTERHOUSE, GEORGE HACKE, LAMBERT GROOTEN, MINOR DOWDAS AND JOHN ABRAHAM, all Dutchmen; and a commission of naturalization to William and John Curtis, born of English parents. See Rand. MS. pa. 240.]



William Westerhouse was a witness to the will of John Cornelius in 1656:

John Cornelius, Gent 14 April 1656 21 Apr 1656

My beloved wife Mary extr of all my estate in Virginia, Holland or elsewhere Witt: William Westerhouse, Daniell Jones



John Andrews, estate admin 28 Jan 1667 in Northampton Co., Virginia. Andrews, John 1-28-1667 Admtr: Col. John Stringer on behalf of Andrew Andrews Apprs: William Westerhouse, Sampson Robins, John Haggoman, William Gaskins [Marshall p 46]



1674 witness to will of Ann Jones Michael:

Marshall, James Handley., Abstracts of the Wills and Administrations of Northampton County, Virginia 1632-1802: Canden Maine: Picton Press, 1994: 82.

Abstract of the will of Mrs. Ann Jones Michael

Whereas by the will of my dearly deceased husband I was given the right to dispose of his seat of Land at Hungars Creek to any of his grandchildren the living: To William and Michael Rickards, the children of Michael Rickards Sr. by his present wife Ann the daughter of my said husband (Capt) William Jones, 550 acres according to the pattent dated 10 June 1664 to be equally divided and if either of them die in thier minority, the surviver to have the whole.

To Jones Rickards 300 acres at the head of the afore named 550 acres according to the pattent dated 23 October 1669.

To Ann the daughter of Michael Rickards the just third part of all my animals.

To William, Michael, Mary, Elizabeth and Jones the children of My well beloved son Michael Rickards and my daughter Anne his wife extrs.

Witt: John Lucas, William Westerhouse.



Will of William Westerhouse 7-22-168_/ 2-11-1683 [James Handley Marshall, Abstracts of the Wills and Administrations of Northampton County, Virginia 1632-1802, Picton Press, Camden, ME, 1994. p 121]

To my son Adrian Westerhouse during his life my 200 a plantation where he now dwells bought of Mr. Major and belonging to Capt. Stephen Charlaton's patent, and then to Adrian['s] son William. To Anna Catharina the dau of Elizabeth Harper my 150A plantation where I now dwell bought of Tobias Sellby and John Winberry, Sr., it being the remainder of my land belonging to Capt. Steven Charlton's patent joining upon Mr. Andrews land and a silver beaker, Elizabeth Harper and her dau Anna Catharina (under 16) resid. Legatees. If Elizabeth predeceases her dau than Mrs. Phillip Fettiplace to have Anna Catharina's tuition if her mother agrees. If Anna Catharina should die before ???, then the aforesaid land (after the death of Elizabeth Harper) to my grandau. Margaret Westerhouse and my personal estate to her mother Elizabeth Harper. My friends John Custis, JR, Andrew Andrews, and Thomas Bustirtt? Extrs and overseers. Wit: Henry Sellman, James Neuiff p 43

(notes: the extrs refused to act and Aaron Westerhouse, son of the dec'd qualified as administrator p 113.


Sources: marriage : Ondertr. April 5 – Stadsarchief Amsterdam DTB 457, p.314 - Huwelijksintekeningen van de KERK.


6 12-08-1629 marriage record (ondertrouw) in Amsterdam:

Lourens Schijn van Aecken, out 25 jaeren, geasst~ met syn swager Mathys van Gelye, wed~r van Josyntje Hulsthout, woon~ inde Warmoestraet & Margrita van Hoochstraeten van A, out 17 jaren, geasst~ met haer moeder Wayntie Bencken & Jan Bencken haer grootvader, woon~ als vooren.

(signed) Laurens Schyn, Margrieta van Straten

Stadsarchief Amsterdam DTB 434, p.257

[translation EJ 2012: Lourens Schijn of Aachen [Germany] 25 years old, assisted with his brother-in-law Mathys van Gelye, widower of Josyntje Hulsthout, living in the Warmoestraet, and Marrgrita van Hoochstraeten of Amsterdam, 17 years old, assisted with her mother Wayntie Bencken & Jan Bencken her grandfather, living as forementioned].


05-04-1642 marriage record (ondertrouw) in Amsterdam:

Willem Westerhuijsen van A woon~ opde Brouwersgracht geast~ mit syn vaders @sent, voor my gepasseert & Margrieta van Hoochstraten van A wed~ van Lourens Schyn, woon~ inde Warmoestraet

[signed] Willem Westerhuysen, Margrita van Hoochstraten

[margin] ...weescamer... dese persones syn getrout opden 21 April 1642 tot Diemin door Johannes Boutius pred~ aldaer

[translation EJ 2012: Willem Westerhuijsen of Amsterdam, living on the Brouwersgracht, with his father's consent, and Margrieta van Hoochstraten of Amsterdam, widow of van Lourens Schyn, living in the Warmoestraet. [margin ...[note concerning Orphan chamber]; these persons were married on the 21 April 1642 at Diemin by Johannes Boutius minister there]


English colonial records:


[1649 at Boston, Masachusetts]: Wm Westerhouse "did constitute John Richards (poss. later a Virginia resident) his lawfull attr...to aske leavy &c: of Daniel Peerse the sum of one hundred thirty eight bounds fyve shillings due by bill 30 May 1649...to be paid at Barbados"....also in 1650: "...Wm Westerhouse binds himselfe in double summe for the payment of 18th 19s 4d sterl to Thomas Savage of Beave by the 17 next." [Early Boston, MA Records --Need to get exact ref. from this book].


Jan 2 1653: Certificate was this day granted unto Mr. Wm. Westerhouse surgeon for the quantity of six hundred acres of land [for transporting]: Wm. Westerhouse Sr., Lyddea, Peter, Adryan, Barbara Westerhouse, Margarett Westerhouse, Margarett Skeene, Wanky Skeene, Lawrence Skeene, Wm. Westerhouse Jr. John Martyn, Gerald Pigge.

--p. 184 Northampton County Va Orders Deeds and Wills 1651-54

The persons transported were:

William Westerhuysen and his wife, with Margaret Hoochstraeten, their daughter Lidea, age 11, their son Peter, age 3, their son Adrian age 9, their daughter Barbara, age 7, and their youngest child William Westerhuysen jr, age 3; and Westerhuysen's step-children, son and daughters of Margaret's previous marriage with Laurens Schijn: her daughter Margaret Schijn, age 23, her daughter Wyntje Schijn, age 18, her son Laurens Schijn, age 15. Transportees John Martyn and Gerald Pigge are not yet identified, but may be associates of the family (or not).


Sources :

- baptism : Stadsarchief Amsterdam DTB 5 p.25. No baptism witnesses mentioned.

- family 1 : Note: Alert Cloude (in ondertrouw) was assistant to the commisaris.

- marriage 1 : acte 434p257 noted in ondertrouw 12 april 1629 that marr. was on 21 april 1629 in Diemen (near Amsterdam)

- marriage 2 : Ondertr. April 5 - DTB 457, p.314 - Huwelijksintekeningen van de KERK.


7 : Sources : - baptism : Stadsarchief Amsterdam DTB 42 p.312. Witness. Lydia Westerhuisen


8 : Sources : - baptism : Stadsarchief Amsterdam DTB 42 p.381 wit. Petrus van Hoochstraten

- death : Not on 1666 Virginia tax list


9 : Last Will and Testament of Adrian Westerhouse - 30 June 1705 - Transcribed by Frank V. Walczyk

In the name of God Amen, June the fifth anno 1705. The last will and testament of Adrian Westerhouse Sen'r who is at the making hereof of perfect sense and memory though very sick and weak (praised be to God almighty) I do make this my last will and testament revolking and recasting and making void all other wills and deeds what so ever made by me heretofore to be of no effect and this to be my only last will and testament in manner and form as followeth;


I will, give and bequeath my soul to God almighty who gave it me hopeing in and there on my only Saviour and redeemer to receive joyfull resurection at the last day and that I shall have pardon of all my sins which I beg and pray of my only Saviour Jesus Christ and my body I give and bequeath unto the Earth its original mother from whence it came, desireing of my loving wife and my son Nicholas Westerhouse a decant and Christian burial.


Item - I give and bequeath unto my loving wife the best feather bed and bolster that she lay upon with all furniture belonging to during her life if she remains a widow and if marrying or after her death the bed and bolster and furniture I give to my son Nicholas and his lawfull heirs and if my son Nichol as die without heirs then the next heir forever sucessfully.


Item - I give and bequeath unto my wife my silver beaker to her as long as she lives a widow and if she marrys, I give and bequeath the said silver beaker to my son Nicholas Westerhouse and he is to receive it at her death if she dies a widow or at her marrige of my said wife marries which beaker I give to my son Nicholas and his lawfull heirs begotten of his body and failing the said heirs of his body then the next lawfull heir and then from heir to heir as said


Item - I give and bequeath to my wife the use of the horse mill to grind at to be lawfull so long as she lives a widow and that the mill remain upon the plantation and after my wifes death, I will and give the mill to my son William Westerhouse forever.


Item - I will and bequeath unto my son William all my tools that being [-----] house carpenter.


Item - I will and bequeath to my son Nicholas the white horse called, "[-----]" and my foweling piece and the cow named , "Colly" with all her increase


Item - I will and bequeath unto my son Thomas Westerhouse all that I formerly lent and gave him in possession and the cow and calf which he last had and my will is that none shall trouble or molest for any thing that he now has before the making of this my last will but that he shall keep and possess all of it forever and after my death at the dividing of my estate that he shall have one pewter dish and pewter bason forever.


Item - I give and bequeath unto my son Aaron Westerhouse the feather bed and bolster that I now lay on and three blankets and one rug if my son Aaron dies without lawfull heirs of his body that it be equally divided between my loving wife and my children to wit Thomas and Nicholas and Catherine Westerhouse.


Item - I will and bequeath unto my daughter Catherine Westerhouse one two year old heifer of a red color which is marked and known by the said Catherine, with all her increase forever, I likewise give her all feathers that is in two great cases in the house at this time and the feathers of the geese untill she hath a full feather bed and that my son Nicholas buy him a bed tick out of the crop all I give to her forever.


Item - I will and bequeath unto William Miles a two year old heifer and her increase forever and if he remains with my wife untill he attains to the age of sixteen years old, I give give him also a two year old mare and her increase to be delivered to him at the said age with her increase forever.


Item - I give and bequeath unto my daughter Lydia twelve pence in money more then what she has had before this my will as we lent to out her of from having anymore after my death.


Item - I give and bequeath unto my daughter Esther twelve pence in money more then what she has had before this my last will unto her of cutting her off from having anymore after my death.


Item - I give and bequeath unto my grandson Abraham Wills twelve pence in money in taken of cutting him off from any right he can have to any of my estate after my death.


Item - I give and bequeath all the rest of my estate to wit stock of cattle, sheep and hogs and other and house all goods and movables what since was not mentioned here to be equally shared and divided between my loving wife and my children to wit my sons Adrian and Nicholas and my daughter Catherine Westerhouse. My wife having her first choice to them and their heirs which all the crops that is of tobacco and grain made my debts being first paid out of the said estate and crops and that my son Nicholas do pay my said debts out of the estate and the remainder of my estate to be divided as is recited to every of them forever.


Item - I do nominate and appoint and request my loving neighbor Mr. John Luke and Mr. Robert Gascoigne and Robert Scott to see that my last will observed and performed and proved and an equal [-----] [-----] of all my estate before mentioned and that every [-----] and have their just legacy and that my will be proved the next court in Northampton County after my death and lastly I do make my son Nicholas my whole and sole exec'r of this my last will and testament revolking and making void and null all other will and wills and deeds before mentioned made by me and this to be my last will. Witness my hand and seal this last day of June one thousand seven hundred and five.


Adiran Westerhouse


Signed and sealed in the presence of us;

John Weeks

Robert Scott

Northampton, July 28th 1705,


Then the last will and testament of the said Adiran Westerhouse was proved by the corporal oaths of John Weeks and Robert Scott and allowed by the court as an authentic probate and ordered to be recorded.

Teste Han. Custis Clk. Cur.

Recorded Han. Custis Clk. Cur. Co. Northampton


Source: Walczyk, Frank V. Northampton County Order Book & Wills 1698 - 1710 Vol. 2 1704-1710 (Coram NY: Petersrow, 2002); pp. 30-31.


Sources : - baptism : Stadsarchief Amsterdam DTB 42 p.467 wit. Daniel van Hoochstraten; death: will, courtesy of Easternshorestuff.com


11 : Sources : - baptism: Stadsarchief Amsterdam DTB 43 p.47 wit. Elizabeth Westerhuisen.


12 : Sources : - birth : or 30 June?


13 : December 02, 1684, Northamption co., VA (will)

Westerhouse, Elizabeth, widow of William Westerhouse 12-2-1684/12-2-1684 nuncup (p 123 Marshall)

To my youngest child William Westerhouse the full share of held [[?sic? = WHOLE?? HALF??]] the estate which my late husband left for my disposal. also to my son William one silver dram cup and 2 stone rings. To Anne GARRIS one dowlace suit, peticoats and bunting. To Margaret Westerhouse a black book, to Mrs. Andrews a pair of gloves, to Lydia Westerhouse a black hood. To Anne GARRIS for 7 yrs my dau Hannah Catherina's plantation if Anne will keep my son William for 6 yrs. Witt: Anne (W) Garris, Margaret(X) Westerhouse p 108.


14 : Sources : - baptism : Stadsarchief Amsterdam DTB 40, p. 150.


15 : Sources : - baptism : Stadsarchief Amsterdam DTB 40, p. 242.


16 : 15-01-1649 marriage record (ondertrouw = marriage intention) in Amsterdam

Johannes van Schulperoort van A boeckvercoper out 26 jaer, geen ouders hebbende, geasst~ met Pr~ van Schulperoort zyn broeder, woon~ in~ het Gravenstratje & Elisabet Westerhuysen van A out 22 jaer geasst~ met haer moeder Styn Jacobs, woon~ opde Prinsegracht in de va__ zuikerhebber[?]

(signed) Joannes van Schulperoort, Eelisebeth Westerhuisen

[margin] de coster den vaders @sent vande dochter __ te brengen __ __ ingebracht door Wim[?] Kelon_

Stadsarchief Amsterdam DTB 466, p.321 - Huwelijksintekeningen van de KERK.

[translation EJ 2012: Johannes van Schulperoort of Amsterdam, bookseller, 26 years old, no parents, assisted with Pieter van Schulperoort his brother, living in the Gravenstratje and Elisabet Westerhuysen of Amsterdam, 22 years old, assisted with her mother Styn Jacobs, living on the Prinsegracht...]


Sources : baptism : Stadsarchief Amsterdam DTB 40 p 343; marriage : DTB 466, p 321 - Huwelijksintekeningen van de KERK.


17 : Sources : - marriage : Stadsarchief Amsterdam DTB 466, p 321 - Huwelijksintekeningen van de KERK.


18 : Sources : - baptism : Stadsarchief Amsterdam DTB 43 p 130.


19 : Sources : - baptism : Stadsarchief Amsterdam DTB 43 p.248.


20 : Sources : - baptism : Stadsarchief Amsterdam DTB 76 p 130.


21 : Sources : - baptism : Stadsarchief Amsterdam DTB 6, p 244.


© 2012 Elizabeth A. Johnson. Free use can be made of the above for personal genealogical research, but commercial or for-profit use is strictly prohibited. 

Contact the author for further information:  iris.gates AT gmail.com



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