
Henry Waggoman of Amsterdam and Virginia

Page history last edited by Liz Johnson 11 years, 9 months ago

Henry Wageman (Waggoman)

by Elizabeth A. Johnson © 2012



Henry Wageman of Amsterdam, later of Virginia, became a tobacco merchant. He was born in 1630, moved to New Amsterdam in the early 1650's, then settled in Accomack County, Virginia, where a small but well-connected community of Dutch merchants lived among the English residents. English citizenship had become crucial for the continued export of products (such as tobacco), because of a trade embargo during the Anglo-Dutch wars.


Henry Wageman's first wife, Weyntje Schyn (1635-1662), also a Dutch woman from Amsterdam, was the step-daughter of William Westerhouse. Henry and Weyntje's daughter, Winyfred, married Henry Miles of Manokin, Somerset County, Maryland, and had children Alice, Mary, Samuel, Winifred, Henry and William Miles. After Weyntje's death in 1662, Henry Wageman remarried with Frances ___, and had several more children with her, leaving descendents in Eastern Shore Virginia and Maryland.



Ancestors of Henry Wageman



Generation 1


1 Henry Wageman, a son of Gillis (Egidius) Jans Wageman and Brechie Henrix, was baptized 3 July 1630, Kerk 't Boompje, Amsterdam (godfather: Bouwen Wageman, an uncle). He moved to Accomack County, Virginia, where he died in 1682 [Note 1]. He married on 21 August 1660, Hungars Parish, Northampton County, Virginia, Weyntje Schyn, a daughter of Laurens Schyn and Margaretha van Hoochstraten, baptized 10 July 1635, Nieuwe Kerk, Amsterdam (godfather: Abraham Schijn, an uncle). Weyntje was a step-daughter of William Westerhouse of Virginia. She died as a young wife and mother, and was buried on 14 June 1662, Hungars Parish, Northampton County, Virginia. They had one known child, Winifred, born 3 September 1661 in Hungars Parish, Northampton County, Virginia. She married Henry Miles of Manokin, Somerset County, Maryland. After Weyntje died, Henry Wageman remarried Frances ___, and had several more children with her: Jacob, Ephraim, Mary and Jonathan Waggoman.



Generation 2


2 Gillis Jans Wageman, baptized 26 January 1606, Oude Kerk, Amsterdam, buried on 11 November 1651, Wester Kerk, Amsterdam (godmother: IJsabel Henrix). He was the skipper of a lighter ship. Parents: 4 and 5. [Note 2]. He married on 2 June 1629, Amsterdam, to...


3 Brechie Henrixdr, born ca. 1601. Parents: 6 and 7. [Note 3]. Their marriage witnesses were Jan Hendricks Wageman, his father, and Neel Pieters, her mother.



Generation 3


4 Jan Hendricks Wageman, born 1580 at Antwerp, Flanders (now Belgium), buried on 5 July 1650, Oude Kerk, Amsterdam. He was a tinsmith. Parents: 8 and 9. [Note 4]. He married on 25 October 1603, Amsterdam, to...


5 Risgen Aries, born in 1571 (godmother: Marytgen Rycken). Parents: 10 and 11. [Note 5]. She was previously married on 15 May 1593, Amsterdam, to Jelis Claesz.


... Children:


i. Henrick Wageman, born about 1604, buried on 20 October 1652, St. Anthonis Kerkhof, Amsterdam. He first married IJtje Heyes. He remarried on 23 February 1630, Amsterdam, to Pasquintje Pieters. [Note 5a].


ii. Gillis Jans Wageman, baptized 26 January 1606, Oude Kerk, Amsterdam, buried on 11 November 1651, Wester Kerk, Amsterdam. See 2.


iii. Bouwen, baptized on 11 October 1609, Nieuwe Kerk, Amsterdam (godfather: Antony Jans) (godson: Henry Wageman 1630-1682, see 1). [Note 5c].


... Risgen Aries' children with previous husband Jelis Claesz:

a. Nicolas Jelis, baptized 30 July 1595, Oude Kerk, Amsterdam (godmother: Lyntgen Willems). [Note 5-1a].


b. Altje Jelis, baptized 2 June 1599, Nieuwe Kerk, Amsterdam (godmother: Neeltgen Weysels). She married Jan Gerrits. [Note 5-1b].


c. Grietje Jelis, baptized on 5 March 1601, Nieuwe Kerk, Amsterdam (godmother: Styn Hendricks). [Note 5-1c].


6 Henrick Unknown. He married...


7 Neel Pieters.



Generation 4


8 Hendrick (surname was not Wageman yet!) _____. He married...


9 Unknown Wife.


10 Arie Unknown. He married...


11 Unknown wife.


... Children:


i. Bouwen Aries, born in 1561 (godmother: Marytgen Rycken). He married on 11 June 1588, Amsterdam, to Lysbet Tonis. [Note 11a].


ii. Risgen Aries, born in 1571, wife of Gillis Jans Wageman. See 5.





1: Henry Wageman (Waggoman) was baptized in Amsterdam, in the Roman Catholic Church, Kerk 't Boompje. The record is in Latin:

child: Henricus

baptism date: 03-07-1630

church: Kerk 't Boompje

religion: Roman Catholic

father: Joannes, Egidius

mother: Henrici, Brechtje

source: DTB 316, p.10 – in Staddsarchief Amsterdam.

baptism witness: Baue Henrici



New Amsterdam records concerning Henry Wageman


[12 Oct. 1654] Hendrick Gillisen Wageman, pltf. v/s Daniel Litschoe, deft. Pltf. demands payment of fl. 62, balance of a Hhd. of Tobacco, that Evert Jansen sold deft., which money pltf. paid Evert Jansen at Boston, who assigned the debt against deft. as appears by Evert Jansen's writing. Deft. acknowledges to have received, but not purchased, a Hhd. of tobacco of Evert Jansen ; he shews by the a/c, that the tobacco was sold @ 5 stiv. per lb.; much was damaged and brought only fl. 4.; that, on the other hand, Evert Jansen owes him fl. 45. 14 1/2 stiv. and he therefore must still obtain from said Evert Jansen fl. 4. 14 1/2. Presents his a/c to be supported by Oath. Parties heard, pltf. was ordered to prove, what Evert Jansen ought to receive from Daniel Litschoe; in default whereof his suit is dismissed. [Records of New Amsterdam (hereafter RNA) i:251]


[19 Oct 1654] Hendrick Gillisen Wageman, plft. v/s Daniel Litschoe, deft. Deft. in default. Pltf. exhibits his demand by Petition, which being examined, is thereupon endorsed. This Court refers petitioner to the Sentence pronounced on 12th Octob. 1654. [RNA i:254]


[26 Oct. 1654] Hendrick Gillisen, pltf. v/s. Daniel Litschoe, deft. Pltf requests in writing that, inasmuch as he can exhibit no other proof, than the handwriting of Evert Jansen, that fl. 62. are still due him, deft. shall produce, on oath, his acct and statement to the contrary. Deft. persists in his statement according to the acct aforementioned, and expresses his readiness, if need be, to verify the same on Oath. Wherefore pltf's further demand and claim against Daniel Litschoe is dismissed, as he cannot prove, that said Litschoe is indebted to Evert Jansen, and Daniel Litschoe shews by his aforesaid acct, which he is prepared to confirm by oath, that he is not indebted to him. [RNA i:256]


[9 Aug. 1655] Hendrick Gillisen Wageman, pltf., v/s Wybrant Janssen, deft., demands payment of his earned wages, being 200 lbs of tobacco and one hogshead freight-free, agreed on as wages on board deft's bark with privilege of payment at the Manhattans or where he pleases. Deft. denies the same; says that Hendrick Gillisen must take him to Virginia, and be paid there. Pltf. requests, that his witness, William Cattoen, to whom deft. refers him, be heard in Court. He appears and declares under offer of oath in presence of Wybrant Jansen, that he was by, when Hendrick Gillesen agreed in Virginia with Wybrant Jansen; Hendrick Gillesen should have two hundred pounds of tobacco monthly and a hogshead of tobacco, free of freight, and be discharged when he pleased, where the deft. must pay him. The Court having heard the above declaration to which deft. referred, condemn deft. Wybrant Jansen to pay pltf. Hendrick G. Wageman, what he, according to the declaration aforesaid, owes Hendrick Gillesen. Done etc. [RNA i:336]


[9 Aug. 1655] Cornelis van Lanckvelt, pltf. v/s Hendrick Gillesen Wageman, deft., demands payment of fl. 31. for cloth and one pair of boots, whereupon 1 ring was received. Deft. acknowledges to owe only fl. 6. for one pair of boots ; and if he [had] the cloth for the remainder of the suit, he should be indebted only 1 beaver. The Court order pltf. to prove, by the next Court day, his demand and claim.

[RNA i:337]


[23 Aug 1655] Cornell's van Lanckvelt, pltf. v/s Hend'k Gillisen Wageman, deft. Isaack Kip appears as attorney for and in the place of the defendant. Pltf. says, that as deft. is not himself, present, he cannot prove his action. Wherefore the cause is postponed until the arrival of the Deft. [RNA i:347]


7th Sept. [[1655]] Hendrick Gillisen Wageman releases the person of Isaac Kip, who was bail for the claim of Corn. van Lanckvelt, to answer in the suit of said person. [RNA i:358]


[13 Sept 1655] Cornelis van Langvelt, pltf. v/s Hendrick Gillisen Wageman, deft. Jan Geraerdy appears in place of the pltf. and whereas he says he has no power of attorney to act in this case ; solely a verbal order and that his partner is absent, the matter was postponed, until the arrival of the aforesaid Corn. van Langvelt or authority from him. [RNA i:359]


[18 Oct 1655] Cornelis van Lanckveldt, pltf. v/s Hend'k Gillisen Wageman, deft. Pltf. demands, as before, payment of fl. 32. Deft. acknowledges only fl. 6., which he owes for one pair of buskins, and that the gold ring was given for 1 pc. of cloth, which he received ; and if he could deliver him sufficient cloth for a garment, he should still owe him one beaver and a half. And as he has not received it and says the former was only a barter, that he owes only fl. 6. for buskins. Pltf. denies the same. Demands, that deft. shall prove the same, or declare it under Oath. He will then be content. He offers to swear that fl. 22 are still due him. Deft. offers to confirm under oath, what he has already stated, and says he will pay, if pltf. will take his oath to what he asserts. The Court having heard the offers of both sides, refer the same to Isaack Kip and Jan Geraerdy as arbitrators to make the parties agree. [RNA i:279]


[25 Oct. 1655] Cornelis van Lanckvelt, pltf. v/s Hendrick Gillisen Wageman, deft. Pltf. in default. The case was postponed by the Court until the next Court day, and ordered that the decision of the arbitrators be produced. [RNA i:385-386]


[8 Jan 1657] Cornelis van Langevelt, pltf. v/s Hendrick Gillisen Wageman, deft. In case of arrest. Pltf. requesting payment of fl. 26. which are due him by deft. according to decision of arbitrators appointed by the Court. Deft. says, as before, that he owes only fl. 6. Refuses to pay more. The Court having seen and examined the records of the previous suit, where parties on both sides offered to swear, together with the decision of the arbitrators in which they find that parties have submitted their differences to the arbitrators, therefore condemn the deft. Hendrick Gillisen Wageman to pay the fl. 26. within 8 days from date according to the decision of the arbitrators. Meanwhile the arrest was declared valid. [RNA ii:258]


[1657] Jan. 8. Order. Rejecting Hendrick Wagerman's petition for additional compensation for guns sold, 387 [O'Callaghan, Calendar of historical manuscripts part I Dutch 1630-1664, p. 179]



Virginia records


9 May 1660. Hendrick Wagaman grants to Wm. Westerhouse physician and Mrs. Margaret his wife 'for ye better Assurance of ye Estate & livelihood of he Sd Winnifred' (daughter of ye Sd Margaret) as feoffees in trust for Winnifred's sole possession, benefit and use, a "Mare of a Bay Colour wth a white Streak down ye face ye left Ear Cropt aged about five years with all her Increase". He further provides that if Winifred should survive him it shall be lawful for her to claim, receive possess and enjoy at ye least for her just third part of the remainder of the estate or estates by him left over and before the above demised premisses or Joynture regardless of any custom or law to the contrary. The Westerhouses are authorized to call him to account for fulfilment of the gift of the mare and her increase. He further warrants that he will annul and make void all former wills, bequests, legacies, gifts grants or codicils, and as surety of this he "doth bind hereunto his pson & all other his Goods Chattles & Lands present & to come". [Mackey --need citation]


1662 [eastern shore Virginia] James Wingfield sold Henrick Waggaman a woman servant, who later was found to be pregnant. Waggaman acknowledged his purchase and indebtedness, but sued in court for compensation for any damages he might sustain due to the servant's condition. [need cit – mentioned in John Ruston Pagan, Anne Orthwood's Bastard: Sex and Law in early Virginia, p. 75 --but fn 50 and 51 not available in google preview]


[1674] Deposition by Hendrick Waggaman aged about 47: In 1668 Waggamon was at the house of Mrs. Boate where he heard Cornelius Verhoofe say that he and Fouxe had discussed the worth of Mrs. Boate's sloop when it was finished; Fouxe said it might be worth 10,000 lbs tobacco. Verhoofe said he would give Mrs. Boat 5500 lbs for half ownership. She replied that she would not have a part owner. Verhoofe said he would have half for I have a bill of sale for it Do what you can. Mrs. Boate said you are a false fellow. She said she gave him a note in case she sold the sloop; he could have first refusal and no more. Verhoofe said it is no matter You shall find that note of promise a good bill of sale and not such as you thought it was. She called him a knave and told him to go out of my house and come no more. He refused saying his business was there and there he would remain in spite of her. Waggaman urged Verhoofe to show the bill of sale but he refused. Since that time, Waggamon visited Mrs. Boate's house and Mrs. Boat and Verhoofe requested him to take notice of a bargain they had made about the sloop in which Verhoofe should sail the sloop, fix up two other boats and do Mrs. Boate's business up the bay and in other remote places in exchange for half the profits accruing from the sloop. In Waggamon's presence Verhoofe and Mrs. Boate referred some differences in accounts to Mr. Daniel Pensax and Mr. Robert Hutchinson before whom Verhoofe renounced all claim to the sloop or its profits saying he would have nothing to do with her he wanted to be paid for the work he had done and Mrs. Boate agreed. Signed 8 Jan. 1673/4 Hendrick Waggaman. [JoAnn Riley McKey, Accomack County Virginia Court Abstracts 1673-1676 Vol. 4, pp. 16-17]


[1675] Deposition of Henrick Wagaman aged about 54 years. Wagaman was on board the ship commanded by Mr. Ton Gingee when Mrs. Anna Boot made up accounts with the commander. Gingee said that he allowed all that Anna Boat produced and she asked him to deduct tobacco that he owed her from the bill. When Gingee answered that he had delivered her bill to Wm. Anderson, Mrs. Boot requested that Anderson might have no power to demand payment. Gingee said he would take back her bill from Anderson and would have nothing further to do with it. Signed Hendrick Wagaman. Deposition of Amos Bonville: Bonville was on the same ship at the time and heard the same words reported by Hend. Wagaman. Signed 27 Jan. 1674/5, Amos Bonville. (p. 228)

Deposition of Wm. Foster aged about 25 years: While coming down the bay in Foster's sloop, Tho. Jones (with his horses) said that if the horses were to die, it would be his loss, not Wagaman's, "for I have already received them." Signed 27 January, Wm. Foster (p. 228) [JoAnn Riley McKey, Accomack County Virginia Court Abstracts 1673-1676 Vol. 4, p. 93]



Hendrick Wagaman died in 1682, survived by his second wife Frances, three sons and a daughter.


Will of Henrik Waggaman


June 8 1681 Aug 17 1682

To the two first born children of my daughter Winnipree Myles, to wife Frances. To children Jacob, Ephraim, Mary, and Jonathan. Wife exec. Wit: Geoch Nich: Hack, John Rowles, Peter Hack, John Case. [Nottingham: Wills and Administrations, Accomack County, Virginia, 1663-1800, p. 11].


A later Captain Henry Waggamon, probably Jonathan's son, patented these tracts in Somerset County Maryland:

1743, Waggamons Purchase, 436 A (NW side of Great Monie Creek); 1748, Long Meadow, 78a (Broad Creek that comes from Manokin River); 1748, Waggamons Lott, 384 A (S side of Manokin River at Trading Point ...3/4 mile south of Princess Anne town); 1753 (a resurvey) Waggamons Purchase, 947 1/2 A; 1747, Liberty, 163A, between Wicomico River and Great Monie Creek, on a small branch issuing from Great Monie cr).


Sources: baptism: Stadsarchief Amsterdam DTB 316, p.10; marriage 1: 25th of March anno 1660 unto the 25th of March 1661. Hungars Parish Record: 1660, August 21 marriage of Winifred Schynn and Henrick Waggaman


2: Marriage (ondertrouw – intentions) in Amsterdam 2 June 1629:

Gelis Jans Wageman out 23 jaren Lichterman woon~ inde Ridderstraet, ter eenen & Brechie Henrixdr out 28 jaren woon~ op Ulenburch [Uilenburg], ter eenen, geassisteert met Neel Pieters haer moeder : hy geassisteert met Jan Henryx syn vader.

(signed) Jelis Jansen, [X]

Stadsarchief Amsterdam DTB 671, p.155 - Huwelijksintekeningen van de PUI.*

[Translation EJ 2012: Gelis Jans Wageman 23 years old, lighterman, living in the Ridderstraet, and

Brechie Henrixdr 28 years old, living on the Uilenburg, assisted with Neel Pieters her mother; he assisted with Jan Henryx, his father].

*This marriage intention was registered in the Pui book rather than in the church register, probably because one or both persons were Roman Catholic. There were no Roman Catholic churches in Amsterdam at the time; banns were posted at the city hall.



ingeschrevene: Wachmans, Egidio

datum begrafenis: 11-11-1651

begraafplaats: Wester Kerk

Stadsarchief Amsterdam DTB 1100A, p.103vo en p.104


3: Sources: marriage: Stadsarchief Amsterdam DTB 671, p.155 - Huwelijksintekeningen van de PUI.


4: Marriage (ondertrouw – intentions) in Amsterdam 25 October 1603:

Hans Wagemans van Antwerpen [tinne]gieter oude 23 jaren wonende 2 1/2 ans int Servetsteeghe [[parents dead at Antwerp]] ter eene Ende Risgen Ariedr wed~ van Jelis Claesz blokmaker verclarende 2 1/2 jaren wed~ geweest te hebben woonende int Nieuwezydesbrug ter ander zyde...

(signed) [mark] [mark]

Stadsarchief Amsterdam DTB 411, p.55 - Huwelijksintekeningen van de KERK



ingeschrevene: Wageman, Hans Hendricxsen

datum begrafenis: 05-07-1650

begraafplaats: Oude Kerk

Stadsarchief Amsterdam DTB 1046, p.104vo en p.105


5: Marriage (ondertrouw – intentions) in Amsterdam 15 May 1593:

Gillis Claessen Blokemaker oude omtr~ xxiij jaren woonende inde Nieuwe zyde arm, verclarende geene ouders int leven te hebben, geassisteert met Mary Cornelisdr syn vrouw*, ter eene, Ende Risgen Arisdr oude omtr~xxij jaren woonende op de Lastagie geassisteert met Bouwen Ariss haer broeder ende Mary Ryken haer petemoeye ter ander zyde

(signed) [mark] [mark]

Stadsarchief Amsterdam DTB 406, p.347 - Huwelijksintekeningen van de KERK

[* 'vrouw' probably indicates 'slaapvrouw' which means 'landlady']

[Translation EJ 2012: Gillis Claessen blockmaker, about 23 years old, living in the Nieuwe zyde arm, declating to have no living parents, assisted with Mary Cornelisdr his landlady, and Risgen Arisdr about 22 years old, living on the Lastagie, assisted with Bouwen Ariss her brother and Mary Ryken her godmother]


Marriage (ondertrouw – intentions) in Amsterdam 25 October1603:

Hans Wagemans van Antwerpen [tinne]gieter oude 23 jaren wonende 2 1/2 ans int Servetsteeghe [[parents dead at Antwerp]] ter eene Ende Risgen Ariesdr wed~ van Jelis Claesz blokmaker verclarende 2 1/2 jaren wed~ geweest te hebben woonende int Nieuwezydesbrug ter ander zyde...

(signed) [mark] [mark]

Stadsarchief Amsterdam DTB 411, p.55 - Huwelijksintekeningen van de KERK

[Translation EJ 2012: Hans Wagemans from Antwerp, tinsmith, 23 years old, living 2 ½ years in the Servetsteeghe, parents dead at Antwerp, and Risgen Ariesdr, widow of Jelis Claesz, blokmaker, declaring to be widowed 2 1/2 years, living in the Nieuwezydesbrug]


5a: burial in Amsterdam:

ingeschrevene: Wagemans, Heijnderick

datum begrafenis: 20-10-1652

begraafplaats: St. Anthonis Kerkhof

Stadsarchief Amsterdam DTB 1191, p.335 en p.336


5c: Sources: baptism: Stadsarchief Amsterdam DTB 39, p.198


5-1a: Baptism:

kind: Nicolaes

doopdatum: 30-07-1595

kerk: Oude Kerk

vader: Claessen, Gelijs

moeder: Aerents, Ruijssen

Stadsarchief Amsterdam DTB 2, p.288


5-1b: Sources: baptism: Stadsarchief Amsterdam DTB 38, p.714


5-1c: Sources: baptism: Stadsarchief Amsterdam DTB 38, p.866


11a: Marriage (ondertrouw – intentions) in Amsterdam 11 June1588:

Bouwen Arentsz, mastemaeker, oudt omtrent xxiij jaren woonen~ by 't Wal __ aende Veste[?], geassisteert met Marytgen Rycken syn petemoeye ende Henrick Danielsz syne vooght ter eenen, ende Lysbet Tonisdr oudt omtrent xxiij jaren, woonen~ opde Zeedyck geassisteert met Weyn Tonis haer suster. [signed [mark] [mark]]

Stadsarchief Amsterdam DTB 663, p.8 - Huwelijksintekeningen van de PUI.*

[Translation EJ 2012: Bouwen Arentsz, mast maker, about 23 years old, living by the Wal __

aende Veste[?], assisted with Marytgen Rycken his godmother and Henrick Danielsz his guardian, and Lysbet Tonisdr, about 23 years old, living on the Zeedyck, assisted with Weyn Tonis her sister]

*This marriage intention was registered in the Pui book rather than in the church register, probably because one or both persons were Roman Catholic. There were no Roman Catholic churches in Amsterdam at the time; banns were posted at the city hall.


© 2012 Elizabeth A. Johnson. Free use can be made of the above for personal genealogical research, but commercial or for-profit use is strictly prohibited.  Contact the author for further informatiuon iris.gates AT gmail.com

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