
Auke Jans Van Nuys' Brother and Father

Page history last edited by Liz Johnson 12 years, 2 months ago

The Father and Brother of Aucke Jans Van Nuys

by Elizabeth A. Johnson © 2012



The father and brother of Aucke Jans Van Nuys of Flatbush, NY were Jan Aukes, and Goosen Jans van Nuys of Amsterdam.


This will be of interest not only to Van Nuys researchers but also to descendants of two branches of the Dutch Bennets, to Reyniers, Fonteyn, Dorland, Voorhees, Wyckoff and Billiou families, as well as to Okeson descendants and many others.


This discovery came about after working with Renee Dauven on translating a group of the Flatbush town records. At one point I had occasion to check my notes here for Auke Jans van Nuys, a carpenter who came to the Dutch colonies about 1651. Then seeing that Auke had come there from Amsterdam, I looked up his marriage record in the Amsterdam archives. The marriage records of Amsterdam have only been available online since around January 2012, so before then, unless someone personally visited the archives and found the right fiche to read and transcribe (or hired someone to do so), the full text of Auke Jans van Nuys' marriage record would have been unknown.


It seems that at one time it was thought Auke Jans van Nuys' parents were Jan Goosens and Ebelken Hermans, a couple from northern coastal Friesland, who married in Amsterdam in 1606 [SAA DTB 412:114]. I don't know the original source of the Jan Goosens – Ebelken Hermans hypothesis, but it's online in several places, and it's incorrect, according to what I have found in 1640's and 1650's records in Amsterdam.


Now Auke Jans Van Nuys descendants (surnames above and others) might like to update their details on these early ancestors, and note the van Nuys cousins and their aunts, uncles and grandparents who lived in Amsterdam. In the marriage record of Auke Jans van Nuys and Magdalena Pieters, I found in a marginal note that Auke Jans van Nuys had a brother Goosen Jans van Nuys, who was Auke's marriage assistant (witness), and that Auke had come from Nuis, a village in the province of Groningen. Auke's marriage intention was recorded in Amsterdam on March 25, 1645.




Aucke Janss van de Nys, huystimmergesel, geassist~ met het bescheyt van syn moeders &sent, out 23 jaren woon~ inde Egelentierstraet, en Magdalena Pieters van Alckmaer woon~ als vooren out 22 jaer geassist met haer moeder Adrian[tje] Arents

[signed] Aucke Jansen; she signs +

[margin] 3 gebod opgehouden den 8 April | en geassist~ met syn broeder Goosen Jans zyne moeders wettech &sent in te brengen | Commissarissen van Looy & Blaeu &senten den 22 April de voort gaen & van geboden & gaet het 3 gebod voor den 23 April

[Stadsarchief Amsterdam DTB 461 p 412]


Translation: Aucke Janss from the [village of] Nuis, house carpenter apprentice, assisted with the proof of his mother's consent, age 23 years, living in the Egelentierstraet, and Magdalena Pieters of Alckmaer living as above, 22 years, assisted with her mother Adrian[tje] Arents.

[margin] 3 Banns commencing the 8 April. And [he] assisted with his brother Goosen Jans, to bring in his mother's legal consent. Consent had gone to Commissioners van Looy & Blaeu  the 22 April and can continue, & of the banns, the 3 banns before the 23 April.


Then checking the marriage record of Auke's brother Goosen Jans van Nuys, I found that he had also come to Amsterdam from Nuis, Groningen, Nederlands, and had married the previous year. Goosen's marriage intention was recorded in Amsterdam on March 30, 1644.


Goosen Janss vande Nus goutdraettrecker woon inde Lelydwarstraet out 30 jaer, geassist~ met syn oom Benning Wyma & Susanna van Heck van A geasst~ met Susanna van Heck opde Bloemgracht

[signed] Gose Jans, Susanne van Heck

[Stadsarchief Amsterdam DTB 460, p.309]


Translation: Goosen Janss from the [village of] Nuis, drawer of gold threads, living in the Lelydwarstraet, age 30 years, assisted with his uncle Benning Wyma, & Susanna van Heck of A[msterdam], assisted with Susanna van Heck, [living] on the Bloemgracht.

[signed] Gose Jans, Susanne van Heck


Goosen's witness, Benning Wyma, was a very successful businessman. Originally a house carpenter, he was from Grootegast, a village near Nuis in the Dutch province of Groningen. Benning Wyma was noted in this marriage intention as being Goosen's uncle. Therefore either Jan van Nuys (Auke's and Goosen's father) had been married to a sister of Benning Wyma, or someone in an earlier generation from one of these two families had married someone from the other family. Or Benning Wyma's first wife's sister had married Auke and Goosen Jans van Nuys' father. The last possibility here is the most unlikely, since Benning Wyma's first wife (and mother of his children) was Meijke Asia, and the Asia name (a Dutch given name for males) does not come down as the name of a son of Auke or Goosen. In addition, Benning Wyma's brother Barent had for his marriage witness one Lammetje Goosens, called his 'moeye' (aunt) [SAA DTB 432, p.79], indicating that the Goosen ancestor connected in the generation previous to that of Benning Wyma and Jan Aukes, the Van Nuys brothers' father.


Note: in Goosen's marriage record, the name of Susanna van Heck, the witness (NOT the bride), was probably a recorder error. Susanna JACOBS may have been intended here. Susanna Jacobs was most probably a sister of Sara Jacobs, the second wife of Benning Wyma (married 1639). Sara Jacobs (of Leiden) was the widow of Jan Hendricksz van Heck, and their daughter Susanna was this first wife of Goosen Jans van Nuys. On 4 February 1624 in Amsterdam, Susanna Jacobs had been the baptismal witness (peetmoie) of this same Susanna van Heck  [SAA DTB 40, p.240]. Often the aunts who were peetmothers of young women accompanied their nieces or godchildren when they recorded their marriage intentions. The Dutch held special bonds with their namesakes.


More importantly to the colonial Van Nuys family is the name of Auke and Goosen's father. ONE baptism record of a child of Auke Jans van Nuys reveals the name of a witness who is probably Auke and Goosen Jans van Nuys' father. This is in the baptism record of of Jan, son of Auke Jans van Nuys, taking place on 18 December 1650 in the Noorderkerk of Amsterdam [Stadsarchief Amsterdam DTB 75, p.278]. This child Jan was the first son of Auke, and the last child of his to be born in Amsterdam before the family came to the colonies. Names of the baptismal witnesses here were Jan Aukes, and Rachel Bennings, the second wife of Goosen Jans van Nuys, and a daughter of Benning Wyma (probable cousin marriage). [Stadsarchief Amsterdam DTB 75, p.278].


I think this baptismal witness, Jan Aukes, almost certainly the child's grandfather, had only recently come to Amsterdam (ca 1645-1650), and I think he was either dead or infirm before 15 December, 1656, when Goosen Jans van Nuys' own first son Johannis (Jan) was baptized --otherwise Jan Aukes would have also appeared at the baptism of this namesake grandson. But instead in that baptism, Jan Jans, husband of one of Rachel Benning's sisters, appears [SAA DTB 105, p.87]. Goosen van Nyus' next oldest son (Benjamin) has for his baptismal witness Benning Wyma, in his traditional role as the maternal grandfather. [SAA DTB 105, p.218].


Another possible addition to data available from Amsterdam on the family of Auke Jans van Nuys may be the baptism of Auke's daughter Annetje, who was married in the colonies in December 1661, and recorded as having been born in Amsterdam:


1661, December 4:
         Wijnant Pieterzen, "from Eck in the Betuwe"
         to Anneken Auckens, "from Amsterd[am]";
         Witnesses:  Aucke Jans, father of the bride, Jan

         Jacobszen van Rheenen [of Rhenen]

[Source: A.P.G. Jos van der Linde, translator and editor, under the direction of the Scholarship Committee of The Holland Society. "Old Dutch Manuscripts:  Old First Dutch Reformed Church of Brooklyn, New York.  First Book of Records, 1660-1752" (The Genealogical Publishing Company , Baltimore, MD, 1983), p. 212]


Since December 1661 is only a little more than  16 ½ years after Auke's marriage, this Annetje should be his oldest child. No Annetje, daughter of Auke Jans and Magdalena Pieters turned up in the Amsterdam baptisms index, but the baptism of Annetje, a daughter of Albert Jans and Magdalena Jans, was recorded on 28 January 1646 [SAA DTB 42, p.481]. This record, viewed as a pdf image of the original book, is neatly written, and the names are very clear. Normally I would dismiss a record with the father's name so different from the name of my subject, except in this case, the baptismal witness was a Saertje Jacobs, which is the same name as the wife of Benning Wyma, who was the uncle and also the father-in-law of Goosen Jans van Nuys. Sara Jacobs had married Benning Wyma in 1639 [SAA DTB 43, p.21], and participated in the baptisms of two daughters of Andrea Bennings, a sister of Goosen's second wife Rachel, in the 1640's. Sara died about 1653.


To be sure there was not another family consisting of an Albert Jans and wife Magdalena, I searched Amsterdam baptisms between 1640 and 1660 for the same couple. In that period only one child was born to an Albert (or Elbert) Jans* and any Magdalena, and that child was the Annetje above mentioned. Thus I reluctantly hypothesize this child as the first child of Auke Jans and Magdalena Pieters. If this is so, the recorder had the father's first name clearly wrong, and in the mother's surname, the father's patronym was mistakenly used.


To tie up the remaining details here on the other children of Auke Jans van Nuys and Magdalena Pieters who were born in Amsterdam, there were three more, all under the correct parents' names:


i. Annetje (as above), if the wrong father's name was in the baptism, baptized 28 January 1646; witness Sara Jacobs, likely Benning Wyma's second wife [SAA DTB 42, p.481];


ii. Geertruy Aukes van Nuys, baptized 9 June 1647 - Nieuwe Kerk, Amsterdam; witness Maritje Hendricks, whom I haven't identified [SAA DTB 43, p.44];


iii. Jannetie Aukes van Nuys , baptized 17 November 1648 - Nieuwe Kerk, Amsterdam; witness Adriaentje Arents, the child's maternal grandmother [SAA DTB 43, p.98]; and


iii. Jan Aukes van Nuys, mentioned earlier, baptized 18 December 1650 - Noorderkerk, Amsterdam; two witnesses: Jan Aukes –not named as 'van Nuys', but most likely the paternal grandfather, appearing here for the first time in the traditional role as witness for his oldest, namesake grandson, and Rachel Benning, the child's aunt --second wife of Goosen Jans van Nuys. [SAA DTB 75, p.278].


The rest of Auke Jans van Nuys and Magdalena Pieters' children were born after they moved to the colonies.


These findings will be useful to many Auke Jans descendants. Details on Auke Jans van Nuys' brother Goosen and his ten children, and details concerning Auke and Goosen's uncle (and father-in-law) Bennings Wyma and his family, can be found on this website by following the links starting here.




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