
Goosen Jans Van Nuys, Gold-thread Maker

Page history last edited by Liz Johnson 12 years, 2 months ago

Goosen Jans Van Nuys and his family

by Elizabeth A. Johnson © 2012



While Auke Jans van Nuys chose to migrate to the colonies, Goosen Jans van Nuys remained in Amsterdam. Why didn't Goosen also migrate? Building carpenters were in great demand in the colonies, while Goosen was a manufacturer of gold threads, the kind used in luxury fabrics. In the colonies, Goosen would not have had much of a market for his products, nor access to raw materials, and he would have had to pay import/export duties in both directions. Being a practical Dutchman and owner of a house in the Jordaan sector of Amsterdam (where his in-laws also lived), Goosen sensibly chose to remain in the place where he was sure to prosper. Between 1652 and 1683, he successively purchased several adjoining buildings and lots on a corner of the Tichelstraet in the Jordaan, and bought various other properties in this neighborhood.


Goosen Jans van Nuys was married twice. His first wife, Susanna Jans van Heck, was a stepdaugher of his uncle Benning Wyma's second wife, Sara Jacobs. Sara had earlier married Jan Hendricksz van Heck, then married Benning Wyma in 1639 [SAA DTB 452, p.124]. Goosen Jans van Nuys and Susanna Jans van Heck recorded their marriage intention on 30 March, 1644 in Amsterdam:


Goosen Janss vande Nus goutdraettrecker woon inde Lelydwarstraet out 30 jaer, geassist~ met syn oom Benning Wyma & Susanna van Heck van A geasst~ met Susanna van Heck opde Bloemgracht [signed] Gose Jans, Susanne van Heck

[SAA DTB 460, p.309]


Translation: Goosen Janss from the [village of] Nuis, drawer of gold threads, living in the Lelydwarstraet, age 30 years, assisted with his uncle Benning Wyma, & Susanna van Heck of A[msterdam], assisted with Susanna van Heck, [living] on the Bloemgracht.


Goosen's witness, Benning Wyma, was a very successful businessman who lived in the Jordaan sector of Amsterdam. Originally a house carpenter, he was from Grootegast, a village near Nuis in the Dutch province of Groningen. Benning Wyma was noted in this marriage intention as being Goosen's uncle. Therefore either Jan van Nuys (Auke's and Goosen's father) had been married to a sister of Benning Wyma, or someone in an earlier generation from one of these two families had married someone from the other family. Or Benning Wyma's first wife's sister had married Auke and Goosen Jans van Nuys' father. The last possibility here is the most unlikely, since Benning Wyma's first wife (and mother of his children) was Meijke Asia, and the Asia name (a Dutch given name for males) does not come down as the name of a son of Auke or Goosen. In addition, Benning Wyma's brother Barent had for his marriage witness one Lammetje Goosens, called his 'moeye' (aunt) [SAA DTB 432, p.79], indicating that the Goosen ancestor connected in the generation previous to that of Benning Wyma and Jan Aukes, father of the Van Nuys brothers.


Note in Goosen's marriage record: The name of Susanna van Heck, the witness (NOT the bride), was probably a recorder error. Susanna JACOBS may have been intended here. Susanna Jacobs was most probably a sister of Sara Jacobs, the second wife of Benning Wyma (married 1639). Sara Jacobs (of Leiden) was the widow of Jan Hendricksz van Heck, and their daughter Susanna was this first wife of Goosen Jans van Nuys. On 4 February 1624, Susanna Jacobs had been the baptismal witness (peetmoie) of this same Susanna van Heck. Often the aunts who were peetmothers of young women accompanied their nieces or godchildren when they recorded their marriage intentions. The Dutch held special bonds with their namesakes.


Goosen's wife Susanna did not live long after their marriage, and as far as known, they had no children. In 1649, Goosen Jans van Nuys married Rachel Bennings, a daughter of Benning Wyma and his first wife, Meyke Asia. Their marriage intention was recorded on 5 June 1649.


Gosen Janss vander Nuys, goutdraettrecker wed~r van Susanne Jans, woon~ opde Bloemgracht

& Rachel Bennincx van A out 21 jaer, geassist~ met haer vader Benninck Weyma, woon als vooren [signed] Gose Jansz vander Nuys, Ragel Benyamyns Wyma

[SAA DTB 467, p.1]


Translation: Gosen Janss vander Nuys, drawer of gold threads, widower of Susanne Jans, living on the Bloemgracht, and Rachel Bennings of Amsterdam age 21 years, assisted with her father Benning Wyma, living as above.


One month before this engagement, Goosen Jans van Nuys had purchased a house on the Bloemgracht from Jan Hendricks Leuven, whose sister Lobbrechje would later become Benning Wyma's third wife. This would be Goosen's first home with Rachel Bennings. The Bloemgracht was another canal in the Jordaan of Amsterdam, connecting the Prinsengracht on the Amsterdam side with the Lijnbaansgracht on the western side. Another resident who lived at the same time on this street was Joan Blaeu, the book printer and cartographer, whose son Willem, born here in 1635, created the Atlas Maior or Great Atlas of world maps. Rembrandt van Rijn had a studio on this canal in the 1660's.


Here in the Jordaan, Goosen Jans van Nuys' manufacture of gold threads was successful. He soon purchased a house and lot at the corner of the Grote Karthuizersstraat at the Tichelstraat, then several adjacent properties on the Tichelstraat. He also owned properties on the Nieuwe Leliestraat and the Anjeliersstraat, all in the Jordaan. Between 1650 and 1672, Goosen Jans van Nuys and Rachel Bennings had ten children. They were:


i. Maria, baptized on 24 March 1650 in the Nieuwe Kerk, Amsterdam. Her baptismal witness was Andrea Bennings, Rachel's sister. [SAA DTB 43, p.140]. She died as an infant.


ii. Marya, baptized 27 August 1651 in the Noorderkerk. Her aunt Andrea Bennings was also her baptismal witness. [SAA DTB 75, p.295]. She died as a child.


iii. Anna, baptized 2 August 1654 in the Westerkerk. Her baptismal witness was Lobbregie Hendricks Leuven, who had recently married Benning Wyma as his third wife. [SAA DTB 105, p.12],


iv. Johannis, baptized 15 December 1656 in the Westerkerk. His baptismal witnesses were Aachtje Bennings and her husband Jan Jans [SAA DTB 105, p.87]. The absence of the paternal grandfather, Jan Aukes (van Nuys) on this occasion may indicate that he had died. Jan Aukes had appeared in 1650 as a baptismal witness for his first grandson Jan, a son of Auke Jans van Nuys.


v. Benjamyn, baptized 19 October 1659 in the Westerkerk. Baptismal witnesses for him were the maternal grandfather Benning Wyma, and an aunt, Aachtje (Agatha) Bennings. [SAA DTB 105, p.218]. This child died before 1667.


vi. Jacob, baptized 12 April 1662 in the Nieuwe Kerk; witnesses the child's uncle Asia Bennings, an aunt Aachtje Bennings and Catrina Wyma. [SAA DTB 44, p.4] The witness Catrina Wyma was probably Catarina Bodisto, Asia Bennings' wife, recorded here under her husband's surname.


vii. Maria, baptized 6 April 1665 in the Westerkerk. Her witnesses were Johannes Kock, husband of Andrea Bennings, and Adriaen* Bennings. [SAA DTB 106, p.145]. *The witness 'Adriaen' Bennings is probably a recorder error, and Andrea Bennings was most likely meant.


viii. Benjamin, baptized 12 January 1667 in the Noorderkerk. Baptismal witnesses for him were Wyma Bennings, an uncle, and his wife Grietje Erasmus. [SAA DTB 6, p.38],


ix. Sara, baptized on 22 July 1670 in the Nieuwe Kerk, witnesses Luycas vander Heyde and wife Lisabet Danckaerts. [SAA DTB 44, p.283], and


x. Carel, baptized 8 May 1672 in the Westerkerk; witnesses his uncle Wyma Bennings and wife Grietje Erasmus. Carel died at age nine and was buried on 15 April 1681 at the Nieuwe Kerk. [baptism: SAA DTB 107, p.19; burial: DTB 1056, pp.215-216].


Goosen Jans van Nuys, manufacturer of gold threads and denizen of the Jordaan of Amsterdam, died at the age of 75. He was buried on 11 May 1689 at the Nieuwe Kerk of Amsterdam. His wife, Rachel Bennings, had died several months earlier, and was buried on 16 October 1688 at the Nieuwe Kerk. [SAA DTB 1057, pp.9-10 (Goosen); DTB 1057, pp.5-6 (Rachel)].


To read about the family of Benning Wyma, Goosen Jans van Nuys' father-in-law and uncle, follow the link here.


To learn about the Jordaan of Amsterdam, where it was located and how it was made, and to see a map, click here. 

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