

Page history last edited by snabe003@planet.nl 11 years, 6 months ago






1600 – 1609






On 8 January 1600, Jan Lambertsz., from Leiden, 22 years old, since five years living in the Warmoesstraat, assisted by Belye Jansdr., his godmother, and Jacob Boelensz., Mayor of Amsterdam, testifying to know the consent of his guardian, was legally engaged to Martyntgen Gaillaert Antonisdr., 20 years old, assisted by Antonie Gaillaert, her father, living as above.
[signed] Jan lambertsz, Martynken Gailliaert - (DTB 409/100) - marriage intentions of the church - (Own research)


On 22 January 1600, Dirk Krynen, luitenant on a warship, widower of Tryn Jacobsdr., living in the Nieuwstraat, aasisted by Augustyn Stevens, his brother-in-law, was legally engaged to Elisabeth Claas Plempen, widow of captain Dirk Jans van Duynkerken (2.1/2 years a widow), living on the Turfmarkt. - (De Navorscher)


On 5 February 1600, Philips Metsue, 25 years old, living on the Middeldam, assisted by Jacob Kykenpoost, his uncle and Gerson Metsue, his brother, was legally engaged to Catheline Merssys, 21 years old, living in the nieustadt near the Korgens poort, assisted by Hans Merssys and Catelynke van Eykeren, her father and mother.

[signed] Philips Metsue, Caterina Merchys (DTB 409/114) - marriage intentions of the church - (Own research)


On 5 February 1600, Jacques Clinquant, from Antwerp, 27 years old, since eight years living in the Pylsteeg, with consent of his father Gillis Clinquan, was legally engaged to Catelyne Linkenburch, from Antwerp, abt. 30 years old, since twelve years living in the Luciensteeg, assisted by Digna Boels, her mother.

[signed] jakus Clynkant, Chatila Linckenborch - (DTB 409/116) - marriage intentions of the church - (Own research)


On 5 February 1600, Jan Dierics Hoochsaet, from Nieuwenierop (Nieuwe Niedorp), compass maker, 23 years old, living by the Haarlemmersluys, assisted by his father Dirck Pietersz., was legally engaged to Femmetje Jans, assisted by her mother Neeltge Willems (DTB 665/62) - (Montias)


On 6 February 1600, Heinrik Servaes, widower of Aeltje Jans Huydekooper, living on the Nieuwmarkt, assisted by Servaes Goossens, her father and by Maritgen Adriaensdr., was legally engaged to Maritgen Laurens, widow of Andries Boelesz., living in the Sleutels Brewery, assisted by Laurens Volkerts Ring, her father.

[signed] Heinrick Servaes, Maritien Lourens - (DTB 409/117) - marriage intentions of the church - (Own research)


On 18 February 1600, Guillaume Wys, from Antwerp, 28 years old, living on 't Water, assisted by Geertruyt Wys, his mother, was legally engaged to Sara Berwyns, from Antwerp, 23 years old, living on the N.Z. Achterburgwal, assisted by Bernard Berwyns, her father.

[signed] Guillaume Wys, Sara Berwyns - (DTB 409/119) - marriage intentions of the church - (Own research)


On 17 March 1600, Jaspar van Essen, from Antwerp, 24 years old, living on 't Rokin, assisted by his father Heinrick van Essen, was legally engaged to Tryntgen Claesdr., 19 years old, living on 't Water, assisted by her father Claes Loefsz. and her mother Mary Jacobsdr. (DTB 409/68) - (van Dillen)


On 25 March 1600, Sebald de Wilde, from Antwerp, silk dyer, abt. 30 years old, living in the Ververyen, assisted by Lyntgen de Wilde, his godmother, was legally engaged to Catelyne Pungnee, from Doornik, 24 years old, since five years living as above.

[signed] Sebalt de Wilde, [her mark] - (DTB 409/134) - marriage intentions of the church - (Own research)


On 25 March 1600, Fransoys Gysens, from Antwerp, warehouse man, 25 years old, having lived 13 years on the St. Anthonisdyck in the Nieustadt, assisted by his mother Lyntgen Tykmakers, was legally engaged to Esther Braems, from Antwerp, 27 years old, having lived 14 years in the Nieuwe Hoogstraat assisted by her neve Jan van de Mertt. - (Montias)


On 15 April 1600, Guillaume Bert, from Doornik, 24 years old, living near the Uyterste Steyger [Nieuwe Rockin], assisted by Jan Sandra, his uncle, showing his father's consent, was legally engaged to Elisabeth de Falloise, from Asme [Aspe?] in England, 22 years old, living in the Warmoesstraat, assisted by juff. Jenne de Dunner, widow of Jacques Mercier, who is testifying that she raised her after the death of her parents. (DTB 409/85) - (van Dillen)


On 15 April 1600, Andries de Grauwe, wedr. van Maaike Delys, living on the Warmoesstraat, was legally engaged to Clarken van Dalen (signs Clara van Dalen), from Antwerp, 22 years old, assisted by her father Floris van Dalen (DTB 409/151) - (Montias)


On 13 May 1600, Jan de Wale, from Wevelghem in Flanders, widower of Sara Fabry, living near the Jan Roodenpoort, assisted by his brother-in-law mr. Jan van der Beke, was legally engaged to Margriet de Pickere, from Antwerp, since 16 years widow of Michiel Wachmans, living in Middelburg, assisted by her brother Thibaut de Pickere. (DTB 409/100) - (van Dillen)


On 20 May 1600, Jean Leschevin, from Antwerp, 26 years old, living on the O.Z. Achterburgwal, assisted by Simon Leschevin, his father, was legally engaged to Janneken Cornelisdr. van Ruyven, 22 years old, living in the Warmoesstraat, assisted by her mother Jannetgen Hendricksdr. (DTB 409/102) - (van Dillen)


On 25 May 1600, Claes Henricksz., dyer, 21 years old, assisted by his father Hendrick Claesz., was legally engaged to Truytje Hermans, 22 years old, living on the Deventer Houtmarckt (DTB 665/115) - (Montias)


On 27 May 1600, Joos Goeymare, from Kortryk, painter, 25 years old, since 14 years living in the Betaniensteeg, assisted by Cornelis Goeymaer, his father, was legally engaged to Mayken Savery [Savary], from Kortryk, about 26 years old, since 1 year living in the Nes, assisted by Jacques Savery, her brother. - (Oud Holland)


On 7 July 1600, Pieter Vekemans, from Meerhout in Flanders, headmaster of the Latin School, widower of Tanneke Willems, was legally engaged to Saerken Huysmans, from Antwerp, about 41 years old, assisted by her mother Paschyntgen Smits and her brother Herman Huysman, merchant. (DTB 409/205) - (van Dillen)


On 8 July 1600, Wolffert Webber, from Straetsburgh, 35 years old, since 12 years living on the O.Z. Voorburgwal, assisted by Heynrik Beyer, his former Master, was legally engaged to Annetje Kocks Heinricksdr., 20 years old, living in the Halsteeg. - (van Dillen)


On 29 July 1600, Joost Claesz., timmerman, 30 years old, living on the corner of the Wyesteech by the Houtmarckt, parents dead, was legally engaged to Elbrigh Claesdr., 22 years old, living on the O.Z. Achterburchwal, parents dead (DTB 409/213) - (Montias)


On 18 August 1600, Adam Sneewaters, from Antwerp, butcher, widower of Barber Pieters., living on the Ossenmarkt, was legally engaged to Elizabeth Nazen, from Antwerp, 25 years old, since three years living as above, assisted by Peeter van Beusegem, her uncle and by Magdaleentgen van Bergen, her cousin.

[signed] Adam Sneuwaters, Elisabet Nason - (DTB 409/220) - marriage intentions of the church - (Own research)


On 26 August 1600, Jaques del Planque, from Ryssel, cloth worker [boratwerker], 24 years old, since ten years living on the Walenpad, assisted by Gillis del Planque and Styntie Carlier, his father and mother, was legally engaged to Sara Faulconnier, from Antwerp, 21 years old, since fifteen years living near the Jan Roonpoort on the citywall, assisted by Margriet du Pont, her mother.

[signed] [his mark], [her mark] - (DTB 409/228) - marriage intentions of the church - (Own research)


On 31 August 1600, Joos van Peenen, from Comen in Flanders, assisted by his father Jan van Peenen, was legally engaged to Susanne Gruel, from Antwerp, assisted by her father Nicolas Gruel and her mother Jacqueline Pers. (DTB 409/107) - (van Dillen)


On 7 October 1600, Abraham van Soest, 25 years old, living in the Warmoesstraat, assisted by Hans van Solt, his father, was legally engaged to Sara de Mulder Niclaesdr., from Antwerp, 20 years old, living as above, assisted by Peeter Barsemaker alias Baill, her uncle.

[signed] Abraham van Soest - (DTB 409/251) - marriage intentions of the church - (Own research)


On 22 October 1600, Hans Putmans, from Mechelen, passementwerker, living on the N.Z. Melkmarkt, was married to Grietge Lanssens, from Mechelen. (DTB 409/255 - (van Dillen)


On 3 November 1600, Jan van Heynsbergen, from Goch in the land of Kleef, parents dead, was legally engaged to Elisabeth Pynappels, from 's-Hertogenbosch, 23 years old, since 7 years living in Amsterdam, assisted by her uncles Ambrosius Kemp and Albrecht Becker. (DTB 409/264) - (van Dillen)


On 9 December 1600, Adriaen van Hooghstraten, from Antwerp, 17 years old, since seven years living outside the Korsgenspoort in the Nieustadt, was legally engaged to Weyntgen Benken Jansdr., 21 years old, living in the Warmoesstraat, assisted by Jan Benken, her father and by Griet Stevens, her mother.
[signed] Adriaen van Hoochstraten, Weyntgen Bencken - (DTB 409/294) - marriage intentions of the church - (Own research)


On 21 December 1600, Claes Jansz. van Marcken, living in Alkmaar, was legally engaged to Aeltjen Korssen, 19 years old, living on the N.Z. Voorburgwal, assisted by her father Kors Martsz. and her mother Aef Cornelis. - (Amstelodamum)


On 22 December 1600, Balthazar van der Veken, from Antwerp, 27 years old, since 12 years living near the Verweryen, assisted by his uncle Jacob Jacobsz. Hinlopen, was legally engaged to Levina Luycx, from Antwerp, 20 years old, since 12 years living in the nieustadt, near the Sint Antonisdyk, assisted by Robert Luycx, her brother.

[signed] Balthasar van der Vecken, Livina Luycx - (DTB 409/299) - marriage intentions of the church - (Own research)




On 16 January 1601, Stephanus Baccherus, from Antwerp, med. doctor, 30 years old, living in Emden, assisted by his sister Maeyken Bacchers, was legally engaged to Maeyken Mertens, 20 years old, living on 't Water, assisted by her father Hans Mertens. (DTB 409/315) - (van Dillen)


On 31 January 1601, Francois Wouters, from Antwerp, 23 years old, living in the Warmoesstraat, assisted by his brother-in-law Joos de Lathouwer and his cousin Balthasar Schulenborgh, was legally engaged to Ida Adams, from Antwerp, 21 years old, since 8 months living in the Nes, assisted by her father Antoine Adams and her brother-in-law Steven Pinel. - (van Dillen)


On 17 February 1601, Abraham de Goyer, from Culemborg, 21 years old, since five years living near the Sint Olofs gate, showing the consent of his uncles and guardians, was legally engaged to Tryntgen Barentsdr., 23 years old, living near the Ossensluis, assisted by Barent Jansz, her father and Weyntgen Heyndricks, her mother.

[signed] Abraham de Goyer, Trynken Barent - (DTB 409/336) - marriage intentions of the church - (Own research)


On 1 March 1601, Adriaan Cornelisz. Drooch, from Hoorn, capt. of a warship, widower of Reynou Pietersdr., from Antwerp, living on the N.Z. Achterburgwal, was legally engaged to Jannetgen Claasdr., widow of Wiggert Frans, being a widow for 18 years, living on the Zeedyk. - (De Navorscher)


On 10 March 1601, Gerrit Jacobsz, sailor, 27 years old, living on the O.Z. Voorburgwal, assisted by Jacob Geritsz Haringh, his father, was legally engaged to Lysbeth Pietersdr., 25 years old, living outside the Gasthuys gate in the Nieustadt, assisted by Anna Pietersdr., her sister.

[signed] by mijn Gherryt Jacopsz, Lysbet Pieters - (DTB 409/346) - marriage intentions of the church - (Own research)


On 17 March 1601, Hans Verbiest, from Antwerp, sugar-refiner, was legally engaged to Janneken de Meyer, from Aelst, 26 years old, living on the O.Z. Voorburgwal, assisted by her brother Marten de Meyer. (DTB 409/194) - (van Dillen)


On 7 April 1601, Joost Felbier, from Antwerp, cloth fuller, widower of Lyntgen de Hertoghe, living on the Ossenmarkt, assisted by Maycken van Baly, his mother, was legally engaged to Tanneken van den Blocke, from Masseyk, widow of Merten van den Brande, testifying to be a widow for six months, living in the Naem Jezus steeg, parents dead, assisted by Anneken Goosens, her cousin.

[signed] Joos Felbier, Tanneken van den Block - (DTB 409/360) - marriage intentions of the church - (Own research)


On 12 April 1601, Hans Luycx, from Antwerp, 21 years old, living on the St. Tonisdyk in the nieustad, assisted by his brother Robert Luycx, was legally engaged to Geertruyd Jansdr. van Wesick, 17 years old, living on the O.Z. Voorburgwal. - (van Dillen)


On 27 April 1601, Paulus Vredeman de Vriese, from Antwerp, 34 years old, living in the Hooch straat, assisted by Johan Vredeman de Vriese, his father, was legally engaged to Mayke Godelet, 37 years old, living in the Geertruydenstraat. - (Oud Holland)


On 27 April 1601, Huybrecht Bertens, from Antwerp, living in Middelburg, was legally engaged to Catharina van Leyden, from Antwerp, 20 years old, since 3 years living in the nieustad outside the St. Tonispoort, assisted by her father Pieter van Leyden and her mother Catharina Boutry. (DTB 665/89) - (van Dillen)


On 28 April 1601, Jan le Febvre, from Antwerp, silkweaver [caffatier], 23 years ols, since 6 years living in the Cellebroerssteeg, assisted by his father Jean le Fevre, was legally engaged to Madalene Rousseau, from Antwerp, assisted by her father and mother Jean Rousseau and Adrienne Parin. (DTB 409/210) - (van Dillen)


On 28 April 1601, Hendrik Gerritsz. Smit, captain on a warship, living in the Leliestraat in the nieustadt, was legally engaged to Bennetgen Bruynen, from Muiden, widow of Claas Pieters Meun (27 weeks a widow), living in the Niezel. - (De Navorscher)


On 12 May 1601, Marten Eernst van Bassen, 20 years old, living on the O.Z. Achterburgwal, assisted by Mary Martens, his mother, and by Pieter Erdinck and Dirck Jacobsz Roosekrans, his guardians, was legally engaged to Lysbet Claes Hasselaers, 22 years old, living on the O.Z. Voorburgwal, assisted by Gertgen Princen, her mother and by Arent de Bisschop, her uncle.

[signed] Marten Ernst van Bassen, Lisbet Claes Hasselaers - (DTB 409/392) - marriage intentions of the church - (Own research)


On 19 May 1601, Jacques Clinquant, from Antwerp, cabinetmaker, 23 years old, since twenty years living on the O.Z. Voorburgwal, assisted by Guilliam de la Motte, his grandfather and by Jan Clinquant, his brother, testifying about his father's consent, was legally engaged to Saerken Aerts, from Antwerp, 20 years old, since eighteen years living in the Betaniensteeg, assisted by Truyke Jans, het mother.

[signed] Saerten Aerts, [his mark] - (DTB 409/393) - marriage intentions of the church - (Own research)


On 26 May 1601, Josijntgen van Wickevoort, from Antwerp, 23 years old, living in the Warmoesstraat, assisted by Antoine van Wickevoort, her father, requesting the three proclamations with Florentius Joannis, minister in Crynwolde in Beveland.
[signed] Josyntjen van Wickevoort (DTB 762A/148) - Extra-ordinaris marriage intentions - (Own reserach)


On 2 June 1601, Pieter Arentsz. Sandelyn, kuyper, 26 years old, living on the N.Z. Achterburchwal, assisted by his sister Aechgien Arents and his nichte Janneken Harkey, was legally engaged to Barber Pieters, 23 years old, living on the Nieuwen Dyck, assisted by Jan Pietersz. Tolck and Cornelis Pietersz., her brothers, and Claes Jansz. Copma (?), her uncle (DTB 665/165) - (Montias)


On 9 juni 1601, Casper Casperse Coolhaes, from Leiden, 25 years old, pastrychef, living in the Warmoesstraat, assisted by Casper Coolhaes, his father, was legally engaged to Janneken Claas Backersdr., van Deventer, and living there, in writing by Michiel Kerkhertensius, minister in Deventer. - (De Navorscher)


On 16 June 1601, Geerard Verhoeven, from Antwerp, 31 years old, since four years living in the Ridderstraet, parents dead, assisted by Marten Wevering, his cousin, was legally engaged to Catharina Honkelboer Melchiorsdr., from Antwerp, living as above.

[signed] Geraert Verhoeven, Cathelyna Honckelboers - (DTB 409/410) - marriage intentions of the church - (Own research)


On 22 June 1601, Floris Cornelisz van Ruyven, 28 years old, living in the Warmoesstraat, assisted by Janneken Ruyvens, his mother, was legally engaged to Susanna Matthieu, from Wesel, 21 years old, since two years living in the Molensteeg, assisted by Jaques Merchier [Pierre Rombergh is erased] and Maria Matthieu, her brother-in-law and sister.

[signed] Floris van Ruyven Cornelisz., Susanna Matthieu - (DTB 409/411) - marriage intentions of the church - (Own research)


On 30 June 1601, William Smit, from Beendlyn [?] in England, painter, widower of Margriet Winfelt, was legally engaged to Lyntge Joris, from Antwerp, widow of Thomas Koek. - (De Navorscher)


On 7 July 1601, Jan Albertsz. Vinckenbrinck, from Esens in East-Friesland, cabinetmaker,widower of Hille Ciprianusdr., since one year living on the Zeedyk, was legally engaged to Maeyken Gorisdr. Mans, from Antwerp. - (Amstelodamum)


On 7 July 1601, Gabriel Kiekenpot, from Doornick, silkweaver [caffatier], 26 years old, since sixteen years living on the O.Z. Voorburgwal, assisted by Jean Kiekenpot, his father and by Catelyne de Robert Masure, his mother, was legally engaged to Marie Bourgoise, from Antwerp 26 years old, since four years living near the Regulierspoort in the nieustadt, assisted by Pieronne Nutein, her mother.

[signed] [his mark], [her mark] - (DTB 409/419) - marriage intentions of the church - (Own research)


On 14 July 1601, Carolus Pels, from Neurenberg, 26 years old, living outside the Korsgenspoort in the nieustadt, was legally engaged to Janneken Jansdr. Bencken, 19 years old, living in the Warmoesstraat. DTB 409/425) - (van Dillen)


On 21 July 1601, Daniel de Raet [signs de Raedt], from Sandwitz, living in Londen, assisted by his aunt Geertruydt Aelbrechts, widow of Francois de Raet, was legally engaged to Susanneke de Carpentier, from Antwerp, 21 years old, living on the O.Z. Voorburgwal, assisted by her father Pieter de Carpentier, her mother Agnieta del Beque, and her uncle Roeland de Carpentier. (DTB 409/425) - (van Dillen)


On 21 July 1601, Herman Jansz., from Bockelee [?], smit, 22 years old, living in the Modderssteech, assisted by his uncle and guardian Egbert Jansz., was legally engaged to Roeloffje Hermans, from Bockelee, 21 years old, living in the Jonkerstraat in the Nieuwstat, assisted by her sister Grietje Hermans. (DTB 409/428) - (Montias)


On 18 August 1601, Paulus Bisschop, from London, 28 years old, living in London, showing his mother's consent, also signed by Jan Bisschop, was legally engaged to Elisabeth van der Moere, from Antwerp, 23 years old, since twelve years living on the Nieuwendyk, assisted by Pieter van der Moere and Elisabeth Nuyts, her father and mother.

[signed] Paul Biscop, Elisabeth vander Moere - (DTB 409/435) - marriage intentions of the church - (Own research)


On 25 August 1601, Niclaes de Waert, from Antwerp, was legally engaged to Maria Uytenhove, from Gent, 29 years old, living near the Jan Rodenpoort in the nieustadt, assisted by her father Guillaume Uytenhove. (DTB 665/174) - (van Dillen)


On 19 September 1601, Samuel de Marez, from Wesel, 26 years old, living in Wezel, was legally engaged to Marie de la Haye, from Antwerp, 19 years old, living in the Nes, assisted by Jan de la Haye and Marie de Leprez, her parents. (DTB 409/451) - (van Dillen)


On 20 September 1601, Peeter de Kolenaer, from Antwerp, 28 years old, living in the Ververyen, assisted by Jaques Bulle--- his brother-in-law and by mr. Augustyn de Kolenaer, his brother, was legally engaged to Sara Pasquier, from Antwerp, 23 years old, living on the Nieuwendyk, assisted by Jan Pasquier, her father and by Jan Pasquier the younger, her brother.

[signed] Peeter de Colenaer, Sara Pasquier - (DTB 409/452) - marriage intentions of the church - (Own research)


On 29 September 1601, Jehan Hattu, 24 years old, living on 't Rokin, assisted by Francois Hattu, his father and by Isabeau Latre[?], his mother, was legally engaged to Catelyne Six, from Saint Omer, 25 years old, since fifteen years living on the N.Z. Voorburgwal, assisted by Alix de Lattre, her mother and by Guillaume Six, her brother.
[signed] Jean Hattu, Cateleine Six - (DTB 409/457) - marriage intentions of the church - (Own research)


On 13 October 1601, David Walraven, from Dresden, 21 years old, since 7 years living on the O.Z. Achterburgwal, assisted by his mother Elisabeth Noblets, widow of Hendrick Walraven, was legally engaged to Magdalena Jacobs, from Antwerp, 18 years old, living in the Warmoesstraat, assisted by her father Rombout Jacobs and her mother Claerken Colyns. (DTB 409/468) - (van Dillen)


On 8 December 1601, Huybrecht Wachtmans, from Antwerp, widower of Barbara Taerlinx, living on 't Rokin, was legally engaged to Catalyne Hans Gevaertsdr., from Nuys, living in Dordrecht. (DTB 762a/157) - (van Dillen)


On 21 December 1601, Jacob Jacobsz. Bellechier, 26 years old, living on the Nieuwendyk, assisted by his uncle Jacob Gerritsz. Hoying, was legally engaged to Hillegont Jans Sampsonsdr., 24 years old, living on the Nieuwendyk, assisted by her father Jan Claess. Sampson. (DTB 409/500) - (van Dillen)




On 19 January 1602, Passchier van den Broeke, from Oudenaarde, carpetmaker, widower of Lyntge Keulenbroek, was legally engaged to Geertje Arentsdr., from Emden, 23 years old. - (De Navorscher)


On 30 January 1602, Hendrick Joachimsz Beeckman, 27 years old, was legally engaged to Catharina Gotemackers (DTB 665/196) - (Montias)


On 16 March 1602, Hendrik Willemsz. van Lennip, shoemaker, widower of Annetge Gerrits, living outside the Gasthuispoort, was legally engaged to Tryntge Jansdr. 20 years old, assisted by her sister Heyltje Jansdr. - (De Navorscher)


On 30 March 1602, Jean du Pont, pilot for the West Indian Company, widower of Louyse le Cocq, since seven years living in the Ververyen, was legally engaged to Isabeau Gaillard, from Ryssel, widow of Jaques Cornelle, testifying to be a widow for twelve years, living on 't Rokin near the Langebrugge.
[signed] Jan de Pont, [her mark] - (DTB 410/56) - marriage intentions of the church - (Own research)


On 13 April 1602, Valerius van der Hoeven, from Antwerp, painter, about 30 years old, since 2,5 years living in the Pylsteeg, parents dead, assisted by Felix van der Hoeven and Catelyne van der Hoeven, his brother and sister, was legally engaged to Sophia Raesvelt. - (Oud Holland)


On 20 April 1602, David Damman, from Emden, living on 't Water, was legally engaged to Esther Provoost, living in Middelburg.

[no signatures or marks] - (DTB 762A, p.165) - Extra-ordinaris marriage intentions - (Own Research)


On 20 April 1602, Jacques Bols, from Mechelen, painter, 33 years old, living in the Agnietenstraat, assisted by Urselken Roybos, his mother and Pieter Bols, his brother, was legally engaged to Judith Jorisdr. Marinier, from Antwerp, 25 years old, living near the O.Z. Kerkhof, with the consent of Joris Marinier, her father. - (Oud Holland)


On 26 April 1602, Casparus Grevenraet, from Antwerp, abt. 32 years old, since eight years living in the Warmoesstraat, assisted by Casper Quinget, his uncle, was legally engaged to Pouwlijntje Kors, from Haarlem, 32 years old, living on the Nieuwendijk, assisted by Grietje Hyndricksdr., her godmother.

[signed] Jasp~ Grevenraet, Pouwelyna Korsen - (DTB 665/211) - Marriage intentions at City Hall - (Own research)


On 4 May 1602, Mr. Antonius Heynrici, headmaster of the Latin School, was legally engaged to Sara de Weert, from Antwerp, 21 years old, since ten years living on the O.Z. Voorburgwal, assisted by her father Hans de Weert. (DTB 410/92) - (van Dillen)


On 25 May 1602, Coenraed Fransz. Stafmakers, from Antwerp, about 35 years old, assisted by Barbara Stafmakers, his mother, was legally engaged to Tryntgen Franssen. (DTB 410/105) - (Own research)


On 31 May 1602, Artus van der Voort the younger, from Antwerp, 28 years old, since sixteen years living in the Warmoesstraat, assised by Artus van der Voort, his father en by Margrieta Cocx, his mother, was legally engaged to Isabeel van Pull, from Antwerp, 23 years old, living on the N.Z. Voorburgwal, assisted by Peeter van Pull, her father and by Margriet Key, her mother.
[signed] Artus vander Voort, Isabel van Pul - (DTB 410/107) - marriage intentions of the church - (Own research)


On 6 June 1602, Job de Rieu, Maximiliaensz., from Norwits, servant in the Walloon community of Utrecht, 24 years old, assisted by Monseigneur de la Vigne and Paul Lasoleur, was legally engaged to Maria du Pris, from Doornik, 26 years old, living in the Nes, assisted by Jeanne de la Vallee, her mother. - (De Navorscher)


On 8 June 1602, Hans van den Bremden, from Antwerp, pastery-baker, living in the Nes, was legally engaged to Sara Marry, from Antwerp, living in Middelburg. - (Oud Holland)


On 8 June 1602, Hans Mercys, from Antwerp, living on theO.Z. Voorburgwal, was legally engaged to Maria Bulteel, from Antwerp, living in Middelburg

[no signatures or marks] - (DTB 762A/167 - marriage intentions Extra-ordinaris - (Own research)


On 15 June 1602, Aernout van Erp Andriesz., widower of Geertgen Willem Pauwelsdr., living on the O.Z. Achterburgwal, was legally engaged to Jacomina de Jonge Jacobsdr. Van Nimwegen, living in Dordrecht. - (De Navorscher)


On 5 July 1602, Abraham Gillon, from Antwerp, living in the Warmoesstraat, was legally engaged to Janneken Hooft, living in the nieustad near the Jan Rodenpoort, assisted by her father Willem Pietersz. Hooft. (DTB 410/130) - (van Dillen)


On 13 July 1602, Claes Tengnagel, sugar-refiner, 22 years old, living on the Ossenmarkt, assisted by Marritgen Colyns, his mother, was legally engaged to Jaepgen Idesdr., from Emden, 25 years old, living in the Sint Jacobsstraat. - (Oud Holland)


On 17 August 1602, Pieter van Haren, from Lommel, bricklayer, living in Haren, showing his parents consent, was legally engaged to Catelyne van Vyve Jansdr., from Bruges, 20 years old, since sixteen years living on the O.Z. Achterburgwal, assisted by Jan de Noker, her brother.

[signed] Pieter van Haeren, Catheryne van Vyve - (DTB 410/162) - marriage intentions of the church - (Own research)


On 17 October 1602, Cornelis van Campen Jacobsz., 38 years old, living on the Nieuwendyk, assisted by Roemer Visscher, his uncle, was legally engaged to Catryna Quekels Cornelisdr., 24 years old, living in the Warmoesstraat, assisted by Machtelt Pietersdr., her mother. - (De Navorscher)


On 13 November 1602, Ambrosius Johannesz., 22 years old, bookkeeper, assisted by Maritge Jansdr. his mother, and Lucas Ambrosius, minister, his brother, was legally engaged to Marytge Alsten, 26 years old. - (De Navorscher)


On 15 November 1602, Adriaen Veen, abt. 30 years old, living in the nieustadt near the Korstgens poort, assisted by Jan Veen, his father and by Machtelt Verhee, his mother, was legally engaged to Maritgen Boekholts, 20 years old, living on the O.Z. Achterburgwal, assisted by Tiete Cornelis Codde, her mother and by Philipe Vlaminck, her cousin.

[signed] A. Veen, Mariten Bochoudts - (DTB 410/224) - marriage intentions of the church - (Own research)


On 15 November 1602, Robert Ingelgraef, from Brugge, 30 years old, since ten years living on the O.Z. Voorburgwal, parents dead, was legally engaged to Catelyne Moercoert Guilliamsdr, from Antwerp, 23 years old, since seventeen years living in the Kalverstraat, assisted by Guillaume Moercoert and Mayken van de Westhuysen, her parents.

[signed] Robert Ingelgraf, Caterina de Mourcourt - (DTB 410/224) - marriage intentions of the church - (Own research)


On 15 November 1602, Andries Jansz. Kaan [Adriaen Veen], 32 years of age, living in the Nieustadt near the Korsgen Poort, assisted by his father Jan Kaan, was legally engaged to Machtelt [Marritje] Barthouts, 20 years of age, assisted by her mother Tietje Cornelis Codden and her neve Pieter Vlaming. (DTB 410/224) - (Montias)


On 30 November 1602, Jaques de Teven, from Antwerp, silkweaver [caffatier], 22 years old, since twentytwo years living on the Heyligeweg, assisted by Catelyne de la Croix, his mother, was legally engaged to Janneken Kikenpoot, from Doornick, 24 years old, since nineteen years living on the Pottebackerspad, assisted by Jean Kikenpot and Catelyne de Masures.

[signed] [his mark], [her mark] - (DTB 410/243) - marriage intentions of the church - (Own research)


On 5 December 1602, Gillis van de Luffel the younger, from Antwerp, 28 years old, living in Rotterdam, was legally engaged to Marie Loysdr. de Bois, from Antwerp, living on the Nieuwendyk, assisted by her brother-in-law Jan Andries de Jacomo and her uncle Egbert Pellicorne. - (van Dillen)


On 20 December 1602, Philips Colyns, from Antwerp, 25 years old, living in the Kalverstraat, since 20 years in Amsterdam, living in the Kalverstraat, was legally engaged to Maria Felbier, from Antwerp, 20 years old, living in the O.Z. Houttuinen, since ten years in Amsterdam, assisted by her father Hans Felbier. (DTB 665/247) - (van Dillen)


On 21 December 1602, Gomes van Trier Willemsz., from Mechelen, 40 years old, clerc at the office of the convoys, living in the Huydevetterstraat, assisted by David and Daniel Mostart, his cousins, was legally engaged to Catharina Michielsdr., 27 years old, living on the Zeedyk, assisted by Grietge Hendricksdr., her mother. - (De Navorscher)




On 4 January, Abraham de Klerk, from Antwerp, 29 years old, living on the O.Z. Voorburgwal, assisted by Jan de Klerk, his father, was legally engaged to Grietgen Heynricx Haeltekens, 30 years old, living in the Nieustadt, assisted by Mary Willems, her mother.

[signed] Abraham de Clercq, Grietgen Hendricx - (DTB 410/290) - marriage intentions of the church - (Own research)


On the 11 January 1603, Olivier de la Rue, from Lannoy [Lannion?], koopmansdienaer (merchant's aide or employee), widower of Jenne Pieters, living in the Nes, was legally engaged to Caterien Gooswyn, widow of Matthieu Lefort. (DTB 410/292) - (Montias)


On 11 January 1603, Mattheus van Vyven, from Bruges, butcher, widower of Josynken Draels, was legally engaged to Maeyken Kolsaets, from Bruges, widow of Kraybool, living near the Sint Joris poort

in the Salmandersteeg.

[signed] Maetheus van Vyve, Maeyken Coolzaet - (DTB 410/291) - marriage intentions of the church - (Own research)


On 17 January 1603, Jacob Joosten, goldsmith, 27 years old, living on the Nieuwendyk, assisted by his mother Bratien Heywers, was legally engaged to Judith van Dorsselaer, from Nieuwkerken, 19 years old, living on the O.Z. Voorburgwal, assisted by Styntgen Brandts, her mother.

[signed] Jacob Joosten, Judith van Donselaer - (DTB 410/299) - marriage intentions of the church - (Own research)


On 8 February 1603, Guillaume Provoost, from Antwerp, 30 years old, living in the Warmoesstraat, assisted by Hans Mertens and David Damman, his brothers-in-law requesting the three proclamations with Jenne Herdewyn Eliasdr, from Antwerp, living in Dordrecht.

[signed] Guillaume Provoost [no signature or mark of the bride] - (DTB 762A/178) - Extra-ordinaris marriage intentions - (Own research)


On 1 March 1603, Wouter van Vyven, from Bruges, 25 tears old, living on the O.Z. Achterburgwal, assisted by Jan de Noker, his brother, was legally engaged to Catelyne Kotteels, from Antwerp, 22 years old, since three years living in the Nes, assisted by Hans van de Dorpe, her uncle.

[signed] Wouter van Vyven, Katerine Cateels - (DTB 410/351) - marriage intentions of the church - (Own research)


On 1 March 1603, Nicolas van Baelbergen, from Roeselaere, 27 years old, living in Haarlem, assisted by Pieter van Baelbergen, his father, was legally engaged to Christyne Vernyen, from Antwerp, 24 years old, since six years living in the Nes, assisted by Michiel and Samuel Vernyen, her brothers, parents dead.

[signed] Nicolaes van Baelbergen, Christina Vernyen - (DTB 410/350) - marriage intentions of the church - (Own research)


On 15 March 1603, Symon Jacobsz Haering, widower of Truitje Jans, living outside the Korstjens in the nieustadt, was legally engaged to Ydtgen Jans, 32 years old, living in the Pylsteeg, assisted by Jan Andries and Anna Huyberts, her parents.

[signed] Symen Jacopsen, Ytgen Yansdochter - (DTB 410/364) - marriage intentions of the church - (Own research)


On 18 March 1603, Andries Jacobsz. Nitter, widower of Diewertje Martens, was legally engaged to Dierkje Jans (DTB 665/262) - (Montias)


On 22 March 1603, Pieter Martensz Hoefyser, 22 years old, living on the Zeedyk, assisted by Marten Jansz Hoefyser, his father and by Truytgen Tymans, his mother, was legally engaged to Aeltgen Sticke, from Deventer, 19 years old, living on the O.Z. Achterburgwal, assisted by Dierk Sticke, Counsellor at the Admiraliteit, her father and by Aeltgen Hoenraeds, her mother.

[signed] Pieter Martensz Houffyser, Aeltgen Sticke - (DTB 410/375) - marriage intentions of the church - (Own research)


On 29 March 1603, Matheus Groesens, from Dendermonde, silkworker, 19 years old, since nine years living in the Peperstraat, assisted by Thobias van Immen, his uncle, was legally engaged to Neeltje Jans, 21years old, living on the O.Z. Achterburgwal, assisted by her mother Sybrich Pieters.

[signed] Mattheus Groesens, Nel Jaans - (DTB 410/384) - marriage intentions of the church - (Own research)


On 3 April 1603, Jan Willemsz Bogaerd, 25 years old, living in the Kalverstraat, assisted by Willem Jansz Bogaerd, his father, was legally engaged to Elisabeth Roetertsdr., 19 years old, living on the Nieuwmarkt, assisted by Roetert Ernst, her father and by Reymerich Pietersdr., her mother.

[signed] Jan Willemsz Bogaert, Elisabeth Roeterts - (DTB 410/387) - marriage intentions of the church - (Own research)


On 4 April 1603, Cornelis van Foreest Dierixsz., 28 years old, living on the N.Z. Achterburgwal, assisted by Dirck van Foreest, his father, was legally engaged to Maritgen Ariaens, 20 years old, living on the N.Z. Achterburgwal, assisted by Adriaen Cornelisz Akersloot, her father and by Maritgen ----, her mother.

[signed] Cornelis van Foreest, Marlitgen Adryaens - (DTB 410/388) - marriage intentions of the church - (Own research)


On 4 April 1603, Lambrecht Lambrechtsz., from Luik, dyer, widower of Susanne de la Barre, living outside on the Heiligeweg, was legally engaged to Catalyne de Smith, from Antwerp, widow of Melchior van Landonk, testifying to be a widow for thirty months, living on the N.Z. Voorburgwal.

[signed] Lambrecht, Caterina de Smedt - (DTB 410/388) - marriage intentions of the church - (Own research)


On 12 April 1603, Nicolas Bonnenuit, 39 years old, since nine years living in the Nieuwe Hoogstraat, assisted by Jan Commelin, his uncle, was legally engaged to Alix Six, from Leiden, 19 years old, since one year living op 't Rokin, assisted by Guillaume Six, her brother.
[signed] Nicolas Bonnenuit, Alix Six - (DTB 410/398) - marriage intentions of the church - (Own research)


On 17 April 1603, Cornelis Cornelisz, 21 years old, living in the Gasthuissteeg, assisted by his mother Etgen Meynerts, was legally engaged to Tryn Jacobs, from Broek in Waterland, 20 years old, since ten years living on 't Water, next to Dirck Rosekrans, showing her parents' consent.

[signed] Cornelys Cornelysen, Tryn Jacopsdochter - (DTB 410/406) - marriage intentions of the church - (Own research)


On 26 April 1603, Bastiaen van Uffel, from Antwerp, widower of Margriete Dircks, living on the Pannenbakkerspad, was legally engaged to Jenne le Fevre, from Mouscheroy near Kortryk, widow of Peter Noormans, testifying that she was a widow for four and half years, living in Leiden.

[signed] Bastiaen van Uffel, [her mark] - (DTB 410/421) - marriage intentions of the church - (Own research)


On 26 April 1603, Govaert Jansz., painter, 25 years old, living in the Warmoestraat, assisted by Jan Gerrits, his father, was legally engaged to Grietgen Willems, 21 years old, living on the Lastage. - (Oud Holland)


On 10 May 1603, Hans Wynants, 24 years old, from Antwerp, packer, assisted by his father, living on the St. Jacobsstraat, was legally engaged to Catelyn Snyers, van Dolenbergh, 23 years old, assisted by her nephew Hans Hongte (DTB 665/279) - (Montias)


On 23 May 1603, Zacharias Claesz., 29 years old, living op 't Water, assisted by his father Claes Lambertsz., was legally engaged to Jannetke van Stompwyck, 18 years old, living on the N.Z. Achterburchwal, assisted by her father Pieter van Stompwyck and her petemoey Marytgen van Stompwyck (DTB 665/282) - (Montias)


On 13 June 1603, Jacob Poppen, 27 years old, living on the Verwerssingel, assisted by Jan Poppen, his father, was legally engaged to Liefgen Govertsdr Wuytiers, 17 years old, living on the Nieuwendyk, assisted by Govert Dircksz Wuytiers, her father and by Dieuwer Jacobs, her mother.

[signed] Jacob Poppen, Liefgen Goverts Wuytiers - (DTB 410/469) - marriage intentions of the church - (Own research)


On 13 June 1603, Pieter Jansz. [Wyncoop], sailor [skipper is erased], 26 years old, living in the Oude Spiegelstraat, assisted by Griet Jans, his mother, was legally engaged to Jaepgen Everts, 25 years old, living in the St. Nicolaasstraat, assisted by Neys Jacobs, her godmother.

[signed] Pieter Jansz [her mark] - (DTB 410/469) - marriage intentions of the church - (Own research)


On 12 July 1603, Jan de Vos, widower of Jacomyntgen van den Enden, was legally engaged to Susanna de Zuttere, from Antwerp, widow of Daniel Brois, living in Leiden.

[no signatures or marks] - (DTB 762A/184) - Extra-ordinaris marriage intentions - (own research)


On 2 August 1603, Reyer Cornelisz., pilot (stuurman), 30 years old, living in the Molenpadt, was legally engaged to Janneken Heyndricx, living in Loenen. (DTB 762a/184) - (Montias)


On 16 August 1603, Hans van Soest, widower of Theodora Cremer, living in the Warmoesstraat, was legally engaged to Laurensken van Vyve, widow of Joost Reymers, living in Utrecht.

[signed] Hans van Soest, [no signatures or marks of the bride] - (DTB 762A/185) - Extra-ordinaris marriage intentions - (Own research)


On 30 August 1603, Jaques Walraven, from Antwerp, widower of Ysabel van Baren, since twelve years living on the N.Z. Voorburgwal, was legally engaged by Elisabeth Noblets, from Antwerp, widow of Heynrik Walravens, testifying to be a widow for three and half years, living on the O.Z. Achterburgwal.

[signed] Jacques Walraven, Elisabet Noblet - (DTB 411/13) - marriage intentions of the church - (Own research)


On 19 September 1603, Bartholome Moor, from Antwerp, 30 years old, living in the Warmoesstraat, assisted by his stepfather Joost van Beeck and his mother Catelyne Symons, was legally engaged to Marie Nicquett, from Antwerp, 22 years old, living on the Singel near the Gasthuispoort in the nieustadt, assisted by her father Jan Nicquett and her mother Margriete Bosmans. (DTB 411/31) - (van Dillen)


On 27 September 1603, Augustyn Pas, from Antwerp, goldsmith, 23 years old, living in t Gravenstraatje, testifying to be a free person, assisted by Lyntje Paes, his mother, was legally engaged to Janneken Verplanken, from Antwerp, 23 years old, since six years living in the St. Jansstraat, assisted by Mynken Keschots, her mother.

[signed] Augustyn Pas, Janneken Verplancken - (DTB 411/35) - marriage intentions of the church - (Own research)


On 11 October 1603, Adriaen Block, skipper, 34 years old, living on 't Water, assisted by Jan Jochums, his uncle, was legally engaged to Neel Heinricdr., 22 years old, living in the Teertuinen, assisted by Jufge Heyndrix, her sister, parents dead.

[signed] Adriaen Block, Neel Heyndricksx - (DTB 665/313) - marriage intentions in City Hall - (Own research)


On 18 October 1603, Hans Lunden, from Antwerp, 24 years old, since fourteen years living near the Jan Rodenpoort, assisted by Janneken Sautyn, his mother, and by Gillis Sautyn, his uncle, and by Abraham B----- his uncle, was legally engaged to Elisabeth Gillis, from Antwerp, 23 years old, since fifteen years living in the Kalverstraat, assisted by Michiel Jillis and Eva van Noort, her father and mother.

[signed] Hans Lunden, Elisabeth Ghilis - (DTB 665/314) - marriage intentions in City Hall - (Own research)


On 18 October 1603, Jaques Clinquant from Antwerp, widower of Catelynken Linkenborghs, living in the Taksteeg, was legally engaged to Tanneke de Koghe, from Antwerp, 30 years old, since twelve years living near the Grimnessesluis, assisted by Lynken de Koghe, with her mother's consent

[signed] Jakes Clynkant, Tanneken de Coghe - (DTB 411/52) - marriage intentions of the church - (Own research)


On 25 October 1603, Abraham Six, from Wesel, living on the Turfmarkt, was legally engaged to Maria de Haen, from Gennep, living in Haarlem.

[no signatures or marks] - (DTB 762A/188) - marriage intentions Extra-ordinaris - (Own research)


On 25 October 1603, Hans Wagemans, from Antwerp, tinsmith, 23 years old, since two and half years living in the Ketelsteeg, was legally engaged to Risgen Arisdr., widow of Jelis Claesz., blockmaker, testifying she was a widow for two and half years, living near the Nieuwezydsbrug.

[signed] [his mark] [her mark] - (DTB 411/55) - marriage intentions of the church - (Own research)


On 1 November 1603, Goddaert Kerkrink, from Lubeck, 26 years old, eleven years living in the Warmoesstraat, assisted by Thomas Kerkrinck, his uncle, was legally engaged to Cornelia Joost Hessels, from Hamburg, living in Rotterdam.

[signed] Goedert Kerckrinck [no signature or mark of the bride] - (DTB 762A/189) - marriage intentions Extra-ordinaris - (Own research)


On 15 November 1603, Michiel Parssoy, from Paris, cook, 28 years old, living on the O.Z. Voorburgwal, testifying to be a free person, was legally engaged to Judith Jans, twenry years old, living as above, parents dead.

[signed] Michiel Persoy, [her mark] - (DTB 41/76) - marriage intentions of the church - (Own research)


On 28 November 1603, Jan Kuysten, from 's-Hertogenbosch, 31 years old, living on the Zeedyk, assisted by his brother-in-law Dirck van der Hoeven, was legally engaged to Elisabeth van der Mertt [signs van der Merct], living on 't Water, assisted by her father Jan van der Mertt and her mother Elisabeth van Breusegem. (DTB 411/91) - (van Dillen)


On 11 December 1603, Louys van Ludicke, from Gent, widower of Claerken Plackers, living in the Warmoesstraat, was legally engaged to Susanneken van Crombruggen, from Gent, 30 years old, since ten years living as above, assisted by Daniel van Crombruggen and Elizabeth van Hoorenbeke, her father and mother.

[signed] Lowys van Ludeke, Susanicken van Crombrugge - (DTB 411/101) - marriage intentions of the church - (Own research)


On 27 December 1603, Jan Pietersz. van Doreslaer, from Gent, living in the Kalverstraat, was legally engaged to Anna Govaerts, from Brussels, living in Cologne.

[no signatures] - (DTB 762A/193) - marriage intentions Extra-ordinaris - (Own research)




On 10 January 1604, Willem Kemp Ambrosiusz., from 's-Hertogenbosch, 22 years old, since three years living in the Warmoesstraat, assisted by Ambrosius Kemp and Mayken Jan Willems, his father and mother, was legally engaged to Janneken de Clerk Mattheusdr., 21 years old, living as above, assisted by Martgen Martens [?] her godmother.

[signed] Willem Kemp, Janneken de Klerck - (DTB 411/123) - marriage intentions of the church - (Own research)


On 16 January 1604, Cornelis Schellinger, widower of Mary Hillebrans, living on the O.Z. Voorburgwal, was legally engaged to Lysbeth Heinrixdr., widow of Cornelis Jansz Bonckaert, testifying to be a widow for three years, living on the Nieuwendyk, assisted by Giertgen Heynrix, her sister.

[signed] C. Schellinger, Lysbet Heindricks - (DTB 411/130) - marriage intentions of the church - (Own research)


On 17 January 1604, Jean Pieters Vertierts, from Groeningen, 31 years old, living in Groeningen, has to show his mother's consent before the proclamation, was legally engaged to Maria Six, from Bruges, 26 years old, living on the N.Z. Achterburgwal, assisted by Aeltgen Vastaerts, her mother.
[signed] Johan Pieters Vertierts, [her mark] - (DTB 411/131) - marriage intentions of the church - (Own research)


On 14 February 1604, Claes Koerts, cabinetmaker, 23 years old, living on the Lynbaansgracht near the Haarlemmerpoort, parents dead, assisted by Joh---- Claes and his wife, was legally engaged to Anne Jans, 24 years old, living as above, assisted by Heynrikjen Willems.

[signed] Claes Coertsoon, [her mark] - (DTB 411/157) - marriage intentions of the church - (Own research)


On 14 February 1604, Heynrick van Os, 48 years old, living on the O.Z. Voorburgwal, was legally engaged to Lynken Willems van Loeven, 44 years old, living as above. (DTB 411/157) - (van Dillen)


On 14 February 1604, Jacques Petit, from Heynton in England, 32 years old, living in the Warmoesstraat, was legally engaged to Antoinette Gruel, from Hamburg, 17 years old, assisted by her father Nicolas Gruel and her mother Jacquelyne Pers, living in the Warmoesstraat. (DTB 411/157) -(van Dillen)


On 26 March 1604, Pelgrom van Os, 26 years old, living in the Warmoesstraat, assisted by his father Willeboort Symonsz. van Os, was legally engaged to Catharina Hooftman, from Antwerp, living in Bremen. (DTB 762a/197) - (van Dillen)


On 31 March 1604, Arent Elberts Schilt, hatmaker [hoedenstoffeerder], widower of Griete Claesdr., living in the Nieuwebrugsteeg, was legally engaged to Tryn Jacobsdr., 29 years old, living on the Waal, parents dead, assisted by Lobbrich Elbertsdr., her stepmother. - (Oud Holland)


On 6 April 1604, Jan van Everdingen, from Utrecht, widower, living in Egmond aan de Hoef, was legally engaged to Jacomyne Vermare, from Antwerp. - (Oud Holland)


On 9 April 1604, Augustin de Colenaer, from Antwerp, doctor in law, 38 years old, since fourteen years living in the Warmoesstraat, assisted by Pieter de Colenaer, his brother, was legally engaged to Maria Simeis, from Antwerp on the O.Z. Voorburgwal, assisted by Gaspar Simay, her father and by Sara van Os, her mother.

[signed] Aug. de Colenaer, Marie Simay - (DTB 411/193) - marriage intentions of the church - (Own research)


On 9 April 1604, David van Mansdale, from Antwerp, hatmaker, 33 years old, since six years living on the Dam, showing his mother's consent, was legally engaged to Janneken van Hullegaert Willemsdr., from Mechelen, 26 years old, since sixteen years living on the Dam, assisted by Guillaume van Hullegaert, her father.

[signed] David van Mansdale, Janneken van Hullegaert - (DTB 411/193) - marriage intentions of the church - (Own research)


On 17 April 1604, Jan van Gansepoel van E---en, 25 years old, since three months living on the Nieuwendyk, parents dead, assisted by Lenaert Luls, his brother-in-law, was legally engaged to Judith Gabri, from Doornick, 22 years old, since ten years living in the Nes, assisted by Isabeau Baligan, widow of Jan Gabri, her mother.
[signed] Jan van Gansepoel, Judich Gabry - (DTB 411/200) - marriage intentions of the church - (Own research)


On 17 April 1604, Olivier Brey, silkweaver [caffawercker], 23 years old, since eighteen years living near the Regulierspoort in the nieustadt, parents dead, was legally engaged to Marie le Maire Pietersdr., from Leiden, 18 years old, since seventeen years living near the Haarlemmerpoort, assisted by Magdaleentgen, her mother.

[signed] [his mark], [her mark] - (DTB 411/201) - marriage intentions of the church - (Own research)


On 4 May 1604, Michiel van Meerbeeke the younger, from Antwerp, 28 years old, living in Middelburg, assisted by Michiel van Meerbeke, his father, was legally engaged to Anna Cobbaut, from Antwerp, 20 years old, since 14 years living in the Warmoesstraat, assisted by Aernout Cobbaut, her father and by Anne van Valckenborgh, her mother and by Elisabeth Michiels van Vaerlaer, her grandmother.

[signed] Michiel van Meerbeeke de jonge, Anna Cobboutt - (DTB 411/215) - marriage intentions of the church - (Own research)


On 20 May 1604, Mr. Pieter Bailly, fence-teacher, widower of Willemina Wolfertsdr., living near the Osjessluis, was legally engaged to Cathelina de Witt, from Leeuwarden, 24 years old. (DTB 406/263) - (De Navorscher)


On 20 May 1604, Adriaan Bax, from Breda, land-agent in Breda, 35 years old, assisted by Maria Bax, his sister, was legally engaged to Maria van den Kieboom, from Breda, 25 years old, assisted by Gillis Buysen, her stepfather, Odilia van Baerle, her mother and Jan van Baerle, her uncle, living on the N.Z. Achterburgwal. (DTB 411/112). - (De Navorscher)


On 22 May 1604, Adriaen Govaerts, from Antwerp, dyer, widower of Geertruyd van den Bergh, living in the Ververy, was legally engaged to Jacomyne Hayens, 30 years old, since twelve years living as above, with her mother's consent.

[signed] Adriaen Govaerts, [her mark] - (DTB 411/228) - marriage intentions of the church - (Own research)


On 19 June 1604, Pieter Claesz., from Husum, painter, 27 years old, living outside the Korjespoort on the Singel, was legally engaged to Mary Pietersdr., from Zutphen, 18 years old. - (Oud Holland)


On 19 June 1604, Wouter Willemsz. de Koster, from Roy [?] in Brabant, schoolmaster, 27 years old, was legally engaged to Marie van Conincxloo, from Antwerp, 26 years old, living on the Turfmarkt, assisted by Gillis van Conincxloo, her father. - (Oud Holland)


On 3 July 1604, Guillame van Lochum, from Antwerp, tailor (kleermacker), 21 years old, was legally engaged to Anneken van Hoof (DTB 411/255) - (Montias)


On 16 July 1604, Niclaes Rauwart Jacobszoon, about 40 years old, living in the Warmoesstraat, was legally engaged to Baartje Willemsdr., 34 years old, living op 't Water, assisted by her parents Willem Willemsz. and Nelletgen Bartouts (DTB 665/367) - (Montias)


On 31 July 1604, Dirk Krynen, captain on a warship, widower of Lysbet Claas Plempsdr., living near the Gasthuyspoort on the Singel, was legally engaged to Steffanie Joostendr., widow of Hans Meynertsz., testifying to be a widow for 2 years, living on the Nieuwendyk. - (De Navorscher)


On 21 August 1604, Abraham vander Voort Artusz., from Antwerp, 26 years old, living in the Warmoesstraat, assisted by Margriete Kox, the widow van der Voort, his mother, was legally engaged to Elisabeth Reckenaers Cornelisdr., van Gent, living in Leiden.

[signed] Abraham van der Voort - (DTB 762A/205) - marriage intentions Extra-ordinaris - (Own research)


On 18 September 1604, Philippe Marischal from Lemain near Doornick, silkweaver [caffatier], 30 years old, living on the O.Z. Voorburgwal, assisted by Sconniette Reteux, his mother, was legally engaged to Elisabett de Navarre, from Wesel, 20 years old, since eighteen years living on 't Rokin, assisted by Jean de Navaere and Jenne Coueseau, her father and mother.
[signed] Philippe Marasal, Elisabeet Navara - (DTB 411/308) - marriage intentions of the church - (Own research)


On 16 October 1604, Hendrik Cornelisz. Lonck, from Amsterdam, captain, 36 years old, living on the N.Z. Achterburgwal, assisted by Adriaen Cornelisz. Lonck, his brother, was legally engaged to Grietje Lenaerts, from Antwerp, 30 years old, living as above, assisted by Lysbeth van der Burgh, her mother. - (De Navorscher)


On 16 October 1604, Stoffel Kroeger, from Dantzig, cloth sheere [droogscheerder], 22 years old, since four years living in the Betaniendwarsstraat, parents dead, was legally engaged to Annetjen Willems van Kiekenbeek, from Antwerp, 23 years old, since twenty years living as above, parents dead, assisted by Lijntje van Kiekenbeek, her sister.

[signed] Stoffel Kroeger, [her mark] - (DTB 411/332) - marriage intentions of the church - (Own research)


On 4 November 1604, Peeter de Barry, from Frankfort, 25 years old, since eleven years living in the Warmoesstraat, assisted by Jean Chaudrin, bringing the mother's consent, was legally engaged to Sara Desmarez, 19 years old, living as above, assisted by Abraham Desmarez and Marie Gemaert, her father and mother.

[signed] Peeter de Bary, Sara de Marez - (DTB 411/343) - marriage intentions of the church - (Own research)


On 13 November 1604, Philippe de la Tombe, from Antwerp, silkweaver [caffatier], 21 years old, since 6 years living in the Bergstraat, assisted by Leon de la Tombe, his father, was legally engaged to Lysbet Joris, from Antwerp, widow of Marten Kluppels, testifying to be a widow for six months, living in the Geertrudesteeg.

[signed] Phylyppe de la Tombe, [her mark] - (DTB 411/352) - marriage intentions of the church - (Own research)


On 20 November 1604, Abraham Pelt, from Antwerp, 31 years old, since thirteen years living in the Warmoesstraat, assisted by Catelyne de Bock, his mother and by Hans Pelt, his brother, was legally engaged to Eva Vogels, from Antwerp, 27 years old, living on 't Rokin, assisted by Catharina Pottens, her mother.

[signed] Abraham Pelt, Eva Vogels - (DTB 665/382) - marriage intentions at City Hall - (Own research)


On 27 November 1604, Daniel Jorisz Roosenkrans, from Lubeck, cloth worker [trypwerker], abt. 30 years old, since four years living on the Nieuwendyk, parents dead, was legally engaged to Tanneken Versmissen Lazarusdr., widow of Joost Lievensz., testifying to be a widow for five years, living as above, assisted by Jannetken Zeghers, her mother.

[signed] Daniel Josten Rosenkrans, [her mark] - (DTB 411/358) - marriage intentions of the church - (Own research)


On 9 December 1604, Jean Gillis, from Antwerp, 30 years old, living in the Nes, assisted by his father Brisse Gillis and his mother Jenne Abbas, was legally engaged to Jenne Balestel, from Atrecht, 29 years old, living in the Kalverstraat, assisted by her father Nicolas Balestel and her mother Isabeau Paien. (DTB 411/369) - (van Dillen)




On 1 January 1605, Henryck van den Sanden, 24 years old, living op 't Water, assisted by his mother Maria van Reidt, and his stepfather Francois van Breugel, was legally engaged to Petronella Sautyn, from Antwerp, 24 years old, assisted by Gillis Sautyn, her father and Petronella Wachmans, her mother. (DTB 411/394) - (van Dillen)


On 1 January 1605, Jacques de Ville, from Utrecht, silkweaver [caffatier], 25 years old, assisted by his mother Catalyne Baljuw (?), was legally engaged to Sara de Fumau (she signs Freumou), from Cologne, 20 years old, assisted by her uncles Hugue and David de Fremau (DTB 411/388) - (Montias)


On 6 January 1605, Robert Willemsz. Baudous, from Brussels, engraver, 30 years old, living in the Nieuwebrugsteeg, showing his mother's consent, was legally engaged to Heyltgen Jacobsdr. Heyns, 27 years old, living on the N.Z. Achterburgwal, assisted by Tryntjen Cornelisdr., her mother. - (Oud Holland)


On 8 January 1605, Herman Reyersz., housecarpenter, was legally engaged to Tryn Robyn, assisted by her father Hendrick Robyn and her mother Griete Claes, living on the N.Z. Achterburgwal. - (Amstelodamum)


On 8 January 1605, Johan Stokman[in binding], from Mechelen, widower of Marakien van den Eynde, living on the O.Z. Achterburgwal, was legally engaged to Maryken Lucien[in binding], from Antwerp, widow of Gaspar Jacott, testifying to be a widow for two and half years.
(signed) Jhn Stockmans, Mareyken Lucie - (DTB 411/402) - marriage intentions of the church - (Own research)


On 26 February 1605, Francois Martens Francoisz., from Antwerp, butcher, 23 years old, since three years living on the Ossenmarkt, assisted by his uncle Hans Martens, showing his father's consent, was legally engaged to Elisabeth Nasen, from Antwerp, widow of Adam Sneewaters, testifying to be a widow for one and half year, living as above, assisted by Peter van Beusegem, her uncle.

[signed] Francois Martens, Elysabet Nason - (DTB 411/435) - marriage intentions of the church - (Own research)


On 5 March 1605, Philips Swerius, from Bruges, silk worker, 25 years old, since ten years living on the Houtcopersburgwal, assisted by Philips van Heede, his uncle, was legally engaged to Anneke van Beek, from Wesel, 23 years old, since five years living in the Vyzelstraet in the Nieustadt, has to show her mother's consent before the proclamation.

[signed] Philips Sweers, Anneken van Beeck - (DTB 411/440) - marriage intentions of the church - (Own research)


On 25 March 1605, Steven Pinell, from Antwerp, living on the Turfmarkt, widower of Geertruid Reygers, was legally engaged to Maria Berwyns, from Antwerp, 23 years old,assisted by her father Bernard Berwyns, living on the N.Z. Achterburgwal. (DTB 411/451) - (van Dillen)


On 26 March 1605, David Marischal, from Antwerp, silkweaver [caffatier], 21 years old, since six years living on the O.Z. Voorburgwal, assisted by Chonette Reteux, his mother, wa legally engaged to Anne Pipard, from Antwerp, 20 years old, since five years living on the O.Z. Achterburgwal, assisted by Jean Pipard, her father.

[signed] David Marischal, [her mark] - (DTB 411/455) - marriage intentions of the church - (Own research)


On 31 March 1605, Hans Vranx, from Antwerp, 30 years old, assisted by his stepfather Bernard Berwyns, was legally engaged to Janneken Valckenborch, 19 years old, living in the Kalverstraat, assisted by her mother Judith Nuyts and her stepfather Ds. Johannes Polyander from Dordrecht, and David Nuyts, her uncle. (DTB 411/459) - (van Dillen)


On 2 April 1605, Andries de Boekhaut, from Kamerik, spanish chairs maker, 28 years old, since five years living in the Sint Annenstraet, parents dead, was legally engaged to Tryntjen Hamers, from Rensmuide [Renswoude ?], 29 years old, living in the Niezel, parents dead.

[signed] [his mark], Tryn Hamers - (DTB 411/463) - marriage intentions of the church - (Own research)


On 26 April 1605, Jacob Cats, from Brouwershaven, 27 years old, living in Middelburg, assisted by Cornelis Cats, his brother, was legally engaged to Elisabeth van Valkenborg, from Antwerp, 26 years old, living in the Warmoesstraat, assisted by Elisabeth Michiels, her mother, and Margriet de Vogelaer, her sister. - (De Navorscher)


On 6 May 1605, Isaac van Gerwen, from 's-Hertogenbosch, wine merchant, showing the consent of his father Matthys van Gerwen, was legally engaged to Duyfken Vreerixdr. [signs Frerix], assisted by Vrerick Claess Roch, her father and by Lysbeth Rynevelt, her mother. (DTB 411/491) - (van Dillen)


On 7 May 1605, Heynrik Jans, 27 years old, living in the Gasthuyssteeg, assisted by Jan Jochims, his father, was legally engaged to Judith van Rynevelt, 21 years old, living in the Warmoesstraat, assisted by Griet Jans, her mother.

[signed] Henrick Janss, Judick van Reinevelt - (DTB 411/498) - marriage intentions of the church - (Own research)


On 21 May 1605, Jacques de Kempenaer, from London, knife maker, widower of Tanneken Klerx, living near the Nieuwe Haarlemmersluis, was legally engaged to Lysken Jans van Loiy, from Antwerp.

[signed] Jaques de Kempenaer, [no signature or mark of the bride] - (DTB 762A/216) - Extra-ordinaris marriage intentions - (Own research)


On 26 May 1605, Andries Ryckaerts, living on the Middeldam, assisted by his cousin Arnout Cobbault, was legally engaged to Susanna Merchys, from Rotterdam, 23 years old, living on the Singel near the Korsgespoort, assisted by her father Hans Merchys. (DTB 411/513) - (van Dillen)


On 28 May 1605, Jan Jansz., bricklayer, 26 years old, since three years living on the Warmoesgracht, assisted by Marten Jochems, his mother [?], was legally engaged to Tanneken van Leest, from Antwerp, 25 years old, sinve one year living on the Warmoesgracht, assisted by Jaques van Leest and Tanneke Krekels, her father and mother.

[signed] Jan Jansz, Tanneke van Last - (DTB 411/514) - marriage intentions of the church - (Own research)


On 28 May 1605, Guilliam van Baelbergen, from Kortryk, living in the Hartenstraat, was legally engaged to Sara van Radingen, living in Haarlem.

[no signatures or marks] - (DTB 762A/217) - Extra-ordinaris marriage intentions - (Own research)


On 4 June 1605, Hans Verplanken, from Antwerp, copper smith, 22 years old, since twenty years living in the Sint Jansstraat, assisted by Pieter van Beusegem, his uncle, with the mother's consent, was legally engaged to Neeltgen Remmen, 18 years old, living in the Halsteeg, assisted by Tielman Remmen and Leonora de Groot, her father and mother.

[signed] Hans Verplancken, Neltgen Rem - (DTB 411/518) - marriage intentions of the church - (Own research)


On 7 July 1605, Gregory van den Brouk, from Antwerp, 33 years old, living in the Warmoesstraat, assisted by Gillis van den Broeke, his brother, was legally engaged to Catharina Soolmans, from Antwerp, 28 years old, assisted by Marten Soolmans and Cornelia van Herthofen, her father and mother.

[signed] Gregorio van den Broek, Catharina Soolmans - (DTB 411/544) - marriage intentions of the church - (Own research)


On 8 July 1605, Marten de Vos, from Steeneken in Flanders, oil worker [olieslager], 35 years old, since ten years living near the Heiligewegspoort on the Niezel, assisted by Peeter de Vos, his brother, was legally engaged to Judit van Vyven, from Bruges, 22 years old, living on the Ossenmarkt, assisted by Mattheus van Vyven, her father.

[signed] Materten de Vos, Judick van Viven - (DTB 411/545) - marriage intentions of the church - (Own research)


On 15 July 1605, Lieven Serwouters, from Antwerp, 27 years old, living in Ansloo, should bring his father's consent, assisted by his uncle Hans Serwouters, was legally engaged to Katalyne Willemsen, from Antwerp, 21 years old, living on the N.Z. Voorburgwal, assisted by Lysbet Fredrix, her aunt. - (Oud Holland)


On 13 August 1605, Jaques Six, from Armentiers, widower of Aelken Geubels, since ten years living near the Sint Janspoort in the Nieustadt, was legally engaged to Margriete van Ophuisen, from Antwerp, widow of Gysbrecht Jans, testifying to be a widow for two years, living in the Kalverstraat.
[signed] Jacques Six, me Margriete van Ophuysen - (DTB 411/568 ) - marriage intentions of the church - (Own research)


On 26 August 1605, Abraham de Lingne, from London, 29 years old, living on the O.Z. Voorburgwal, parents dead, was legally engaged to Catharina de Wilhem, from Hamburg, 20 years old, living on the O.Z. Achterburgwal, assisted by her father Brisse de Wilhem, and her mother Catharina Gort. (DTB 411/571) - (van Dillen)


On 10 September 1605, Jacques Verbeeck, born in Antwerp, 30 years old, living in the Molenstraat, assisted by his brother Abraham Verbeeck, was legally engaged to Catharina van Geel Jansdr., born in Antwerp, 21 years old, living on the the O.Z. Voorburgwal, assisted by Daniel van Gheel, her grandfather, and Sara van Geel [Marcelier] and Margriete Verbruggen [van der Bruggen], widow of Tibout van Pickere, her aunts (moeykens) (DTB 411/581) - (van Dillen)


On 5 October 1605, Antonis Gerritsz. Davelaer, 24 years old, living in the Warmoesstraat, assisted by his mother Marie van Blockland, widow of Gerrit van Davelaer, was legally engaged to Anneken Huge Kools, living in Delft (DTB 762a/222) - (Montias)


On 24 November 1605, Pieter Willemsz. van Kerckhem, from Leiden, 23 years old, living on the O.Z. Achterburgwal, assisted by Willem Symonsz. van Kerckhem, his father, was legally engaged to Styntjen Selyns, 25 years old, living as above, assisted by Lynken Walraven, her mother.

[signed] Pieter Willem van Kerckhem, Styntjen Celyns - (DTB 411/621) - marriage intentions of the church - (Own research)


On 25 November 1605, Everhard van Domselaer, from Haarlem, 37 years old, living in the Warmoesstraat, assisted by Arent van Domselaer, his father, was legally engaged to Clara Michiels van Varlaer, from Antwerp, 21 years old, living on the N.Z. Achterburgwal, assisted by Elisabeth Michiels, from Antwerp, her aunt.
[signed] Everhardt van Domzeler, Clara Michielsen - (DTB 411/621) - marriage intentions of the church - (Own research)




On 7 January 1606, Willem van Beeringen, from Antwerp, was legally engaged to Janneken van de Coutere, from Gent, living in Haarlem.

[no signatures] - (DTB 762A/224) - Extra-ordinaris marriage intentions - (Own research)


On 25 January 1606, Jacob Jansz. Wyncoop, widower of Sytgen Heynrix, living on Uylenburg, was legally engaged to Maritgen Heynrix, abt. 30 years old, living on the Singel near the Nieuwe Raembrugge, assisted by Heynrik Jochems and Sara Backer.

[signed] Jacob Jansz Wyncoop, Maritien Heyndric - (DTB 411/665) - marriage intentions of the church - (Own research)


On 28 January 1606, Jan Pietersz van den Eeckhout, from Harlingen, goldsmith, 22 years old, since seventeen years living in the Kalverstraat, assisted by Pieter Lodewyx van den Eeckhout, his father, was legally engaged to Griete Claesdr., 19 years old, living as above, assisted by Mary Willemsdr., her mother.

[signed] Jan Piettersoon vanden Eeckhout, Griete Claes - (DTB 411/667) - marriage intentions of the church - (Own research)


On 4 February 1606, Eduardus Pels, from Antwerp, 38 years old, living in the Warmoesstraat, was legally engaged to Johanna Baudeson, from Antwerp, 28 years old. (DTB 411/671) - (van Dillen)


On 7 March 1606, Guillame Petiteau, from Antwerp, 28 years old, living in the Nes, assisted by his father Jeronimus Petiteau and his mother Tanneken van Liesvelt, was legally engaged to Aeltgen Pynappels, from 's Hertogenbosch, living on the Dam, assisted by her uncle Ambrosius Kemp. (DTB 411/687) - (van Dillen)


On 11 March 1606, Abraham Bols, painter, 25 years old, was legally engaged to Emmerentia Karels. - (Oud Holland)


On 1 April 1606, Jan van Vele, 20 years old, living on 't Rokin, assisted by Gerrit van Velen, his father, was legally engaged to Margriet van Buyl, 19 years old, living on the N.Z. Voorburgwal, assisted by Dieuwke Claesdr., her godmother and by Bartholomeus Claes, her guardian and Elbert Simonsz. Jonkheyn, her brother-in-law.
[signed] Jan van Veelen, Margrieta van Buyll - (DTB 411/705) - marriage intentions of the church - (Own research)


On 15 April 1606, Jan Wynolts, from Deventer, swordmaker, 23 years old, living on the O.Z. Achterburgwal, was legally engaged to Grietgen Evertsdr., living in Den Haag. (DTB 762a/226) - (van Dillen)


On 15 April 1606, Pieter Albertsz., miller, 22 years old, living in the St. Pieterspad, assisted by his mother Tryn Pieters, was legally engaged to Aecht Jacobs, widow of Herman Jansz., (one year a widow), assisted by her mother Hillegond Dirxdr. (DTB 666/18) - (Montias)


On 22 April 1606, Laurens Fransz., painter, 21 years old, living on the Nieuwe Ossenmarkt, assisted by Frans Cornelisz., his father, was legally engaged to Janneken Claes, from Antwerp, 22 years old, living as above, assisted by Nicolas de Mersenne, her father. - (Oud Holland)


On 25 April 1606, Antoine Marinus, pasteybacker (pastry baker), from Vlissingen, was legally engaged to Josyntge van den Bremde, from Antwerp, 30 years old (DTB 411/736) - (Montias)


On 25 April 1606, Leonard Ranst, from Bruges, 30 years old, living in the Kalverstraat, was legally engaged to Constantia Coymans, from Antwerp, 24 years old, living on the O.Z. Voorburgwal, assisted by Margriete, the widow Pickere, her mother and Caspar Coymans, her uncle. - (De Navorscher)


On 23 May 1606, Antoine van Beaumont, from Dordrecht, 28 years old, since two years living on the O.Z. Voorburgwal, was legally engaged to Anneken Auxbrebis, from Antwerp, 24 years old, since two years living on the O.Z. Achterburwal, assisted by Jean aux Brebis, her father.

[signed] Antoin van Beaumont, Anneken aux Brebis - (DTB 411/761) - marriage intentions of the church - (Own research)


On 3 June 1606, Jacques van de Geere, from Antwerp, 23 years old, living in the Niezel, assisted by Gillis van de Geer, his father, was legally engaged to Janneken van Rynevelt, 22 years old, living in the Warmoesstraat, assisted by Grietgen Jans, her mother.

[signed] Jaques van de Gheere, Janneken van Rynevelt - (DTB 411/770) - marriage intentions of the church - (Own research)


On 9 June 1606, Jacques Damman, from Antwerp, 35 years old, assisted by Beatrix Arnouts, his cousin, was legally engaged to Catharina le Maire, from Antwerp, 21 years old, assisted by Isaac le Maire and Maria Walraven, her parents and Johannes le Maire, her uncle. - (De Navorscher)


On 26 July 1606, Andries Rickarts, from Deventer, 25 years old, living on 't Rokin, assisted by Gerrit van Welen, his stepfather, was legally engaged to Tryntje Jacobsdr., 28 years old, living on the O.Z. Voorburgwal, assisted by Tryn Gerritsdr., her mother by marriage, and by Heynrick Gaerkink, her uncle.

[signed] Andreas Rickaerts, Treintgen Jacobs - (DTB 412/29) - marriage intentions of the church - (Own research)


On 29 July 1606, Kaerle Jacott Jaspersz., from Mechelen, 25 years old, living in the Warmoesstraat, assisted by Maryken Loryen, his mother, was legally engaged to Walberchge Willemsdr., from Gorkum, 22 years old, since ten years living in the Nes, assisted by Heylgen Gysbertsdr., her mother.

[signed] Carel Jacott, Walberch Wyllems - (DTB 412/033) - marriage intentions of the church - (Own research)


On 12 August 1606, Lauren Mesureur, from Valenciennes, shoemaker, widower of Antoinette de Sar, living on the O.Z. Achterburgwal, was legally engaged to Jenne le Fevre, from Mournoy [?], widow of Bastiaen van Uffelen, testifying to be a widow for three months, living on the Pannenbakkerspad.

[signed] Laurens Masureur, [her mark] - (DTB 412/038) - marriage intentions of the church - (Own research)


On 16 September 1606, Symon Boonnaert, from Norwich in England, cloth worker [boratwerker] 21 years old, living in the Achterdijkstraat, with his mother's consent from Middelburg, was legally engaged to Barber Coenraets, 19 years old, living in the St. Pietersdwarstraat, assisted by Judith Jans, her mother.

[signed] Symen Boonaert, [her mark] - (DTB 412/59) - marriage intentions of the church - (Own research)


On 29 September 1606, Hans Caleyt, from Antwerp, 37 years old, since eighteen years living in the St. Annenstraat, assisted by Michiel Caleyt, his father, was legally engaged to Susanneken Kykenpoost, 26 years old, living on the Singel near the Jan Roodenpoort, assisted by Jacob Kykenpost, her father and by Maeyke Metsue, het mother.

[signed] Hans Caleyt, Susanna Kikenpoost - (DTB 412/63) - marriage intentions of the church - (Own research)


On 7 October 1606, Abraham le Fevre, from Antwerp, 26 years old, since ten years living in the Haarlemmerlieden, assisted by Jean le Fevre, his father, was legally engaged to Anneken Allinx, from Bruges, 30 years old, since six months living on the O.Z. Voorburgwal, assisted by Elisabet Hallingx, her sister, parents dead.

[signed] Abraham Le Febure, Anna Heling - (DTB 412/067) - marriage intentions of the church - (Own research)


On 18 October 1606, Everhard Crynsz van der Maes, from The Hague, painter 29 years old, living in The Hague, was legally engaged to Tryntgen Pieters, 24 years old, living on the Deventer Houtmarkt, assisted by Pieter Pietersz her brother and Truytgen Pieters, her sister. - (Oud Holland)


On 21 October 1606, Jan Lefevre, from Leiden, silkweaver [caffatier], 22 years old, since ten years living in the Ververy, assisted by Anna Chaval, his mother, was legally engaged to Anna Desforests [de Foreest], from Avesnes, 19 years old, since five years living as above, assisted by Anne Maillard, her mother.

[signed] Jan le Febure, Anne - (DTB 412/79) - marriage intentions of the church - (Own research)


On 11 November 1606, Abraham van Uffele, from Antwerp, cabinetmaker, 22 years old, living on the Pannenbakkerspad, parents dead, was legally engaged to Beertgen Arents, from Groeningen, 22 years old, since four years living on the N.Z. Achterburgwal, parents dead.

[signed] by me Abraham van Uffel, by me Bertgen Aerents - (DTB 412/.93) - marriage intentions of the church - (Own research)


On 16 November 1606, Jan Simon the younger, from Antwerp, 27 years old, since five years living in the Nieuwe Houtstraat, assisted by Jan Simon, his father, was legally engaged to Catelina Six, from Antwerp, 22 years old, living in the Kalverstraat, assisted by Susanna Kox, her mother.
[signed] Jan Simon de Jonge, Catharina Six - (DTB 412/95) - marriage intentions of the church - (Own research)


On 12 December 1606, Elias Eerdewyns, widower of Joanna Colpins, living in Dordrecht, was legally engaged to Saerken Huysman, widow of mr. Pieter Vekemans, testifying to be a widow for three years, living in the Hooghstraat, assisted by Herman and Grietken Huysmans, her brother and sister.

[signed] Elias Eerdewyns, Sara Huysmans - (DTB 412/114) - marriage intentions of the church - (Own research)




On 3 January 1607, Antoni van Leest, from Antwerp, living in Dordrecht, widower of Mariken Luybrechts, was legally engaged to Agnete Dierix, from Antwerp, widow of Hans de Vett (18 years a widow), living on the O.Z. Voorburgwal. - (Oud Holland)


On 5 January 1607, Jean le Bleu, from Wesel, 27 years old, since nine years living in the Hessensteeg, assisted by Fransois le Bleu, his father, was legally engaged to Hester Verspreet Jansdr., 18 years old, living op 't Water, assisted by Hans Verspreet, her father and by Anna Verspreet, her aunt Liesvelts.

[signed] Jan le Bleu, Hester Verspreet - (DTB 412/139) - marriage intentions of the church - (Own research)


On 17 January 1607, Andries Ysbrantsz., 26 years old, living in the Ridderstraat, assisted by Pieter Joosten, his stepfather (behouden vader), and his mother Betgen Claes, was legally engaged to Marritge Walighs, 28 years old, living on the Nieuwe Dyck, assisted by her brother Pieter Walighs and her sister Duyfgen Walighs (DTB 412/152) - (Montias)


On 20 January 1607, Johannes le Maire, minister within this town, 33 years old, living on the N.Z. Voorburgwal, assisted by Isaak le Maire, his brother, was legally engaged to Marie Coquiel dite Mercier, 20 years old, living on the Zeedyk, assisted by Floris van ten, her uncle.

[signed] Joannes le Maire, Maria Merchier - (DTB 412/153) - marriage intentions of the church - (Own research)


On 24 January 1607, Herman Rendorp, widower of Anna Swart, living in the Keizersstraat, assisted by Pieter Gerritsz., was legally engaged to Metgen van Ingen, from Kampen, widow of Aart Hudde, testifying to be a widow for four years, living in the Molensteeg, assisted by Belitgen ---- her stepmother.

[signed] Harmen Rendorp, Mettien van Ingen - (DTB 412/160) - marriage intentions of the church - (Own research)


On 24 January 1607, Rogier Dickensen, from London, 30 years old, since six years living near the Nieuwe Kerk, parents dead, was legally engaged to Immetje Nannings, 28 years old, living in the Warmoesstraat, assisted by B---- Nannings, her sister, parents dead.

[signed] Roger Dickenson, Immeken Nanningh - (DTB 412/160) - marriage intentions of the church - (Own research)


On 25 January 1607, Guillaume van Offenberghe, from Antwerp, 35 years old, living in the Nieuwe Hooghstraet, assisted by Pieter van Offenbergh, his brother, testifying to be a free person, was legally engaged to Johanna Vierendeels, also from Antwerp, 22 years old, assisted by Hans van Solt, her uncle and guardian, by Elisabeth Tibouts, her aunt and by Catelyne de ----- , her sister.

[signed] Guillaume van Offenberch, Johanna Vierendeels - (DTB 412/161) - marriage intentions of the church - (Own research)


On 22 February 1607, Jacques Mercys, from Rotterdam, abt. 27 years old, since fourteen years living on the Singel near the Korsjesbrugge, assisted by Hans Merchys, his father, was legally engaged to Susanna de Haze Heynrixdr., 20 years old, living on the Turfmarkt, assisted by Clara Koymans, the widow de Haze, her mother.

[signed] Jaques Merchys, Susanna de Hese - (DTB 412/184) - marriage intentions of the church - (Own research)


On 3 March 1607, Samuel Coenradsen, from Middelburg, tailor, 30 years old, was legally engaged to Neeltje Goverts, from Antwerp, 32 years old, assisted by her nichte Susanna Joris (DTB 666/60) - (Montias)


On 24 March 1607, Michiel de Beauvois, from Antwerp. painter, 26 years old, living in the Kalverstraat, parents dead, was legally engaged to Geertruyd Melis, from Antwerp, 24 years old, living on the Amstel in the nieustadt, assisted by Heynrixken van Keulen, her mother. - (Oud Holland)


On 29 March 1607, Wouter van Staden, from Bruges, silk worker, 30 years old, since two and half years living in the Breestraat, [4 latin words], was legally engaged to Maria Tradel, from Antwerp, 25 years old, since eight years living as above, assisted by Anna Hofkampers, her aunt.

[signed] [his mark], Maria Tradel - (DTB 412/202) - marriage intentions of the church - (Own research)


On 21 April 1607, Servaes Koorner from Retorp near Gulick, silkweaver [kaffawercker], 23 years old, since one year living in the Ververyen, showing the consent of his father, was legally engaged to Magdalena van Beringen, from Antwerp, 26 years old, living on the Engelse Kay, assisted by Laurens van Beringen and Maria Claes, her father and mother.
[signed] Servaes Korner, Maeddelina van Beringhen - (DTB 666/69) - marriage intentions at City Hall - (Own research)


On 21 April 1607, Abraham de Wys, from Nymegen, wine merchant, 25 years old, since seven years living on the Zeedyk, parents dead, was legally engaged to Lumke Swanen, from Wesel, 27 years old, since six years living as above, has to bring in her mother's consent before the last proclamation.

[signed] Abraham de Wys, Lumken Swaen - (DTB 412/228) - marriage intentions of the church - (Own research)


On 28 April 1607, Hessel Gerritsz., from Alkmaar, 26 years old, living on 't Water, was legally engaged to Geertje Gysbertsdr., from Alkmaar, 25 years old, living on Uylenburg. - (Oud Holland)


On 11 May 1607, Heyndrick Boeles Dierix, 21 years old, living in the Warmoesstraat, assisted by Gerrit van der Nyenburch, his brother-in-law, was legally engaged to Femmetgen van Velen Gerardsdr., 17 years old, living on 't Rokin, assisted by Gerard van Velen, her father.
[signed] Hyndrick Boelinss, Femmetein van Veelen - (DTB 412/246) - marriage intentions of the church - (Own research)


On 28 June 1607, Pieter Kina [Quina], from Antwerp, 30 years old, living on the N.Z. Achterburgwal, assisted by Carel Kiena, his father, was legally engaged to Magdalena van Ray, from Antwerp, 21 years old, living in the Nes, assisted by Maria de Haes, her mother.

[signed] Pieter Kina, Magdalena van Raey - (DTB 412/278) - marriage intentions of the church - (Own research)


On 24 July 1608, Jan Heynrix, 24 years old, living on the Dam, assisted by Heynrik Jansz and Margriet Dierxdr., his father and mother, was legally engaged to Anneken Michiels, widow of Syvert Reynst, testifying to be a widow for three years, living in the Betanienstraat, assisted by Michiel Marcelisz., her father.

[signed] Jan Hendricx, Annege Mychiels - (DTB 412/234) - marriage intentions of the church - (Own research)


On 28 July 1607, Samuel de la Tombe, from Antwerp, silkweaver [caffatier], 22 years old, since nine years living in the Bergstraat, assisted by Leon de la Tombe, his father and by Jenne Henkels, his mother, was legally engaged to Cathelyne Krock, from Antwerp, 26 years old, living on the Singel near the Jan Roode Poort, assisted by Cornelia van Eerthesen, her aunt by marriage.

[signed] Samuel de la Tombe, Catelynen Croc - (DTB 412/300) - marriage intentions of the church - (Own research)


On 28 July 1607, Hans Kemp, from Antwerp, silkweaver [caffatier], 25 years old, since four years living in the Valksteeg, has to bring in his mother's consent, was legally engaged to Susanne Thomas, from Antwerp, widow of Pieter Baltus and testifying to be a widow for four years.

[signed] Hans Kemp [her mark] - (DTB 412/301) - marriage intentions of the church - (Own research)


On 31 July 1607, Adriaen van der Planke, from Middelburg, 28 years old, since one year living near the Oude Kerk, has to show his father's consent, was legally engaged to Tryntjen Stoffels, 19 years old, living on 't Water, assisted by Stoffel Gerritsz, her father.

[signed] Adriaen van der Plancken, Tryntgen Stoffels - (DTB 412/306 ) - marriage intentions of the church - (Own research)


On 11 August 1607, Jan Calandrini, widower of Marie des Maistres, living on the Deventer Houtmarkt, was legally engaged to Caterina de Petravina, from Antwerp, widow of Assuerus van Regemorter, living in London. (DTB 762a/245) - (van Dillen)


On 16 August 1607, Cornelis Claesz Hasselaer, 22 years old, living on the O.Z. Voorburgwal, assisted by Gaertjen Princen, his mother, and by Pieter Dircksz Hasselaer, his uncle, was legally engaged to Claesjen Jans, 22 years old, living on the Singel near the Jan Roode Poort, assisted by Pieter Pietersz., her uncle and by Sebrygje ---- her godmother.

[signed] Cornelis Claesz Hasselaer, Claese Jans - (DTB 412/318) - marriage intentions of the church - (Own research)


On 18 August 1607, Nicolas Coquu, from Middelburg, 21 years old, since five years living in the Nes, assisted by Lambrecht Coquu, his father, was legally engaged to Anna Gabry, from Utrecht, 18 years old, living as above, assisted by Isabela Baligaens, widow of Jean Gabry, her mother.
[signed] Nicolas Cocqus, Anne Gabry - (DTB 412/319) - marriage intentions of the church - (Own research)


On 21 August 1607, Hans Jochem Jennes [signs Jenis], from Augsburg, assisted by Hans Honger, was legally engaged to Regina Jennes [signs Jenis], from Antwerp, 23 years old, assisted by her father, Jeremias Jenisch. (DTB 666/90) - (van Dillen)


On 15 September 1607, Hans van Solt, the younger, from Antwerp, living in the Kalverstraat, was legally engaged to Maria de Wolf, living in Haarlem. (DTB 762a/247) - (van Dillen)


On 22 September 1607, Isaak Wagenaer, from London, 34 years old, art-broker, assisted by Janneken Janssens, his mother, was legally engaged to Epke Jansdr. van de Vreeborg, 21 years old. - (De Navorscher)


On 25 September 1607, Jacques Franssen, from Longys in Burgundy, silk merchant, widower of Barbelken Damen, living in the Kalverstraat, was legally engaged to Catheryna Quast, from Antwerp, 24 years old, since eighteen years living on the Gelderse Kade, assisted by Agnietgen Reddingh, her mother.

[signed] Jacob Fancce, Catheryna Quast - (DTB 413/7) - marriage intentions of the church - (Own research)


On 25 September 1607, Jacob Floris, 22 years old, living on the Brouwersgracht, was legally engaged to Dieuwertje Huyberts, 17 years old, living as above. - (Amstelodamum)


On 29 September 1607, Daniel Mitz, from Cologne, 28 years old, since seven and half year living on 't Water, assisted by Warnier van Keulen, testifying his mother's consent, was legally engaged to Agnietgen Kocx, 24 years old, living in the Halsteeg, assisted by Neesken, the widow Kox, her mother and by Hans Lenaerts, her brother-in-law.

[signed] Daniel Mits, Agnieta Cockx - (DTB 413/9) - marriage intentions of the church - (Own research)


On 6 October 1607, Thomas Jacobsz. Sergeant, from Dordrecht, since 3 years living in the Pylsteeg, schoolmaster, assisted by his mother Harte Loyson, was legally engaged to Lysbeth van Oukoop, from Rotterdam, 21 years old, since 2 years living on the O.Z. Voorburgwal, assisted by her mother Betteken Merssyx. - (Amstelodamum)


On 18 October 1607, Elias van Keullen Nicolasz., from Dordrecht, 23 years old, living on the Nieuwendyk, assisted by Abraham van Ceulen, his uncle with the mother's consent, was legally engaged to Janneken Kemp Ambrosius, from Antwerp, assisted by Ambrosius Kemp and Maeyken Jan Willems, her father and mother, living in the Warmoesstraat.

[signed] Elias van Ceulen, Tanneken Kemp - (DTB 413/27) - marriage intentions of the church - (Own research)


On 20 October 1607, Dirck Bruggen, from Achen, sugar refiner, 30 years old, since nine years living in the Nes, parents dead, assisted by Michiel van Heyst, his cousin, was legally engaged to Margriet van den Bergh, 19 years old, living on the Singel near the St. Antonispoort, assisted by Hans van den Berg, her father.

[signed] Dirck Bruggen, Margrita van den Berghen - (DTB 413/31) - marriage intentions of the church - (Own research)


On 27 October 1607, Benjamin Baguelar, from Nortwitz [Norwich], 25 years old, living in London, assisted by Jasper de Poter, was legally engaged to Anna Jacot, from Antwerp, 25 years old, living in the Doelenstraat, assisted by Mayken Lossyen and Carel Jacott, her mother and her brother.
[signed] Beniamin Bageular, Anna Jacott - (DTB 413/45) - marriage intentions of the church - (Own research)


On 13 December 1607, Jan Heinrix Korten, from Leeuwarden, 22 years old, since 19 years living in the Warmoesstraat, assisted by Jacob Pietersz Hoochkamers, his brother-in-law, parents dead, was legally engaged to Beertjen Hoefysers Martensdr, 16 years old, living on the Zeedyk, assisted by Marten Jansz Hoefyser and Tryntjen Tymans, her father and mother.

[signed] Jan Hendrixsz Cortten, Baertjen Houfysers Martens dochter - (DTB 413/78) - marriage intentions of the church - (Own research)


On 13 December 1607, Jan Cornelisz van Roon, from Oudewater, shoemaker, 27 years old, living in the Nes, was legally engaged to Aeltje van Rynevelt, 21 years old, living in the Bantamstraat, assisted by Griet Jansdr., her mother.

[signed] Jan Cornelissen van Roon, Aeltgen van Rynevelt - (DTB 413/78) - marriage intentions of the church - (Own research)




On 3 January 1608, Gillis Dodeur, from Fuz in Luykevelt, 34 years old. since seven months living on the Verwers singel, assisted by Dierck Stynsz Bruin, testifying to be a free person, was legally engaged to Catharina de Win, from Antwerp, 24 years old, since ten tears living in the Sint Anna Straet, assisted by Maecken Tym, her aunt.

[signed] Gillis Dodeur, Catarina de Win - (DTB 413/92) - marriage intentions of the church - (Own research)


On 4 January 1608, Philippe Burlamachi, from Sedan, 32 years old, living on the N.Z. Voorburgwal, was legally engaged to Elisabeth Calandrini, from Antwerp, 29 years old, living on the Deventer Houtmarkt, assisted by Jan Calandrini, her father and by Denys du Maitres, her uncle.

[signed] Filippo Burlamachi, Elisabet Calandrini - (DTB 413/93) - marriage intentions of the church - (Own research)


On 5 January 1608, Jan du Bois, from Gent, 25 years old, living in Haarlem, assisted by ---- du Bois, his father, was legally engaged to Esther Gailliaerts Antoniesdr., 27 years old, living in the Warmoesstraat, assisted by Antoine Gaillaert, her father.
[signed] Jan du Boys, Hester Gailliaert - (DTB 413/93) - marriage intentions of the church - (Own research)


On 10 January 1608, Coenraed de Wilde the younger, from Antwerp, 25 years old, since three years living on the O.Z. Achterburgwal, assisted by Coenraed de Wilde, his father, was legally engaged to Anneken Willems, 29 years old, living on the N.Z. Voorburgwal, assisted by Th--- Willems and Lynken van Reusel, her father and mother.

[signed] Coenraed de Wilde de jonge, Anneke Willems - (DTB 413/97) - marriage intentions of the church - (Own research)


On 12 January 1608, Hans Rosenkrans, from Utrecht, pharmacist, 21 years old, since five years living near the Jan Rodenpoort, with his mother's consent, assisted by Francys Peryn, his cousin, was legally engaged to Annetje Gerrits Kalfs, from Alkmaar, 19 years old, since two years living on 't Rokin, assisted by Marikjen Diercx, her mother.

[signed] Hans Roosecrans, Annetgen Gerrit Calven - (DTB 413/97) - marriage intentions of the church - (Own research)


On 15 January 1608, Abraham de Prat, from Antwerp, 25 years old, living on the uyterste steyger, assisted by Jenne Sandra, his mother, was legally engaged to Magdalena Mathieu, from Wesel, 22 years old, since two and half years living on the Zeedyk, assisted by Susanna Matthieu, her sister.

[signed] Abraham de Prat, Madelaine Mathieu - (DTB 413/103) - marriage intentions of the church - (Own research)


On 11 March 1608, Samuel Coenradsen, widower of Susanna Goverts, was legally engaged to Cathalyntje de Bock, assisted by her mother Anneken Bozyns. (DTB 666/117) - (Montias)


On 15 March 1608, Jan Jansz. van Munster, brewer, was legally engaged to Neelken Bossers, living near the Sint Antoniespoort. - (Amstelodamum)


On 21 March 1608, Joannes de Hoghes, from Michelin, 30 years old, since twentytwo years living on the Lynbaansgracht, assisted by Catharina de Druyver[?], his mother, was legally engaged to Maria Trion, from Antwerp, 28 years old, since eighteen years living near the Beurs, assisted by Catharina Kleneel [?] her mother.

[signed] Johannes de Hoghes, Maria Tiron - (DTB 413/78) - marriage intentions of the church - (Own research)


On 21 March 1608, Lieven van Krombruggen, from Gent, cloth worker [damast-werker], abt. 27 years old, since two years living in the Breestraat, showing his parents consent, was legally engaged to Maryken van Dame, from Antwerp, widow of Pieter de Jagere, testifying to be a widow for five years, living on the Lynbaansgracht.
[signed] [his mark], [her mark] - (DTB 413/138) - marriage intentions of the church - (Own research)


On 5 April 1608, Joris van Nieulant, pencil merchant, from Antwerp, widower of Rachel Clinquant, living in the Pylsteeg, was legally engaged to Beyken de Klerck, from Antwerp, 24 years old, living in the Koningsdwarsstraat, assisted by Hans de Klerck and Beyken Tyssen, her parents. - (Oud Holland)


On 8 April 1608, Jacob Martensz., van Gent, painter, 28 years old, living in Haarlem, ordered to bring his father's consent, was legally engaged to Susanna van de Velde, from Antwerp, 26 years old, living on the O.Z. Voorburgwal, assisted by Hans van de Velde, her father. - (Oud Holland)


On 6 May 1608, Hans Auxbrebis, 22 years old, living on the O.Z. Achterburgwal, assisted by Eduwaert Pels the younger, testifying about the father's consent, was legally engaged to Sara Degens, 17 years old, assisted by Hans Boerbie and Margriet Degens [sic: Hans Degens & Margriet Byou], her father and mother, living in the Nes.

[signed] Hans Brebis, Sara Degens - (DTB 413/178) - marriage intentions of the church - (Own research)


On 22 May 1608, Baudouin de Bordes, from Douai, 30 years old, living in London, assisted by Philips Serturier, his cousin, was legally engaged to Marie Commelin Jeronimusdr., from Heidelberg, 17 years old, since twelve years living in the Nieuwe Hooghstraat, assisted by Jude and Nicholas Bonnenuit, her uncles.

[signed] Baudouin de Bordes, Marie Commelin - (DTB 413/189 ) - marriage intentions of the church - (Own research)


On 24 May 1608, Jacques de Velaer the younger, from Antwerp, 30 years old, living on the O.Z. Voorburgwal, was legally engaged to Elisabeth van der Meulen, from Bremen, living in Jutfaas. (DTB 762a/259) - (van Dillen)


On 20 June 1608, Jan Haen, from Antwerp, 31 years old, living in Hamburg, parents dead, testifying to be a free person, was legally engaged to Petronella de Laet, from Antwerp, 24 years old, living on the O.Z.Voorburgwal, assisted by Hans Gevaerts and Huybrecht Wachtmans, her uncles.

[signed] Johan Haen, Peeternelle de Laet - (DTB 413/212) - marriage intentions of the church - (Own research)


On 28 July 1608, Frederick Smits, from Cologne, 30 years old, living in the Breestraat, assisted by Jaspar and Balthasar Coymans, was legally engaged to Susanna Huysmans, from Antwerp, 21 years old, assisted by her father Herman Huysmans. (DTB 413/239) - (van Dillen)


On 30 July 1608, David de Lommel, from Antwerp, 24 years old, living on the Singel near the Walenbrug, parents dead, assisted by Johannes ten Grootenhuys, his brother-in-law, was legally engaged to Catelyne van Geel Pietersdr., assisted by Pieter van Geel, her father and by Sara Masseliers, her mother, living in the Warmoesstraat.

[signed] David de l'Hommel, Catharina van Gheel - (DTB 413/240) - marriage intentions of the church - (Own research)


On 2 August 1608, Gillis van de Putt, from Iperen, 31 years old, testifying to be a free person, assisted by Geert van de Putt, was legally engaged to Sara Jaupin, from Leiden, 28 years old, living on the Singel near the Jan Roode Poort, assisted by Anna Jaupin, her sister.

[signed] Gillis van de Put, Sara Jaupin - (DTB 413/240) - marriage intentions of the church - (Own research)


On 28 August 1608, Hans Rensson, from Antwerp, grocer, 26 years, since 22 years in Amsterdam, living on 't Water, assisted by his father Zacharias Rensson, was legally engaged to Margriet van Hallaer, from Antwerp, living near the Utrechtse Steiger, assisted by her brother Caerle van Hallaer. (DTB 666/142) - (van Dillen)


On 6 September 1608, mr. Mattheus Sladus, director of the Latin School, widower of Aelken Kierffaer, was legally engaged to Susanna de Kempenaer, from Brussels, 29 years old, living on the O.Z. Voorburgwal, assisted by Janneken Gerbers, her mother and by Petrus Sladius, her father-in-law.

[signed] Mattheus Sladus, Susanna Kempenaer - (DTB 413/270) - marriage intentions of the church - (Own research)


On 10 September 1608, Pieter Jansz. Blaeu, from Haarlem, 30 years old, assisted by Dirk Jansz. Blaeu, his brother, was legally engaged to Tryntje Symons, 25 years old. - (De Navorscher)


On 20 September 1608, Paulus Bosschaert, from Gent, pastrybaker, 24 years old, since eighteen years living in the Kalverstraat, assisted by Lieven Bosschaert, his brother, with the consent of the mother in Vlissingen, was legally engaged to Symentgen Jans, 21 years old, living in the Nes, assisted by Jan Symons, her father.

[signed] Pouwels Bosschaert, [her mark] - (DTB 413/275) - marriage intentions of the church - (Own research)


On 27 September 1608, Heynrik van Breen, from Antwerp, embroider, 24 years old, since three years living on the O.Z. Voorburgwal, parents dead, was legally engaged to Annetjen Pietersdr., from Franeker, 22 years old, since seven years living near the O.Z. Sluys, parents dead.

[signed] [his mark], [her mark] - (DTB 413/283) - marriage intentions of the church - (Own research)


On 27 September 1608, Peeter de Kolenaer, from Antwerp, widower of Sara Pasquier, living on the Nieuwendyk, was legally engaged to Katharina van de Venne, from Antwerp, 26 years old, living on the N.Z. Achterburgwal, assisted by Lucas van de Venne, her brother and by Goedelken, her sister.

[signed] Peeter de Colenaer, Catarina van de Venne - (DTB 413/278) - marriage intentions of the church - (Own research)


On 4 October 1608, Francoys Geeraertsz. Pelgroms, from Neurenberg, since 14 years living on 't Rokin, assisted by his brother Herman Pelgroms, was legally engaged to Barbara Sprangers, from Antwerp, widow of Jan van Haefte, since 6 months living in the Kalverstraat. (DTB 666/147) - (van Dillen)


On 9 October 1608, Geerard de Beer, widower of Truytgen Dierixdr., living on the Oostindische Kaay, was legally engaged to Grietge Jelis Valckeniers, 28 years old. (DTB 413/293) - (van Dillen)


On 9 October 1608, Claes Jansz. Visscher, engraver, 21 years old, living in the Molenstraat, assited by Jan Claesz. Visscher and Annetje Heynricx, his father and mother, was legally engaged to Neeltjen Florisdr. 20 years old, living on the Brouwersgracht, assisted by Floris Gerritsz. and Cornelisgen Alberts, her father and mother. - (Oud Holland)


On 11 October 1608, Hans van Lemens Abrahamsz, j.m. from Antwerp, 25 years old, since twenty one years living on the Indische Kay, assisted by Abraham van Lemens, his father and by Susanna Pauzen, his mother, was legally engaged to Maria Felbier, from Antwerp, 25 years old, since twenty three years living in the Kalverstraat, assisted by Francois Felbier and Marie Baylie, her father and mother.

[signed] Hans van Lemens Abrams soon, Maria Felbier - (DTB 666/148) - marriage intentions at City Hall - (Own research)


On 11 October 1608, Philips Minuit, from Cologne, hawker, 23 years old, living in the Pylsteegh, assisted by Jean Minuit and Margrieta van Coninxsloo, his parents, was legally engaged to Susanna de Fontaine, 22 years old, living in the Nes, parents dead, assisted by her sister Sara de Fontaine. (DTB 413/294) - marriage intentions of the church - (Own research)


On 21 October 1608, Pieter Adriaensz. van Delft, steenhouwer, 29 years old, since two years living next to the Gasthuys, has to bring in his mother's consent, assisted by Claes Ariaensz., testifying to be a free person, was legally engaged to Maeyken van Steenwinckel Willemsdr., from Antwerp, 21 years old, since fifteen years living in the Breestraat, assisted by Willem van Steenwinckel, her father.

[signed] by my Pieter Ariaensen, Mayken van Steenwinckel - (DTB 413/304) - marriage intentions of the church - (Own research)


On 23 October 1608, Daniel Cambier, widower of Marie le Roux, living in the St. Jans Straat, was legally engaged to Anna du Bois, widow of Matthys Pelt, testifying to be a widow for eleven years, since seven years living in the Oude Hooghstraat, assisted by Noel du Bois, her brother.

[signed] Daniel Cambier, Anna du Boys - (DTB 413/305) - marriage intentions of the church - (Own research)


On 11 November 1608, Heynrik Baelde, from Antwerp, widower of Adriana Herrewyns, living in Leiden, where the banns have to go too, assisted by Michiel Baelde, his father, was legally engaged to Maryken Kykenpoost, from Leiden, 30 years old, living on the Rouaense Singel, assisted by Jacob Kykenpost and Maeyken Metsue, her father and mother.

[signed] Heyndrick Baelde, Mariken Kikenpoost (DTB 413/321) - marriage intentions of the church - (Own research)


On 13 November 1608, Isaak Haek, from Antwerp, living in Middelburg, 26 years old, assisted by Pieter Haek, his father, was legally engaged to Elizabeth van Solt, from London, 20 years old, living in the Kalverstraat, assisted by Hans van Solt, her father and by Elisabeth Rombouts, her mother and by Hans Rombouts, her uncle.

[signed] Isaac Haek, Elysabet van Soldt - (DTB 413/321) - marriage intentions of the church - (Own research)


On 22 November 1608, Isaac van Erkell, from Wesel, 30 years old, living in the Kalverstraat, assisted by Willem and Jan Goyerts, his uncles, was legally engaged to Cornelia van Es, living in Gorinchem [Gorkum].
[signed] Isaac van Erckel - (DTB 762A/266) - marriage intentions Extra-ordinaris - (Own research)


On 27 November 1608, Jacobus Potter, from Alkmaar, 27 years old, living on the O.Z. Voorburgwal, assisted by Dr. Ludolph Potter, rector in Alkmaar, was legally engaged to Claesjen Pieters Claesdr., 25 years old, assisted by Grietje Pieters, her mother and Jacob Pieters Coppit, her uncle. - (De Navorscher)


On 29 November 1608, Hartger Woutersz., widower of Maritje Luycas, living in London, assisted by Peeter Claus, his brother and by Truyken Gerritsdr., his mother, was legally engaged to Janneke Sicx Hansdr., 23 years old, living in the Cellebroersstraat, assisted by Hans Six, her father.
[signed] Janneken Sicx - (DTB 762A/267) - marriage intentions Extra-ordinaris - (Own research)


On 6 December 1608, Tobias Becx, from Antwerp, needle maker, 21 years old, since four years living outside on the nieu Walenpadt, parents dead, assisted by Evert de Becker, his uncle, was legally engaged to Annetjen Vrerix, from Eydersten [?], 21 years ild, assisted by Vrerik Symens and Styn Harstens, her father and mother.

[signed] [his mark], [her mark] - (DTB 413/336) - marriage intentions of the church - (Own research)


On 13 December 1608, Willem van Wely, 29 years old, living on the O.Z. Voorburgwal, assisted by Jan van Wely and his uncle Wolphaert van Bylaer, was legally engaged to Maria van Valckenborgh, from Antwerp, 28 years old, living in the Warmoesstraat, assisted by her mother Elisabeth Michiels and by her brother-in-law Marcus de Vogelaer. - (van Dillen)




On 11 February 1609, Jan van Heussen, from Arnemuiden, 28 years old, was legally engaged to Isabeau Coymans, 22 years old, living on the O.Z. Voorburgwal. - (De Navorscher)


On 14 February 1609, Jan Hesen, from Nuys, 30 years old, living in Cologne, was legally engaged to Janneken Sybrants, widow of Nanning Heynrixsz. Kloeck, living on the Oude Schans, assisted by her neve Schout Willem van der Does and her nichte Lysbeth Bertsdr. (DTB 414/3) - (Montias)


On 14 March 1609, Christoffel Tradel, from Antwerp, 30 years old, parents dead, assisted by Marie Tradel, his sister, was legally engaged to Catelyne van der Veken, also from Antwerp, 26 years old, father dead, assisted by Balt~ van der Veken, her mother.

[signed] Christoffel Tradel, Catelyne van der Vecken - (DTB 414/12) - marriage intentions of the church - (Own research)


On 18 April 1609, Cornelis Rengers, hat merchant, 25 years old, living in the Warmoesstraat, assisted by Hans Vorsten, his uncle, with the mother's consent, was legally engaged to Gysbrechtjen Gysbrechts, from Dordrecht, 20 years old, since fourteen years living in the Huidenvetterstraat, assisted by Pleuntje Bastiaens, her mother.

[signed] Cornelis Rengers, Gysbertie Gysberts - (DTB 414/34) - marriage intentions of the church - (Own research)


On 18 April 1609, Jan Becker, from Goch, widower of Catharina van den Heuvel, since one year living on the Dam, testifying to be a free person, assisted by Albert Becker, his brother, was legally engaged to Sara Walraven, from Antwerp, 29 years old, living on the Gasthuys Singel, assisted by Catelyne de Meyer and Maria le Maire, her susters and by Hans Rombouts, her uncle.

[signed] Jan Becker van Goch, by me Sara Walraven - (DTB 414/35) - marriage intentions of the church - (Own research)


On 18 April 1609, Willem Fieltjens van Gelre, tailor, 21 years old, since five years living on the Kolk, was legally engaged to Catelyntjen van de Putt, 21 years old, living in the Warmoesstraat, parents dead, assisted by Hans Lo---burg, her uncle.

[signed] Willem Vilties van Gelder, Catelyntien van de Putte - (DTB 414/35) - marriage intentions of the church - (Own research)


On 18 April 1609, Cornelis Rengers, hat retail merchant (hoedecramer), 29 years old, living in the Warmoesstraat, assisted by his uncle Hans Vorsten, was legally engaged to Gysbertje Gysbers, from Dordrecht, living in the Huidevetterstraat, assisted by her mother Pleuntgen Bastiaens (DTB 414/34) - (Montias)


On 2 May 1609, Adolff Wolves, from Delden, tailor, 22 years old, since seven years living in the Bantamstraat, parents dead, was legally engaged to Neeltjen Reyniers, from Mydrecht, 28 years old, parents dead, assisted by Marten Jansz Houfysers and his wife.

[signed] Adolph Wolves, [her mark] - (DTB 414/49) - marriage intentions of the church - (Own research)


On 15 May 1609, Jan Melisz, from Bazel [?], glass-blower, 26 years old, living near the Gasthuys, parents dead, was legally engaged to Risken Jansdr., 23 years old, living in the Pylsteeg, assisted by Jan Andriesz. and Anna Huyberts, her father and mother.

[signed] Jan Melis, Risken Jans (DTB 414/60) - marriage intentions of the church - (Own research)


On 16 May 1609, Stans Jacobsz., widower of Cornelisje Jans, living in the Gravenstraat, was legally engaged to Jannetje Thomas, widow of Claes Tomasz., living in the Haringpackeryen, assisted by her mother Mary Pieters (DTB 666/177) - (Montias)


On 19 May 1609, Adriaen van Nieuweland, painter, 22 years old, living in the Pylsteeg, assisted by Truyken Loysen, his mother, was legally engaged to Catelynken Raes Thomasdr., 18 years old, living as above, assisted by Thomas Raes and Beyken Schepers, her father and mother.

[signed]Adriaen van Nieulandt, Kattelyne Raes - (DTB 414/66) - marriage intentions of the church - (Own research)


On 29 May 1609, Claes van Buyl, 24 years old, living on 't Water, assisted by Elbert Simonsz. Jonkheyn, his brother-in-law, was legally engaged to Truytgen Roemers Visschersdr., 21 years old, living on the Engelse Kaay, assisted by Aefje Jans, her mother, showing the consent of her father Roemer Visscher. - (De Navorscher)


On 20 June 1609, Antoine van Breen Gilissoon, from Dordrecht, 37 years old, living on the O.Z. Voorburgwal, assisted by Anthony Smyters, his uncle, was legally engaged to Marie van Breen Guillaumdr., from Antwerp, 34 years old, living in the St. Annendwarsstraat, assisted by Guillam van Breen and Claesken Bodaens, her father and mother.

[signed] Anthony van Breen, Maria van Breen - (DTB 414/89) - marriage intentions of the church - (Own research)


On 27 June 1609, Jacob van Schagen, from Leiden, former shipcaptain, widower of Gerritgen Pietersdr., was legally engaged to Maeyken de Cores, living on the Ossenmarkt. - (De Navorscher)


On 22 August 1609, Jan de Marees, from Antwerp, 25 years old, assisted by his father Abraham de Marees and his mother Maria Gemmar, was legally engaged to Clara Baron, from Antwerp, 16 years old, assisted by her father Jan Baron. (DTB 414/126) - (van Dillen)


On 17 October 1609, Herbert Jans, from Harlingen, 23 tears old, hatmaker, living near the Haarlemmerpoort close to the Brouwersgracht, parents dead, was legally engaged to Pietertje Jacobs, from Ameland, living as above, widow for at least one year of Tjaling Corneliss. (DTB 414/172) - (Own research)


On 23 October 1609, Adriaen Mondekens, from Cologne, 23 years old, living on the O.Z. Voorburgwal, assisted by Elisabeth Mortier and Paulus Mondekens, his parents, was legally engaged to Maria de Marez, from Wesel, 19 years old, since six years living in the Nes, assisted by her uncle Jan de Marez, her uncle.

[signed] Adriaen Mondekens, Maria de Mares - (DTB 414/176) - marriage intentions of the church - (Own research)


On 24 October 1609, Luycas van de Venne, from Antwerp, 36 years old, living in the Singel near the Jan Rodenpoort, parents dead, assisted by Luycas van de Wal, his granduncle, was legally engaged to Angnieta Pels, from Antwerp, 25 years old, living on the O.Z. Voorburgwal, assisted by Pieter Pels, her father.

[signed] Lucas van de Venne, Angnieta Pels - (DTB 414/178) - marriage intentions of the church - (Own research)


On 6 November 1609, Jan Claesz. Hoolesloot, 21 years old, living on the O.Z. Voorburgwal, assisted by his grandfather Andries Hollesloot, was legally engaged to Marie Jacobs, 21 years old, living in the Kalverstraat, assisted by her parents (DTB 666/201) - (Montias)


On 12 November 1609, Johan Michiels van Vaerlaer, from Cologne, 31 years old, living in the Warmoesstraat since 13 years, parents dead, assisted by Adriaen van Koesvelt, his brother-in-law, was legally engaged to Christina Pieters Ruytenborgh, 18 years old, living on the O.Z. Achterburgwal, assisted by Pieter Gerritsz Ruytenborgh and Aelken Pieters, her parents. Married in the Oude Kerk on 29 November 1609. - (Oud Holland)


On 18 November 1609, Cornelis Matelief the younger, from Rotterdam and living there, about 40 years old, was legally engaged to Anna van Juchteren, from Aenholt [Anholt DK?], 19 years old, assisted by Geertruyd Schenk, her mother and Wessel Schenk, her moei. - (De Navorscher)


On 28 November 1609, Dirck Franssen, bode op Zeelandt, 31 years old, living in the Pieter Jacobsstraat, assisted by his mother Neeltgen Dircxdr., was legally engaged to Baefien Everts (signs Eygentyn), 24 years old, assisted by her father Evert Pietersz. (DTB 414/201) - (Montias)


On 26 December 1609, Gerrit Albertsz. Ruyl, widower of Anna Jansdr., was legally engaged to Geertruyt Pietersdr. van Paenderen, widow of Hans Matthysz., living on the Breestraat. (DTB 414/215) - (Oud Holland)


On 26 December 1609, Daniel Mits, from Cologne, widower of Agnieta Kocx, living on 't Rokin, was legally engaged to Maria des Marez, 19 years old, living in the Warmoesstraat, assisted by Abraham des Marez and Maria Gomart, her father and mother.
(signed) Daniel Mits, Maria de Marees - (DTB 414/215) - marriage intentions of the church - (Own research)



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