
Thomas Swartwout's siblings

Page history last edited by snabe003@planet.nl 11 years ago




by Cor Snabel © 2014


Finding the marriage intention of Ryckje Swartwout and the sponsors at the baptism records of her children were the keys to find and connect most siblings of Thomas Swartwout.



The family of


sister of Thomas Swartwout


Gerrit Gerritsz Roelvinck, born in Nahuys [?] about 1612, tobacco merchant on the Brouwersgracht in Amsterdam, was buried 28 October 1678 in the Oude Kerk in Amsterdam.[1]

On 13 April 1641 he registered intention [2] to marry with Riske Swartwout, born in Groningen about 1614, buried 19 July 1663 in the Oude Kerk in Amsterdam.[3]

They had at least 8 children:

  1. Roelof Roelvinck, bapt. 16 February 1642 in the Noorderkerk in Amsterdam.[4] (sponsor at baptism: Annetje Swartwout, sister of his mother)

  2. Tryntje Roelvinck, bapt. 20 September 1643 in the Noorderkerk in Amsterdam.[5] (no sponsor at baptism)

  3. Geertruyt Roelvinck, bapt. 4 December 1644 in the Noorderkerk in Amsterdam,[6] (sponsor at baptism: Geertruyt Schutte, wife of Harmen Swartwout)

  4. Geertruyt Roelvinck, bapt. 10 December 1645 in the Noorderkerk in Amsterdam.[7] (sponsor at baptism: Geertruyt Swartwout, probably Geertruyt Schutte)

  5. Roelof Roelvinck, bapt. 17 Seprember 1647 in the Oude Kerk in Amsterdam.[8] (sponsor at baptism: Wybrant Swartwout, brother of his mother)

  6. Maria Roelvinck, bapt. 23 February 1649 in the Oude Kerk in Amsterdam.[9] (sponsor at baptism: Geertruyt Roelvinck, sister of her father)

  7. Egbertus Roelvinck, bapt. 18 February 1652 in the Noorderkerk in Amsterdam.[10] (sponsor at baptism: Harmen Swartwout, brother of his mother)

  8. Gerrit Roelvinck, bapt. 8 August 1655 in the Noorderkerk in Amsterdam.[11] (sponsor at baptism: Geertruyt Roelvinck, sister of his father)


Rykje Swartwout was a sponsor at the baptism of:

Cornelis, son of Thomas Swartwout, her brother, on 15 May 1636.

Tryntje, daughter of Harmen Swartwout, her brother, on 17 February 1637.

Johannis, son of Harmen Swartwout, her brother, on 22 January 1643.



The family of


brother of Thomas Swartwout


Wybrant Swartwout, born in Groningen about 1592, brewer's hand on the Haarlemmersluys in Amsterdam. On 9 April 1622 he registered intention [12] to marry with Gerbrich Harmens, born about 1592.

They had at least one child:

  1. Sweertjen [Assuera] Swartwout, bapt. 16 March 1623 in the Oude Kerk in Amsterdam.[13] (sponsor at baptism: Betjen Henrix, unknown)


Wybrant Swartwout was a sponsor at the baptism of:

Roelof, son of Rykje Swartwout, his sister, on 17 September 1647.

Gerbrich Harmens was sponsor at the baptism of:

Femmetje, daughter of Harmen Swartwout, on 21 May 1630.


Wybrant Swartwout was rather active in buying and selling houses, starting in 1627. In 1660 he was still alive, when he and Floris Jansz Adelaer sold a house and land. This Floris Adelaer is an intriguing man, because on two occasions he also was sponsor at the baptism of Harmen Swartwout's children.



The family of


sister of Thomas Swartwout


Laurens Grapengieter, chirurgyn in de Kapelsteeg in Amsterdam. On 5 December 1631 he registered intention [14] to marry with Annetje Swartwout, born in Groningen about 1601.

They had no children (baptized in Amsterdam). He died before 1636.

She remarried. On 15 March 1636 she registered intention [15] to marry to Jeuriaen Jansen.

They had no children (baptized in Amsterdam).


Annetje Swartwout was a sponsor at the baptism of:

Roelof, son of Rykje Swartwout, her sister, on 16 February 1642.



The family of


brother of Thomas Swartwout


Harmen Swartwout, born in Groningen about 1608, buried 27 February 1671 in the Noorderkerk in Amsterdam.[16] On 21 April 1629 he registered intention [17] to marry with Geertruy Schutte, born about 1609 in Lochem.

They had at least 17 children:

  1. Femmetje Swartwout, bapt. 21 May 1630 in the Nieuwe Kerk in Amsterdam.[18] (sponsor at baptism: Gerbrichje Swartwout, probably Gerbrich Harmens, wife of Wybrant Swartwout)

  2. Geertje Swartwout, bapt. 7 December 1631 in the Nieuwe Kerk in Amsterdam.[19] (sponsor at baptism: Hendrickje Barents, wife of Thomas Swartwout)

  3. Jannetje Swartwout, bapt. 14 August 1633 in the Nieuwe Kerk in Amsterdam.[20] (sponsor at baptism: Otto Schutte, probably a brother of her mother)

  4. Roelof [Rudolphus] Swartwout, bapt. 11 February 1635 in the Nieuwe Kerk in Amsterdam.[21] (sponsor at baptism: Truytje Dirx, unknown)

  5. Tryntje Swartwout, bapt. 17 February 1637 in the Nieuwe Kerk in Amsterdam.[22] (sponsor at baptism: Ryckje Swartwout, sister of her father)

  6. Hendrick Swartwout, bapt. 2 November 1638 in the Nieuwe Kerk in Amsterdam.[23] (sponsor at baptism: Joost Schutte, probably a brother of his mother)

  7. Jan Swartwout, bapt. 31 January 1640 in the Nieuwe Kerk in Amsterdam.[24] (sponsor at baptism: Jan Schutte, probably a brother of his mother)

  8. Femmetje Swartwout, bapt. 22 January 1641 in the Nieuwe Kerk in Amsterdam.[25] (sponsor at baptism: Lutgetje Swartwout, unknown)

  9. Asweertje [Assuera] Swartwout, bapt. 19 January 1642 in the Nieuwe Kerk in Amsterdam.[26] (sponsor at baptism: Truytje Dirx, unknown)

  10. Johannis Swartwout, bapt. 22 January 1643 in the Oude Kerk in Amsterdam.[27] (sponsor at baptism: Aecht de Koote, unknown and Rykje Swartwout, sister of his father)

  11. Annetje Swartwout, bapt. 22 December 1643 in the Nieuwe Kerk in Amsterdam.[28] (sponsor at baptism: Tryntje Rasfelts, unknown)

  12. Egbert Swartwout, bapt. 23 February 1645 in the Nieuwe Kerk in Amsterdam.[29] (sponsor at baptism: Claes Ooms, unknown)

  13. Maria Swartwout, bapt. 22 May 1646 in the Oude Kerk in Amsterdam.[30] (sponsor at baptism: Lysbet Schutte, probably a sister of her mother)

  14. Isaac Swartwout, bapt. 15 December 1647 in the Oude Kerk in Amsterdam.[31] (sponsor at baptism: Joris Adelaar, unknown and Andries Mensing, unknown)

  15. Abraham Swartwout, bapt. 15 December 1647 in the Oude Kerk in Amsterdam.[32] (sponsor at baptism: Joris Adelaar, unknown and Andries Mensing, unknown)

  16. Sara Swartwout, bapt. 9 May 1649 in the Nieuwe Kerk in Amsterdam.[33] (sponsor at baptism: Katryn Buys, unknown)

  17. Abraham Swartwout, 18 October 1650 in the Oude Kerk in Amsterdam.[34] {sponsor at baptism: Joris Adelaer, unknown)


Harmen Swartwout was sponsor at the baptism of:

Egbertus, son of Rykje Swartwout, his sister on 18 February 1652

Geertruyt Schutte was sponsor at the baptism of:

Geertruyt, daughter of Rykje Swartwout, on 4 December 1644.

Geertruyt, daughter of Rykje Swartwout, on 10 December 1645.

Jacomyntje, daughter of Thomas Swartwout, on 22 February 1646




The following notarial document also confirms the family relationship between Thomas Swartwout en Harmen Swartwout.

[Thanks to Chris Brooks for sharing this].


Notarial Archives Stadsarchief Amsterdam [35] Notary Cornelis de Grijp, Amsterdam.


Roelof Swartwout, living in New Netherland, now here present and Cornelis Swartwout, living here, sons of Thomas Swartwout and Hendrickje Barendts. Harmen Swartwout and Otto Barentsz Smient in the name of Hendrickje Barendtss, having power of attorney from her husband Thomas Swartwout, who stood bail in 165(?) for an amount of 735 guilders. Because the first-mentioned are now adults, they declare that they want to release Harmen Swartwout from their share of the amount. Dated 7 April 1660.


This was just before Roeloff Swartwout returned to New Netherland on the Bonte Koe, which sailed on 16 April 1660 from Amsterdam. Perhaps he was in Amsterdam for the wedding of his brother Cornelis on 31 January 1660.




I could not find any burial records for “old” Roelof Swartwout from Groningen and his wife Tryntje. But from the marriage intentions we are able to pin down the approximate death date of “old” Roelof.

In 1622 when his son Wybrant is going to get married, he has to bring in proof of his father's consent, so Roelof must have been alive. In 1631 daughter Annetje has to bring in proof of her mother's consent, so daddy must have past away.

When Ryckje is going to get married in 1641 she testifies that both her parents are dead, so mother Tryntje must have died between 1631 and 1641




However, there is one Swartwout from Groningen that I was not able to connect to the siblings above and that is Jan Swartwout.



The family of


brother [?] of Thomas Swartwout


Jan Swartwout, born in Groningen about 1596, tailor on 't Rokin. On 21 March 1619 he registered intention [36] to marry with Grietje Dirx, born about 1589.

They had at least one child:

1. Marytje, bapt. 11 July 1621 in the Oude Kerk in Amsterdam.[37] (sponsor at baptism: Jan de Wael, unknown)







1 : Source: burials: Stadsarchief Amsterdam DTB 1047, p.252/253

2 : Source: marriage intentions: Stadsarchief Amsterdam 13 April 1641 – DTB 455, p.196

Gerrit Gerritsz Roelvinck, van Nahuys [?], tabackvercoper & Rixke Swarthout, van Groningen, beyde op de Brouwersgracht, out 27 jaren, geen ouders hebbend, hy out 29 jaer

[ondertekend] Gerrit Gerritsz Roelvinck, Ryckge Swartwout.


Gerrit Gerritsz Roelvinck, from Nahuys [?], tobacco merchant & Rixke Swarthout, from Groningen, both living on the Brouwersgracht, 27 years old, parents dead, he 29 years old. [signed] Gerrit Gerritsz Roelvinck, Ryckge Swartwout.

3 : burials: Stadsarchief Amsterdam DTB 1047, p.102/103

4 : Source: baptisms: Stadsarchief Amsterdam DTB 75, p.27

5 : Source: baptisms: Stadsarchief Amsterdam DTB 75, p.79

6 : Source: baptisms: Stadsarchief Amsterdam DTB 75, p.123

7 : Source: baptisms: Stadsarchief Amsterdam DTB 75, p.155

8 : Source: baptisms: Stadsarchief Amsterdam DTB 8, p.138

9 : Source: baptisms: Stadsarchief Amsterdam DTB 8, p.202

10 : Source: baptisms: Stadsarchief Amsterdam DTB 75, p.311

11 : Source: baptisms: Stadsarchief Amsterdam DTB 76, p.37

12 : Source: marriage intentions: Stadsarchief Amsterdam 9 April 1622 – DTB 427, p.77

Wybrant Swartwouts, van Groningen, brouwersgesel, wiens vaders consent voor tweede gebodt ingebracht sal moeten worden, 4 ans woon~ op de Haerlemersluys, ter eenre & Gerberich Harmans, van …..., out 30 jaeren, wiens vaders consent ons bleek, 15 ans woon~

opt Water, ter andre zyde. [ondertekend] Wibrant Swartwout, Garbrecht Harmens.


Wybrant Swartwouts, from Groningen, brewer's hand, whose father's consent should be brought in before the second proclamation, 4 years living on the Haarlemmersluis, on one [side] & Gerberich Harmans, from …..., 30 years old, whose father's consent is known to us, 15 years living on 't Water, on the other side. [signed] Wibrant Swartwout, Garbrecht Harmens.

13 : Source: baptisms: Stadsarchief Amsterdam DTB 6, p.43

14 : Source: marriage intentions: Stadsarchief Amsterdam 5 December 1631 – DTB 438, p.146

Laurens Grapengieter, van Arens.. [in de vouw], chirurgyn, woon~ in de Cappelsteegh & Annetie Swartwout, van Groningen, geass~ met [Wybrant Swartwout is doorgestreept] hare moeders consent inne te brengen, woon~ als voorn~, out 30 jaeren. [margin] Comisarissen Schaep & Graef remitteren het consent van de moeder & Admitteren dat het derde gebot voorgaat [ondertekend] Laurent Grapengieter, Annetyen Swartwouts.


Laurens Grapengieter, from Arens.. [in the binding], surgeon, living in the Kapelsteeg & Annetie Swartwout, from Groningen, assisted by [Wybrant Swartwout is erased] to bring in her mother's consent, living as above, 30 years old. [in the margin] Commissioners Schaep & Graef accept the mother's consent and approve that the third proclamation can continue. [signed] Laurent Grapengieter, Annetyen Swartwouts.

15 : Source: marriage intentions: Stadsarchief Amsterdam 15 March 1636 – DTB 444, p.180

16 : Source: burials: Stadsarchief Amsterdam DTB 1074, p.33vo/34

17 : Source: marriage intentions: Stadsarchief Amsterdam 21 April 1629 – DTB 434, p.127

Harman Swartswolts, van Groningen, out 21 jaer, vertoont acte van de inteckeningen tot

Groningen, onder de hant van Roloff Ysbrantsz, commissaris, woon~ op de Keysergracht & Geertruyt Schutte, van Lochem, out omtr~ 20 jaeren, woon~ als voorn~, overleggend acte van den ouders consent [ondertekend] Harmen Swartwout, Geerten Schutte.


Harmen Swartswolts, from Groningen, 21 years old, shows document of registration in Groningen, from the hand of Roloff Ysbrantsz, commisioner, living on the Keizersgracht & Geertruyt Schutte, from Lochem, abt. 20 years old, living as above, showing her parents consent. [signed] Harmen Swartwout, Geerten Schutte.

18 : Source: baptisms: Stadsarchief Amsterdam DTB 41, p.80

19 : Source: baptisms: Stadsarchief Amsterdam DTB 41, p167

20 : Source: baptisms: Stadsarchief Amsterdam DTB 41, p.265

21 : Source: baptisms: Stadsarchief Amsterdam DTB 41, p.362

22 : Source: baptisms: Stadsarchief Amsterdam DTB 42, p.8

23 : Source: baptisms: Stadsarchief Amsterdam DTB 42, p.110

24 : Source: baptisms: Stadsarchief Amsterdam DTB 42, p.178

25 : Source: baptisms: Stadsarchief Amsterdam DTB 42, p.241

26 : Source: baptisms: Stadsarchief Amsterdam DTB 42, p.291

27 : Source: baptisms: Stadsarchief Amsterdam DTB 7, p.352

28 : Source: baptisms: Stadsarchief Amsterdam DTB 42, p.390

29 : Source: baptisms: Stadsarchief Amsterdam DTB 42, p.447

30 : Source: baptisms: Stadsarchief Amsterdam DTB 8, p.91

31 : Source: baptisms: Stadsarchief Amsterdam DTB 8, p147

32 : Source: baptisms: Stadsarchief Amsterdam DTB 8, p147

33 : Source: baptisms: Stadsarchief Amsterdam DTB 43, p.111

34 : Source: baptisms: Stadsarchief Amsterdam DTB 8, p.291

35 : Source: notarial archives: Stadsarchief Amsterdam, file 2576/67, dated 7 April 1660, notary Cornelis de Gryp.

36 : Source: marriage intentions: Stadsarchief Amsterdam 21 March 1619 – DTB 423, p.190

Jan Swartwoud, van Groningen, oud 23 jaren, kleermaecker, woon~ op het Rockin & Grietje Dirx, van B..ten, oud 30 jaren, wiens moeders consent ons is gebleken, woon~ in de Warmoesstraet [ondertekend] Jan Swartwout, [haar merk]


Jan Swartwoud, from Groningen, 23 years old, tailor, living on 't Rokin & Grietje Dirx, from B..ten, 30 years old, whose mother's consent is known to us, living in the Warmoesstraat. [signed] Jan Swartwout, [her mark]

37 : Source: baptisms: Stadsarchief Amsterdam DTB 5, p.357




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